7.30 pm
Members: Cllr D Crichton (Chair) (P) Cllr O Barneveld (P)
Cllr A Berry (P) Cllr A Carden (P)
Cllr A Kirby Cllr J Parry (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr M Read (P)
Also present were C/Cllr Patricia Stallard and Karen Seear Clerk to the Council.
033/22C Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr A Kirby.
034/22C Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was the Ward Councillor for
Winchester City Council.
035/22C Minutes
The minutes from the Annual Council Meeting held on 20 May 2021 were received. It was noted
that the members of each committee had not been stated. The Clerk will add this information to the
minutes. It was then RESOLVED that the minutes of the council meeting be accepted as an
accurate record and will be duly signed by the Chairman at a later date.
036/22C Matters arising and outstanding matters from Previous Minutes.
037/22C Public Participation: There was no requirement for a public session.
038/22C County and District Councillors Reports
a) C/Cllr P Stallard gave a verbal report. She had previously circulated a written report which is
appended to these minutes. She mentioned that the Hampshire Waste and Recycling Centre
(HWRC) based on the development will be taking part in a trial to determine if pedestrian access
to sites is viable. There are concerns as to whether or not this will impact the development due to
there being potentially more traffic parking during the mornings, but Cllr P Stallard has made the
Council aware of this and this can be monitored. The £5 charge for out of county residents will be
bought back in shortly. She queried whether ID checks will be carried out on pedestrian visitors,
this is something she will report back to the Council. The booking system currently remains in
place. On the plus side of the booking system it is felt that this is better for the environment.
Cllr P Stallard had had a meeting with Hampshire Highways and was able to report back some
statistics which are as follows – one pothole is reported or repaired every three seconds. 1,500 street
lights are maintained by Hampshire Highways. They receive 85,000 enquiries per year. They look
after 5,344 miles of road, 49 railway stations and almost 200 miles of railway track. Hampshire
Highways are also responsible for 1,750 bridges and over 2,100 gullies which have to be cleared by
law every year. The current contractor, Skanska was taken over in May by Milestones Infrastructure
– this company is still connected to Skanska. The contract remains the same. The pressures on the
fleet were also discussed, on a bad winters day they can receive any where between 100 and 400
emergency calls and each call has to be responded to within two hours. The Highways department,
like many other departments had to make efficiency saving cuts across all departments. There have
been staff redundancies. On the plus side Hampshire Highways are planning to plant over 3000
trees as part of action for climate change and they will continue to keep planting as this rate for years
to come.
A new Chief Executive has been appointed for Hampshire County Council – the first female to have
been appointed, her name is Carolyn Williamson who previously was the deputy. The post was
nationally advertised and Carolyn came through as the strongest candidate. She is officially
appointed from the 1 August 2021 and takes over from John Coughlan who is retiring. The
Chairman wished to pass on best wishes and congratulations to Carolyn from Newlands Parish
Council. C/Cllr P Stallard mentioned that there are Councillor grants available if the Council has a
project that meets requirements. She has £8k available to share with all her constituencies. Cllr A
Berry suggested that funding be made available for Christmas activities for residents. The Chairman
suggested that plans be put in place ready to discuss at the next meeting and to approach the
Community Officers for suggestions. NOTED.
Cllr A Berry wished to note that there has been a problem with Norse the contractors, they are
currently leaving grass cuttings in the gullies which is blocking the drains. The Chairman mentioned
that he had chat with Cllr Alex Rennie regarding the problems with Norse. C/Cllr Stallard
mentioned that dependent on the location of the problem, either Havant or Winchester should be
alerted to the problem.
The Chairman mentioned the current proposal to try and develop an extended green belt from
Havant across the centre of Hampshire. C/Cllr Stallard had not been made aware of this just yet.
NOTED. She went on to mention the proposal to revise the current constituencies. The proposal
is to put the Waterlooville wards into the Fareham constituency. This has not been received well.
C/Cllr Stallard has been in negotiations with various other Councils, she would like the
Waterlooville wards to remain in the Meon Valley ward. A proposal has been made which largely
retains ward boundaries as they currently stand. The parliamentary boundary commission will be
making the decision and as and when more information is available, Council will be made aware.
