Members: Cllr D Crichton (Chair) (P) Cllr O Barneveld (P)
Cllr A Berry Cllr A Carden (P)
Cllr A Kirby (P) Cllr J Parry (P)
Cllr L Price Cllr M Read (P)
Cllr F Tingle (P)
Also on the call were C/Cllr P Stallard and D/Cllrs A Clear, C Brook, N Cutler and M Read.
Also presents were Katie Bone, HBC Community Officer, Tony Daniells, Clerk to the Council and two
members of the public.
082/21C Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllrs A Berry and L Price.
083/21C Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was the Ward Councillor for
Winchester City Council.
084/21C Minutes
The minutes from the Council Meeting held on 15 October 2020 were received. It was
RESOLVED by a majority that the minutes of the council meeting be accepted as an accurate
record and were duly signed by the Chairman.
085/21C Public Participation: There was no requirement for a public session.
086/21C County and District Councillors Reports
a) C/Cllr P Stallard had submitted a written report which had been previously circulated. She spoke
about the number of reported cases of Covid in Hampshire, including those in schools. The
Government had allocated a £170M package for families in need. Hampshire had received a £2.89M
share of this. She did not require any local assistance in distributing these monies at present.
b) D/Cllr Brook was happy to report that the play park had now re-opened. She was involved in the
recruitment of a new Strategic Director of Place at WCC. WCC were monitoring and supporting
businesses during Covid. They were setting up a group to promote a ‘shop local’ campaign.
D/Cllr A Clear referred to new business grants to help local businesses. Denmead was one of the
first to install electric charging points. The new garden waste system was coming in 2021.
D/Cllr N Cutler spoke about the uncertainties caused by Covid and lockdown. New budget proposals
would be coming forward in the next few weeks.
It was AGREED that agenda item 8c), West of Waterlooville Forum, was taken as the next business.
Cllr J Parry became disconnected for the next item of business
087/21C Outside Bodies – West of Waterlooville Forum. Minutes of the Forum meeting had been previously
circulated. A summary of the meeting was given, covering
• Answers from WCC Implementation Officer to questions raised by Cllr D Crichton.
• HCC had asked for clarification of the B2150 Traffic Management review.
• This was the last meeting to be attended by the WCC Implementation Officer as the role
was no longer funded. The Forum would be attended by Julie Pinnock.
• The continuing need for a Forum to bring together Councillors from both Authorities to
discuss local and common issues.
Cllr J Parry rejoined the meeting at the conclusion of the above item.
088/21C Parish Matters
a) Implementation Officer’s Report: As discussed at 086/21C, there was no report to receive and the
Officer post would no longer be funded going forward.
b) Development and adoptions: Written reports had been received and circulated from both Grainger
and Taylor Wimpey. The Clerk verbally summarized these. Cllr F Tingle also verbally added to the
report covering
• River Wallington restoration plans
• Hours of operation for the units in Proxima Park
• Construction traffic near to the school and the use of bollards to restrict parking
Cllr Brook added an update on the proposal for a Health Centre on the development.
c) Halloween Event: The Community Officer reported on this successful community event. Residents
had engaged well to this event. Prizes of gift certificates had been distributed. the Community Event
budget for prize money for the Halloween event.
d) Community Plan: The Community Officers reported that there had been no uptake in residents
getting involved. The Photo Competition end date had been extended. The Community Officers
would explore different ways to engage residents.
e) Proposed Development on Industrial Land. Cllr F Tingle referred to a meeting with the developer,
who was open and receptive to the proposals for development. Residents had been encouraged to
comment on the proposal. Cllr F Tingle gave an update on a meeting, covering
• The developer read all comments from residents and was amending the look based on
• A small design committee had been accepted as a suggestion
• Residents were concerned about the scale and height of buildings
• The roads used to access the development will be adopted.
Cllr J Parry spoke of access by articulated lorries. Parking along the access road would be restricted
and this could cause a problem elsewhere.
Cllr P Stallard asked to be kept informed of issues
Cllr A Carden advised that the proposed Highways and General Purposes Committee could manage
reporting of any traffic issues to HCC. Cllr M Read commented that this was another reason why
the Forum still had a role to play.
