
Full Council Meeting Minutes 22.04.21

Minutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021

Members: Cllr D Crichton (Chair) (P) Cllr O Barneveld
Cllr A Berry (P) Cllr A Carden (P)
Cllr A Kirby (P) Cllr J Parry (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr M Read (P)
Cllr F Tingle
Also on the call were C/Cllr Patricia Stallard and Karen Seear Clerk to the Council.
001/22C Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr O Barneveld and Cllr F Tingle.
002/22C Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was the Ward Councillor for
Winchester City Council.
003/22C Minutes
The minutes from the Council Meeting held on 18 March 2021 were received. It was unanimously
RESOLVED that the minutes of the council meeting be accepted as an accurate record and
will be duly signed by the Chairman at a later date.
004/22C Matters arising and outstanding matters from Previous Minutes.
a) Vandalism at Auger Way: The Council has been chasing this item for quite some time. The
Chairman noted that there is also a bollard at Ayrshire Road that is missing a padlock. He
suggested contacting Taylor Wimpey again for more clarification. Questions have arisen
as to whether these bollards should be locked. Cllr A Berry stated this could be due to
required access by emergency services. A discussion took place regarding this issue, two
situations are apparent. 1. Bollards are lockable, but this would mean emergency services
are unable to gain access if required. 2. That they remain unlocked, this allows access for
any vehicle. The Chairman is unsure whether this is a parish matter at present as Taylor
Wimpey still have ownership of this part of the development. He then went on to add, that
once the area is adopted by the Council, will this matter be a Parish matter or a matter for
Hampshire Highways? C/Cllr P Stallard likened the area with the bollards to Knowle, the
management company is responsible for this. C/Cllr P Stallard offered her help and will
find out more with regards to this matter. Cllr J Parry mentioned that he had spoken to a
workman who explained that plastic bollards are removable with a tool and may be an
option. D/Cllr M Read stated that if the area in question is a footpath, no vehicular access
is allowed. There will be a road route for emergency vehicles. It was agreed to put this
matter on hold and update the Council with more information once it becomes available.
005/22C Public Participation: There was no requirement for a public session.
006/22C County and District Councillors Reports
a) C/Cllr P Stallard gave a verbal report. The number of children in custody and care continues to rise
steadily. There are over 1000 referrals a week. The need to recruit more foster carers remains as
critical as ever. It is of great importance that children are looked after in Hampshire, so that not
only are they are close to their families, the cost to taxpayers is minimized, paying outside authorities
to look after the County’s children is extortionate. The Chief Executive of Winchester City Council,
John Coughlan is retiring. He has had a tough time seeing the Council through Co-vid. It is sad to
see him go and he will be missed. There have been a great number of applicants for the nationally
advertised role. The Chairman wished to pass on the Council’s best wishes to John Coughlan.
Thanks were given to C/Cllr P Stallard.
D/Cllr M Read gave a brief update, due to Purdah only a limited amount of business is allowed to
take place. A planning meeting had taken place, and it was noted that a County Highways Officer
was in attendance which was very beneficial. Dates have been received for meetings next year. The
West of Waterlooville Forum has been allotted 3 meeting slots. The joint planning element now
also requires consideration. Thanks were given to D/Cllr M Read.
007/22C Parish Matters:
i) Development and adoptions: The Chairman gave an update regarding the Taylor Wimpey part of
the development. He mentioned several items of correspondence which concern buyers solicitors
searches regarding road adoption. The Chairman was able to provide more information regarding
this matter and he will circulate this via the Parish Facebook page. The TP1 transfer document for
every property in Wellington Park Schedule 4, item 1 explains that there is a commitment from TW
for road adoption with an indemnity in place should there be any problems.
Road adoption, there is a section 38 agreement already in place for the Spine road and phase 1 and
2. There is normally a 12 month period from proposal to adoption. Hampshire highways have
agreed that once remedial items are complete, the spine road will be adopted.
There is a section 37 in place which states there is a deed of dedication between the two parties.
This dedication means that the developer will commit to handing over all the roads, lighting,
footpaths etc. within Wellington Park, except one road – Moorit Place, upon adoption.
Details regarding the management of this area are yet to be determined.
Work to the entrance of Sickle Way is due to commence shortly. There are several surveys required,
and there are works along Hambledon Road which also need completing at the same time.
The Chairman mentioned that some of the lighting in Wellington Park was installed before the PFI
lighting project. New lampposts are low energy and self-reporting, as part of the adoption
replacement lighting may need consideration. This may be carried out by Hampshire highways,
confirmation is awaited.
Planning applications have been submitted by Dicentra for the business parks. The remaining
portion of land, next to Wellington Vale is being treated separately, and Taylor Wimpey is in the
process of completing the sale, as yet the Council is unaware of what the land will be used for.
