Members: Cllr A Berry (Chairman) (P) Cllr D Crichton (P)
Cllr A Carden (P) Cllr L Price (P)
Also present Karen Seear, Clerk to the Council.
009/22A Apologies: All Councillors were present.
010/22A Declarations of Interest: No declarations were made.
011/22A Minutes: The minutes from the Highways and General Purpose Meeting held on 15 July
2021 were received. It was UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the minutes of the
council meeting be accepted as an accurate record and were duly signed by the
012/22A Public Session: There was no requirement for a public session.
013/22A Outstanding Matters and Matters Arising: Cllr D Crichton mentioned that as there were
two new phases of the development underway, street names for which will need to be
considered. The previous Clerk may have held the names on file and the Clerk was asked
to check whether they were still on file. Cllr D Crichton also suggested making contact
with a representative at Winchester City Council for assistance. He also suggested
contacting Grainger to establish how many new roads are expected to be in the
development. NOTED. The Highways and General Purpose committee will be
responsible for the naming of the new roads. A procedure needs to be agreed upon and a
formula as to how the names will be chosen. Cllr A Carden stated that this will be of
interest to the new developers as they will be making plans in respect of this matter.
014/22A Correspondence: Correspondence had been received from Grainger with regards to a
having a risk assessment in place, post Covid regarding the use of the community hall.
The Waterlooville Area Community Association had also been contacted with regards to
this. Cllr A Carden recalled that previously WACA had undertaken the risk assessment
on behalf of the Council. It was suggested that they be contacted and asked for an updated
risk assessment. Any hirer who is using the Hall will now be required to submit a new
updated risk assessment. NOTED.
The issue of keys for users was discussed. It was decided that users should liaise with
WACA to agree how best to gain access to the hall. NOTED.
015/22A Previous Correspondence: Two members of the public who are residents of the Parish
were in attendance at the last meeting. They had hi-lighted some issues that they were
concerned about. The Chairman gave an update as to whether the issues had been
rectified. He stated that some issues had been dealt with and some were outstanding. The
outstanding issues were, fencing, weed control and rubbish. Cllr D Crichton stated that
in the Wellington Park area of the development a volunteer organization, Trashbusters
had been clearing rubbish and tidying areas. He had made contact with the organizer and
also mentioned their work to the Parish Warden. The question was raised as to whether
the Council could potentially work with the organization to tackle the problem of litter.
The Chairman stated that if the Council is asking Trashbusters to carry out work on behalf
of the Council, a risk assessment will be required. Cllr A Carden mentioned that if the
organization are asked to carry out work then there are potential issues that may arise.
Cllr D Crichton suggested he could contact Trashbusters for a risk assessment and also
ask the Clerk to write to the Neighbourhood Officer to ask for a copy of their risk
assessment as she had previously carried out work in-conjunction with Havant Borough
Council. It was UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to consider working with
Trashbusters, this will be discussed further at the next Committee meeting. A
representative will also be invited along to attend.
It was asked that the current asset register be updated with the new litter picking
equipment, noting its value. The Parish Warden currently stores this equipment. It was
suggested insurance regarding this be checked. The Warden will need to update his house
contents insurance stating that he is storing items for work. This matter will also be
considered by the Finance and Personnel Committee and Full Council. If costs go up with
the level of cover of insurance required, the Council will cover costs. NOTED.
016/22A Highways Adoption: Grainger are in the process of getting the first phase of roads in the
Berewood side of the development adopted by Hampshire Highways. An agreement has
already been made between the two parties regarding the road markings already laid will
remain in place upon adoption and will have legal force. It is hoped a similar process
could be agreed in Wellington Park. With regards to the Wellington Park area of the
development, the cycle path still requires finishing, a lack of building materials has
slowed the process down. It is hoped that the work will be completed during Autumn
2021. Cllr D Crichton also mentioned that road name signs in Wellington Park are not
all of the same standard as required by Winchester City Council. One road sign name is
correct, others should follow the same format. Council need to consider if the signs
should be replaced. The Chairman suggested that as street name signs wear out they
should be replaced with the Winchester standard signs. Taylor Wimpey is currently
responsible for the maintenance of the signs. The Clerk was asked to contact Taylor
Wimpey with regards to this matter asking them to replace any signs which currently need
replacing in the correct format. There are currently a number of street signs which do
require replacing, Taylor Wimpey will be reminded of this. The Chairman mentioned
that the weed control issue is still outstanding. NOTED.
017/22A Parish Warden: The way in which the Parish Warden carries out work for the Highways
and General Purpose Committee was discussed. The Chairman suggested he arrange for
a walkaround of the development with the Warden, hi-lighting any issues. Cllr A Carden
suggested that the Warden become the eyes and eyes of the development, reporting any
incidents to the Clerk who will then report on to the relevant committee. The Chairman
asked about whether the Warden’s PPE equipment had been ordered? The Clerk had
placed an order for the required equipment and hopes to have delivery of the items shortly.
018/22A Other Reports: Cllr D Crichton mentioned a company called, Artecology. A company
which carries out biodiversity surveys. The are currently working with some of the
companies within the development. The Chairman asked whether they may like to attend
a committee meeting to give a talk about what they do in relation to Proxima Park and to
give an overview of their organization. NOTED.
It was also suggested that the Clerk begin to keep an index of all the companies that the
Council deal with and to report back any matters arising to the next committee meeting.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm.
The next meeting of the Highways and General purpose Committee is scheduled for Thursday 7
October 2021 starting at 7.30pm