Cllr L Price had some queries which he raised with Cllr Stallard. The first query was in relation to
Darnel Road and the sewer. He believes it is not currently adequate for the purpose. Cllr Stallard
mentioned that Darnel Road has been designed as a spine road, once adoption takes place Hampshire
Highways will not adopt roads etc.. if they are not fit for purpose. The Chairman was also able to
update the Council further, Taylor Wimpey have told him the section 104 agreement has been agreed
and is due for signing imminently with Southern Water, after which there is approximately 3
months’ worth of work to complete everything that has been required by Hampshire Highways. He
believes that as Darnel Road currently services the recycling centre, if any problems were to develop
then they would have become apparent by now. The adoption process is on target for adoption in
September. NOTED. Cllr Price mentioned that there are HWRC lorries using Darnel Road, lorries
are currently advised not to use the road. Cllr Stallard said that this is difficult to monitor and the
companies have been told about this. Cllr Stallard suggested that at the point of adoption the council
request Highways to place traffic regulation orders (TRO) on the roads. Hampshire Highways will
then carry out surveys and monitor the roads. The Chairman mentioned that Grainger had already
made an agreement with Hampshire Highways which sets a precedence for the rest of the
development. The issues mentioned are due to be dealt with at the point of adoption. Once Council
is informed of an anticipated date for the adoption process, discussions will be held in relation to
the issues mentioned. NOTED. Cllr Price then went on to mention current legislation regarding
the white paper on recycling. It had been decided that local authorities are currently not recycling
enough. The government is encouraging more people to recycle. NOTED.
D/Cllr M Read gave a verbal report. Winchester City Council has gone back to regular decision
making meetings. As of Monday 5 July a clearer picture regarding current covid regulations will
be available. Virtual meetings are now only used for briefings and non-decision making meeting.
The membership of the West of Waterlooville forum has been amended. It had been agreed that
Newlands Parish Council would only be allowed one forum member. Cllr Read has challenged
this. The Chairman clarified that both members had been invited to the upcoming meeting, D/Cllr
Angela Clear Chair of the Forum is aware of the issue and this will be raised at the meeting next
week. NOTED. D/Cllr M Read went on to mention that the West of Waterlooville joint planning
committee has now been identified. The need for the committee was recognized and going forward
how much this is an important requirement. NOTED.
039/22C Parish Matters:
i) Development and adoptions: The Chairman had met with Kevin Mitchell, Taylor Wimpey
representative, the sale of the remaining piece of industrial land is almost complete, there was a hold
up due to some work to the overhead power cable. Once this is finished the sale will be complete.
At this point the Council can meet with the owners and to ensure that their proposals are consistent
with the rest of the development. There are two phases being offered for sale to developers on the
Berewood side, Jenni Upstill had been able to update the Chairman with news that they had received
applications from around 17 companies who had expressed an interest in building on the
development. This was an interest as the development is clearly seen as sought after. Planning
applications were in progress, one is the discharge of conditions. The application for a second
primary school has been bought forward by Hampshire County Council and is dependent on road
work being carried out to neighbouring roads. House sales are progressing. There has been a deed
of variation on the section 106 agreement submitted by Savilles, there are references in the draft
deed of variation to the transfer of land from Grainger to the local authorities as part of the open
space transfer. It refers to Winchester and Havant, the covering letter makes the point which is
displayed on the website that Grainger may make the transfer directly to Newlands Parish. The
question remains whether the same will apply with regards to transfer of Havant land? Cllr Carden
wished to raise questions regarding this with Grainger as the letter also states that land could go to
management companies. The planning officer at Havant had indicated that Havant would be open
to agreeing with the transfer of open space within their area and ownership of it directly with the
Parish. Should the Council wish to take on this space it will be considered. Cllr Read asked that
Council should be mindful with regards to the monies and conditions attached to this. NOTED.
Cllr Berry wished to raise that there should be a written paper trail as a duty of care to the residents.
Telephone conversations do not stand up in court. Correspondence should be made in writing. It
had previously agreed that this should be occurring but as yet Cllr Berry feels that this is not
happening. The Chairman stated that the idea can now be considered and what action the Council
decides to take on it will be determined. The matter will be discussed at the West of Waterlooville
forum. There currently are no formal agreements in place. The background information will be
properly formalized and recorded as and when the Council is ready to do so. NOTED.
ii) Community Plan: Katie Bone had written a brief email update which the Clerk passed on.