Grainger has an agreement in place with Hampshire highways. Road markings will be placed over
the initial parts of the Berewood site and once the roads adopted, markings will be carried on. The
access road to the development from the Ladybridge roundabout looks like a 2 to 3 year project.
ii) Community Plan: Katie Bone gave a written report which had previously been circulated. She
reported back detailing that the skateboarding sessions over Easter had been a success. The
Chairman thanked Katie Bone and Mark Maitland for their work on the community plan. NOTED.
iii) HBC land: The Chairman wished to formally record that the Havant part of the development due to
be adopted had been agreed upon following a meeting which he had attended. The agreement also
extends to Yew Gardens and an area in Phase 8, along the London Road. There is movement
towards competition. The section 104 agreement requires a signature to complete and two pumps
at the pumping station have been replaced.
008/22C Communications
a) Website: The Clerk suggested that the footpath maps that Grainger have produced could be added
to the parish website. NOTED.
b) Newsletter: The idea of producing a Parish newsletter/bulletin had previously been suggested.
Several other publications have been produced and circulated recently. The Chairman suggested to
putting this matter on hold for the time being and will return to it at a later date. NOTED.
c) Stonewater: An email had been received in response to the Clerks letter. It was suggested to gain
feedback from residents with regards to this matter to see if issues had been rectified and to continue
to monitor the situation. NOTED.
d) Resident communication: Communication from a resident had been received regarding yellow lines
on Grainger Street. Grainger Street will be one of the first roads to be painted with yellow lines.
The resident has written explaining he was unaware that when he purchased his property that yellow
lines would be placed on the street. Cllr A Carden mentioned that all residents would have received
the same legal contract, stating that residents should not be parked on roads. Each property has
dedicated parking spaces. The Chairman stated that this is not a Parish matter, as it is outside of
Council’s authority and jurisdiction and can only be dealt with by the parties involved. The
resident’s communication is NOTED.
009/22C Outside Bodies
a) AQUIND: The planning proposal by Aquind has been completed by the planning inspectorate.
There is a degree of uncertainty regarding the next steps. The French equivalent of the National
grid, the PTE, have offered support for the project. The Chairman has suggested that residents who
oppose the project should lobby MP’s to use the same process that was used by the Stonehenge
project, where the enquiry was opened up again. Cllr L Price mentioned the carbon emissions
initiative which may affect the decision. The matter will be returned as and when updates become
available. NOTED.
010/22C Finance
Orders for Payment: It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payments detailed on the Orders
for Payment list 17 should be APPROVED in the sum of £961.91 including VAT and that
further payments of £188.38 including VAT were RAFIFIED and that NIL receipts are noted.
Bank Statements: The March bank statements had been previously circulated. The statements were
reviewed and the balances as of 31 March 2021 were agreed. The statements would be signed
at a later date by the Chairman. NOTED.
Accounts: The accounts for March had been prepared and circulated. NOTED.
011/22C Equality and diversity policy: Cllr A Carden explained the need for the policy to be in place. The
draft policy had previously been circulated. He then went on to propose the policy. Cllr L Price
seconded. It was unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the policy.
012/22C Social Media: This item had previously been discussed. It was decided to put this item on hold
whilst various options are considered. NOTED.
013/22C Parish Online: The previous Clerk has provided guidelines regarding the use of the application and
he is continuing to work on it for the Council. The Chairman would like to get it up and running as
soon as possible but feels the Council is not yet ready to make it available to the public. There are
several additional features which have recently been added. The Clerk will liaise with the former
Clerk with regards to this matter. NOTED.
014/22C Shopping trolleys: It has been noted by residents that within the development hopping trolleys are
often discarded. A query was raised as to whether a company called, Trolleywise still exists. Cllr
A Carden reported that he had recently seen a Trolleywise van and the Chairman said he had reported
a trolley using the Trolleywise app. He waits to see if his report is successful and the trolley picked
up and returned. He suggested encouraging residents to use the app to report trolleys which will be
publicized on the Parish website and Facebook page. NOTED.
015/22C Annual Council meeting: A Government hearing is expected with regards to the law surrounding
an extension of allowing virtual Council meetings. The current legislation is due to expire on the
th May 2021. As yet no updates have been received. If the law is not extended, Parish Council
meetings will return face to face. The Annual Council meeting is due to take place on the 20th May
2021. At present roofing works are being carried out to the community building and this may mean
the hall is unavailable. An option available is to consider bringing forward the meeting until the 6th
May. This date was un-favourable for some Councillors. The Clerk was asked to contact Grainger
to find out whether they anticipate the works to be complete by the set date. This item is on hold
until more information becomes available. NOTED.
016/22C Other reports: Cllr A Berry wished to report that there had been drug use materials left at the parks.
The Chairman said that at present this can only be reported to the person with responsibility until
such time the areas of open space concerned are adopted. Cllr A Berry asked D/Cllr M Read to pass
on the incident to Winchester City Council.
017/22C It was RESOLVED that in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act
1960 to exclude the public and press for discussions regarding personnel matters where
publicity might be prejudicial to the special nature of the business.
The meeting closed at 9.27pm
The next meeting is the Annual Council Meeting this will be held on 20th May 2021.
Please note minutes of meetings are published as soon as possible on the website to help residents. However,
they do not become the formal record of the meeting until agreed or otherwise at the next meeting. Therefore,
you should always check to see whether any amendments have been made.