
Full Council Meeting Minutes 20.05.21

Minutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021

7.30 pm
Members: Cllr D Crichton (Chair) (P) Cllr O Barneveld
Cllr A Berry (P) Cllr A Carden (P)
Cllr A Kirby (P) Cllr J Parry (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr M Read (P)
Cllr F Tingle
Also present were C/Cllr Patricia Stallard, D/Cllr Neil Cutler and Karen Seear Clerk to the Council.
018/22C Election of Chairman
Cllr D Crichton invited nominations for the Chairman of the Council.
Cllrs Crichton and Berry were proposed.
A vote was taken by a show of hands.
It was RESOLVED by a majority that Cllr Crichton be elected as Chairman of the Parish
Council, for the municipal year 2021/2022.
Declaration of Acceptance of Office:-
Cllr Crichton read and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of the Office of Chairman which
was also signed by the Clerk to the Council.
019/22C Election of Vice-Chairman
Nominations were invited for Vice-Chairman of the Council.
Cllr A Carden was proposed and seconded. It was unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr A Carden
be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council, for the municipal year 2021/2022.
020/22C Structure and membership of Committees and Sub-Committees for the ensuing municipal
year (2021/22):
a) Confirmation of Committee Structure: It had previously been determined to set up a
Highways and general purposes committee and the name of the Finance committee would
change to the Finance and Personnel Committee. It was unanimously RESOLVED that
the Parish Council would setup the Committee for Highways and General purposes.
b) Councillors for each Committee were determined. It was noted that two councillors were
not present. Cllr F Tingle had informed the Council of her intention to stand down and Cllr
O Barneveld was absent.
c) The Chairman for each Committee was determined. It was unanimously RESOLVED
that Councillor L Price is Chair of the Finance and Personnel Committee.
It was unanimously RESOLVED that Councillor A Carden is Chair of the Planning
It was unanimously RESOLVED that Councillor M Read is Chair of the Amenities
It was unanimously RESOLVED that Councillor A Berry is Chair of the Highways
and General Purposes Committee.
Committee membership was determined as follows:
Amenities Committee – Cllr M Read, Cllr A Kirby, Cllr Jason Parry and Cllr Lewes Price.
Finance and Personnel Committee – Cllr L Price, Cllr A Carden, Cllr D Crichton (now
Cllr O Barneveld) and Cllr A Kirby.
Highways and General Purpose Committee – Cllr A Berry, Cllr D Crichton, Cllr A
Carden and Cllr L Price.
Planning Committee – All Councillors.
d) The terms of reference for the Highways and General Purposes Committee were previously
circulated. It was unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the terms of reference for the
Highways and General Purposes Committee.
021/22C Appointment of Parish Councillors
i) West of Waterlooville – It was RESOLVED that Cllr A Berry and Cllr D
Crichton would represent Newlands Parish Council at meetings.
ii) HALC – It was RESOLVED to reappoint Cllr D Crichton as the Council’s
representative for HALC.
iii) Southern Parishes – It was RESOLVED to reappoint Cllrs Crichton and Berry
to represent the Council at the Southern Parishes meetings.
iv) WACA – It was RESOLVED to reappoint Cllr A Kirby as the Council’s
representative for WACA.
022/22C Councillors Guidance from the Governance officer had previously been circulated. It was asked
at what point would membership of the Parish Council will increase. Grainger had also provided
an idea of how many households are expected within the next two years. Using the figures provided
an additional Councillor will not be given within the next two years. At the next Annual Parish
meeting this item will be returned to. The Council is likely to continue with 9 members throughout
this term and into the next elected term. NOTED.
023/22C Schedule of Council meetings for 2021/22 The schedule of meetings had been drawn up by the
previous clerk. It was agreed to review the schedule and re-circulate after the review. NOTED.
024/22C Apologies Apologies were received from Cllr F Tingle and Cllr O Barneveld. Cllr F Tingle had
also given notice of her intention to stand down as Councillor and Chair of the Finance Committee.
The Chairman is sorry to see her leave and appreciates her work over the last two years. NOTED.
025/22C Parish Matters
Public Participation: There was no requirement for a public session.