Recruitment for members of the steering group was slow but continues. NOTED.
iii) HBC land: This item had previously been discussed. The Chairman went on to mention that the
adoption process was still outstanding as far as the Havant side of the matter is concerned. The
Chairman will write to the Head of Estates stating that unless the Council hears that the process has
started, the matter will be escalated. NOTED. C/Cllr Stallard queried whether the Parish has ever
had any representation from Havant Borough Council at meetings? The Chairman said they had
not. Havant Councillors would be very welcome to attend meetings. This matter could be raised at
the forum meeting. C/Cllr Stallard felt that this is a part of Councillors duties to attend Parish
Council meetings. This matter will be raised at the forum. NOTED.
040/22C Communications
a) Website: The website security had been breached. The Clerk had queried this will the domain
provider, who had fixed the issue. Cllr Price queried why the Council was paying for a security
certificate, when some companies offer this free of charge? Cllr Parry mentioned that many domain
servers have different ways of charging, in comparison with other providers their service is of similar
value. NOTED. Cllr Parry opened the website during the meeting. He noted that the website was
not currently secure. Cllr Parry said he would look into the issue.
b) Local Parish Briefing: The Chairman and the Clerk had attended the virtual meeting. The Chairman
took the opportunity to chase up planning applications. The nature reserve application had in fact
already been granted approval, yet the Parish Council were not made aware of this. The intended
dog exercise area within the nature reserve is now being reconsidered so as to enable car parking
access. The other outstanding applications will go to the joint planning committee.
c) Resident Communication: An email had been received from an resident who is concerned that a
bench on the green space is being used for drug taking. He has requested removal of the bench.
The matter had been reported to the Police and a reference number given. It was felt by Councillors
that removal of the bench may not solve any particular anti-social behaviour problems. Cllr Berry
(Health and safety representative) had been to look at the bench and found no evidence of drug
taking. C/Cllr Stallard wished to mention that at some local Parish Council meetings there is often
a police presence. She suggested inviting a Police officer along to council meetings or ask for a
police report. NOTED. The Clerk was asked whether she had any news from the incident she had
reported to Hampshire Police. She informed the Council that she had been given a case number but
had not heard anything more on the matter. It was asked whether the Clerk could chase a response.
041/22C Outside Bodies
a) AQUIND: The Chairman gave an update. The Stop AQUIND is walking along the whole of the
route. As the planning process is now complete the council will take no official part in the walk but
the Chairman encouraged participants if they wished to do so. Penny Mordant MP has taken a
petition to the Government. The Chairman queried whether the two local MPs (Alan Mak and Flick
Drummond) were supporting the campaign. Cllr Stallard said it had not been mentioned but she
would find out. There is unanimous opposition to the AQUIND project across all parties in the
Portsmouth area. The impact to the area will be considerable if it is allowed to go ahead. The
Chairman has suggested to Portsmouth campaigners to try and put pressure through parliament in a
similar way that the Stone Henge project was put back out for re-investigation, due to objections.
He stated that it’s important that there is as much support from local MPs as possible with regards
to this. A decision is awaited.
042/22C Finance
Orders for Payment: Cllr O Barneveld queried whether a budget had been agreed for the Youth
Shelter has is was listed as an item for approval. The figure had previously been determined and
agreed at Full Council. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payments detailed on the
Orders for Payment list 04 should be APPROVED in the sum of £261.55 including VAT and
that further payments of £9,275. 91 including VAT were RAFIFIED and that NIL receipts are
Zoom Payments: The question regarding whether the Council still requires a full Zoom subscription
was queried. The Chairman suggested that the need for the subscription is no longer required and
it should be cancelled. It was unanimously RESOLVED to cancel the Zoom subscription.
AGAR: Section 2 of the report required completion. The Annual Governance and Accountability
Report will then be made available for viewing by members of the public for the period of time the
Clerk stated. It was unanimously RESOLVED to approve the accounting statements ready to
send to the external auditor.