Cllr F Tingle spoke of the Design Committee that would meet with the developer. This would
comprise of two Councillors and four residents. Cllr F Tingle would co-ordinate this. Cllr F Tingle
and Cllr J Parry would represent the Parish Council
Cllr F Tingle proposed that the Parish Council make a public comment on the proposal for the
industrial land.
It was unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr F Tingle prepare a draft statement and circulate
this to all Councillors for comment before making public.
f) Vandalism: Cllr A Berry had reported on an incident at Angus Way. It had been reported that access
to the open space by the emergency service was prevented by a locked bollard. It was also thought
that this area was difficult to access. The Clerk had enquired of TW if the emergency services had
been given keys. If no response was received then a follow up would be made. It was reported that
emergency services did have keys and carried them at all times.
g) Playarea: As previously reported, the play area had been repaired and re-opened. It was thought that
the costs for this would be covered from WCC’s insurance.
It was AGREED to take agenda item 10, Finance, as the next item of business.
089/21C Finance
a) Orders for Payment: It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payments detailed on the Orders
for Payment (list 10) should be APPROVED in the sum of £97.14 including VAT and that NIL
receipts are noted.
b) Bank Statement: The October bank statements had been previously circulated. The statements were
reviewed and the balances as at 31 October 2020 were agreed. The statement would be signed at a
later date by the Chairman. NOTED.
c) Accounts: The accounts for October had been prepared and circulated. NOTED.
d) Christmas Event: It was unanimously RESOLVED to allocate a sum not exceeding £500 to the
Amenities Committee to organise a Christmas Event. C/Cllr P Stallard advised that she had
some grant fund available if needed.
Cllr F Tingle left the meeting after the conclusion of the above item of business.
090/21C Communications
a) Website: There was no update to receive.
b) Correspondence: HALC November e-newsletter had been circulated. There were no matters arising.
091/21C Outside Bodies
a) Southern Parishes: The next meeting would be held on 7 December 2020. NOTED.
b) Aquind: The Chairman advised that public awareness was increasing. There was no other update.
c) West of Waterlooville Forum: previously covered.
d) Local Council Liaison Meeting: No report to receive.
092/21C Meeting Schedule 2021:The Clerk had proposed a meeting schedule for 2021. It was considered
that Committees should meet more frequently than the quarterly schedule proposed. The Clerk was
asked to look at 6 weekly meetings with the frequency kept to two meeting a month. Planning
Committee meetings would be arranged as the need arose and to allow timely comment to WCC.
093/21C Finance
a) Orders for Payment: It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payments detailed on the Orders
for Payment (list 10) should be APPROVED in the sum of £90.38 including VAT and that NIL
receipts are noted.
b) Bank Statement: The September bank statements had been previously circulated. The statements
were reviewed and the balances as at 30 September 2020 were agreed. The statement would be
signed at a later date by the Chairman. NOTED.
c) Accounts: The accounts for September had been prepared and circulated. NOTED.
d) Local Government Pension Scheme: To allow any member of staff to join the LGPS scheme, HCC,
as administrators of the scheme, required Council to have first resolved to allow this. It was
unanimously RESOLVED to allow members of staff to join the Local Government Pension
094/21C It was unanimously RESOLVED to receive the Minutes, Reports, Recommendations and
Resolutions of the following committee meetings: –
Finance Committee 3 September 2020
Planning Committee 17 September 2020
095/21C Other Reports:
i. Cllr Read advised that he would need to self isolate in preparation for an operation. He
would then be immobile for a further 6 weeks but could attend virtual meetings.
ii. The Clerk advised that he would add an agenda item to the next meeting to discuss a Covid
Emergency plan if available.
096/21C It was RESOLVED that in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act
1960 to exclude the public and press for discussions regarding personnel matters where
publicity might be prejudicial to the special nature of the business.
The meeting closed at 9.25pm
The next meeting will be held on 17 December 2020
Please note minutes of meetings are published as soon as possible on the website to help residents. However,
they do not become the formal record of the meeting until agreed or otherwise at the next meeting. Therefore,
you should always check to see whether any amendments have been made.