Members: Cllr A Berry (Chairman) (P) Cllr D Crichton
Cllr A Carden (P) Cllr L Price
Also present Karen Seear, Clerk to the Council.
001/22A Welcome: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the first Highways and General Purpose
Committee meeting. In his opening comments he stated that all correspondence the
developer or City Council has to be in writing or email. NOTED.
002/22A Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr D Crichton Cllr L Price.
003/22A Declarations of Interest: No declarations were made.
004/22A Minutes: This was the first meeting of the Highways and General Purpose Committee and
therefore there were no previous minutes for approval.
005/22A Public Session: Two members of the public were present. Both were residents of the
006/22A Correspondence: An email had been sent to the Council from a resident who is concerned
about anti-social behaviour occurring outside of his property. He feels this is due to the
fact a bench has been placed on the green space on Angus Way. He requested that the
bench be removed in the hope to prevent anti-social behaviour. Councillors discussed
this and felt that there are not enough benches at present in the development. The bench
should remain in place. The Chairman mentioned that the anti-social behaviour should
be reported to the Police/Winchester Community response officer. NOTED.
007/22A Outstanding Matters and Matters Arising: A discussion took place with regards to what
should be included under the Committee. It was determined that some advice regarding
adoption of highways etc.. would be needed. It was suggested that the Clerk contact
Grainger to ask if they may answer Councillors queries and or provide an update. The
Clerk suggested that each Highways Agenda have a standing item for adoption. NOTED.
008/22A Road Cleaning: The Chairman stated that he feels the roads are not being swept
appropriately. Levels of dust remain present even though areas are being swept by road
sweepers. He feels the sweepers are not effective enough so as to meet health and safety
requirements. The Chairman reported that only main roads are being cleaned. The Clerk
was asked to contact Grainger and the other developers in the area to ask them what they
intend to do with regards to the issue. NOTED.
The meeting closed at 9.10 pm.
The next meeting of the Highways and General purpose Committee is scheduled for Thursday 15th July
2021 starting at 7.30pm
Public Session Highways and General Purpose Committee – 3 June 2021
A resident had previously made a telephone call to the Parish Office to report concerns she had. The
Clerk invited the resident along to the meeting and asked her write to the Council detailing concerns
she had. Her email was circulated prior to the meeting. The resident and her neighbour were in
attendance at the meeting and wished to follow up her email.
The resident wished to make the follow comments,
• Completion of the SUDS area opposite Laxton Leaze. Fencing which was in place has become
strewn across the field. Children have been playing in the area and the wind has also caused
damage. The area requires landscaping and maintenance.
• Local landscaping. The resident wished to point out that landscaping to the Laxton Leaze area
has become quite infrequent. A contractor had attended that day and did not pay due care and
attention, cutting wild flowers in the verge and leaving some areas of grass uncut.
• Grass cutting for the field opposite Laxton Leaze. The grass is particularly long in this area.
Children play here and residents walk their dogs, it has become increasing difficult to pick up
after their dogs have visited the area.
• Local Bins. The resident feels that there are not enough bins in the area to cope with the amount
of litter in the development.
• Building waste. The resident reported several cases of builders waste littering the development,
the waste gets blown around in bad weather and ends up in places like the stream which
potentially could harm wildlife and residents.
Cllr A Carden suggested that this would be easily rectified by contacting the representative from
Grainger to let her know about these problems. The Clerk stated that she would pass on the residents
correspondence. The Chairman of the Committee also stated that he would visit the area and draft a
report on the issues in the area with photographic evidence. His report will be dealt with at the next
meeting of Full Council. The residents were invited to come back to the next Highways and General
Purpose meeting if they felt that these issues were still outstanding. NOTED.