043/22C Health and Safety Reports: The Council’s Health and Safety representative Cllr A Berry had written
reports for the Council regarding areas within the development. The Chairman wished to highlight
that the Town Park area and the skate park are currently managed by Havant Borough Council. The
area is due to be owned and managed eventually by the Parish Council but at present any problems
relating to the area should be raised and dealt with by Havant and also if relevant to Waterlooville
Police station. Cllr A Berry is opposed the second youth shelter within the development. This is
planned to be installed in the Newlands Walk area and was suggested by the local Police. Cllr A
Berry informed the Council that he was not made aware this was happening as he was out of action
whilst the decision making process was taking place. Cllr Berry is concerned that the same antisocial behaviour problems will occur at the second youth shelter site. The shelter had been agreed
at a previous meeting. Cllr A Berry challenged the agreement, suggesting that it is a Health and
Safety risk and this supersedes the agreement. Cllr M Read raised a point of order in that the Council
are required to follow the correct procedure meaning that in order to challenge an agreement, Cllr
Berry would require the support of five other Councillors. Cllr Read pointed out that in the not too
distance future a Parish Warden will be onsite and able to carry out regular checks to playground
equipment. The Chairman questioned whether Cllr Berry is suggesting that if any property is shown
to have evidence of mis-use in terms of health and safety then the property in question should be
removed? Cllr Berry agreed this was what he was suggesting. The Chairman asked Cllr Berry to
bring this case to Council for consideration and if there is a legal requirement for this then that would
also have to be proved. Cllr Berry has concern over legal implications if someone were to have an
accident. It was then suggested that if Cllr Berry objects to the Youth Shelter he should bring back
evidence to show this is a legal health and safety issue to the next Amenities Committee meeting
for discussion. The Chairman wished to thank Cllr Berry for his reports. NOTED.
044/22C Summer Community Event: There were a couple of events which Grainger had planned for the
summer, these have now been put back to tie in with the Big Green week which is scheduled for
September. Residents have been discussing summer events and are keen to see something take
place. Cllr A Carden wished to comment that Grainger have kept residents waiting and continually
putting back the two new areas of the development, the restoration river project and the new play
park in the Elm Green area. Are residents going to have to wait even longer, until after the Summer
to gain access to these facilities? The Chairman stated that the work on these areas has been delayed
considerably. The Chairman suggested that the Council express their disappointment. Cllr A
Carden feels that waiting for more than 10 months for the promised facilities is unacceptable. Cllr
M Read suggested this matter be raised at the West of Waterlooville forum meeting. Cllr L Price
suggested keeping an eye on what Wellington Vale care home are doing as they are planning events.
The Chairman suggested keeping an eye on their Facebook page and re-establishing contact with
them. He asked the Clerk to make contact with regards to any planned events. NOTED.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to ask the Clerk to write to Grainger expressing the
Council’s extreme disappointment in the delay of providing the planned facilities – it is noted
that Grainger are providing the facilities and are bound to do so as agreed as part of the
subject 106 agreement.
045/22C Social Media: The matter is ongoing. The Parish has several social media accounts. The Clerk will
provide a report paper with suggestions ready for the next Full Council meeting. NOTED.
046/22C Councillor Vacancy: The Chairman wished to note at this point his thanks for all the work which
Cllr Fiona Tingle had carried out on behalf of the Council. He is sorry she couldn’t continue. The
election process is in hand. The vacancy now requires advertising as a co-opted vacancy. Cllr A
Berry was asked to contact the Primary school and advertise the vacancy through the school
newsletter. It was unanimously RESOLVED to advertise the vacancy, the advert will be placed
on the Parish Noticeboards and shops and social media etc.. Expressions of interest to be
received by 12 August 2021 the next meeting of Full Council.
047/22C Other Reports: Cllr M Read mentioned the grant money being offered by C/Cllr Patricia Stallard.
It was noted that the Council intend to make an application.
048/22C It was RESOLVED that in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act
1960 to exclude the public and press for discussions regarding personnel matters where
publicity might be prejudicial to the special nature of the business.
The meeting closed at 9.55pm
The next meeting will be held on 12 August 2021
Please note minutes of meetings are published as soon as possible on the website to help residents. However,
they do not become the formal record of the meeting until agreed or otherwise at the next meeting. Therefore,
you should always check to see whether any amendments have been made.