026/22C County and District Councillors Reports
a) C/Cllr P Stallard gave her verbal report. She had previously sent a written report to the Council
which had been circulated. C/Cllr P Stallard is very pleased to be back after the election which
took place on the 6th May. She updated the Council, reporting the changes at Hampshire County
Council and spoke about there being a cabinet reshuffle. C/Cllr P Stallard will not be taking up a
seat this year. After the previous Council meeting C/Cllr P Stallard had looked into the query raised
regarding the bollards in the Wellington Park area of the development. She had not been able to
gain an answer to this query. The Chairman suggested that this matter be looked at again at the
point of adoption with Hampshire Highways. There are many queries regarding the bollards, access
for emergency vehicles is still a cause for concern. The Chairman stated he would be contacting
Kevin Mitchell with regards to these issues. Cllr M Read reported that there are retractable bollards
in situ in an area in Knowle. These have been working well. The management of which is carried
out by the developer. Cllr A Berry had talked to the fire service with regards to the matters raised,
he reported that there are implications of both the bollards being in place and the planned closure of
Sickle Way, he suggested that a walk around be planned with Hampshire Highways now that the
Council has a Highways Committee in place. Cllr A Berry was asked to arrange this. NOTED.
D/Cllr N Cutler gave a verbal report. He summarized what had happened after the election and
reported that things remain very much as they were before. He remains Deputy leader and he has
the responsibility for Finance and service quality. D/Cllr A Clear is a member of the cabinet, with
responsibility for Communities. She will continue to Chair the West of Waterlooville forum on that
basis. They are looking once again at how the forum can develop, probably being more community
than planning based. Emphasis was given to the importance of both Havant and Winchester working
together to develop this. D/Cllr N Cutler reported that there had been a virtual Mayor making
ceremony. The Annual meeting of Council had been held. He mentioned that there had been a lot
of work and extra cost in trying to accommodate 45 Councillors for this in person event, this could
have been avoided had the law regarding virtual meetings been allowed to continue.
The Chairman would like to invite both new Mayors to two events currently being planned by
Grainger within the Parish, he would also like to offer them both a tour. He hopes that both Mayors
also attend future Parish events. NOTED.
D/Cllr M Read gave a verbal report, he confirmed D/Cllr N Cutler’s views. A 15 minute Council
meeting was held face to face, which would have been much easier had meetings been allowed to
continue virtually. He updated the Council, regarding Ward Councillors in Denmead, Cllr Brook
is once again Chair of the Scrutiny Committee. Cllr M Read is a member of the Licensing and
Regulation Committee and the Planning committee. He noted that the joint planning Committee
was not agreed at the last meeting. He hi-lighted the importance of this. He understands this will
be confirmed in June. The Chairman then asked District Councillors to unlock the 3 applications
submitted by Grainger as these have been delayed. Cllr M Read stated that these applications should
be considered by the joint planning committee and will be considered once the meeting is set up.
027/22C Outside Bodies
a) AQUIND: The planning proposal by Aquind has been completed by the planning inspectorate.
There is a degree of uncertainty regarding the next steps. The French equivalent of the National
grid has not yet offered support for the project. The Chairman has suggested that residents who
oppose the project should lobby MP’s to use the same process that was used by the Stonehenge
project, where the enquiry was opened up again. Cllr L Price mentioned the carbon emissions
initiative which may affect the decision. The matter will be returned to as and when updates become
available. NOTED.
028/22C Communications
Website: The website was running well and there were no updates to report.
Resident Communication: A resident had been in touch with the Council regarding the painting of
yellow lines on Grainger Street. The Council had previously advised the resident on this matter.
He had made a formal complaint against the Council. The Chairman had written a letter in response.
The resident was advised that if he wished to make a complaint against any Councillor, he should
contact Winchester City Council. NOTED.
Social Media: As there were no outstanding items regarding this, the Chairman wished to take this
matter to the next full council meeting for consideration. Cllr A Berry asked if Parish noticeboards
can be used? The Chairman stated that they are currently being used and it was asked to look at
places where additional noticeboards are required. NOTED.
029/22C Outside bodies:
Southern Parishes. A meeting had taken place. The Chairman had nothing to report back at this
meeting. NOTED.
030/22C Financial Matters
Orders for Payment: It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payments detailed on the Orders
for Payment list 02 should be APPROVED in the sum of £14.39 including VAT and that
further payments of £ 1,087.24 including VAT were RAFIFIED and that NIL receipts are
031/22C Other reports: Cllr A Berry questioned whether guidelines had been given to hall users regarding
the safe use of the hall in line with Covid 19 regulations. It was suggested that Cllr A Kirby (WACA
representative) and the Chairman will contact WACA to ensure that users have all information
required. NOTED.
032/22C It was RESOLVED that in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act
1960 to exclude the public and press for discussions regarding personnel matters where
publicity might be prejudicial to the special nature of the business.
The meeting closed at 8.44pm
The next meeting is the Annual Council Meeting this will be held on 1
st July 2021.
Please note minutes of meetings are published as soon as possible on the website to help residents. However,
they do not become the formal record of the meeting until agreed or otherwise at the next meeting. Therefore,
you should always check to see whether any amendments have been made.