
Full Council Meeting Minutes 18.02.21

Minutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021

Members: Cllr D Crichton (Chair) (P) Cllr O Barneveld (P)
Cllr A Berry (P) Cllr A Carden (P)
Cllr A Kirby (P) Cllr J Parry (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr M Read (P)
Cllr F Tingle
Also on the call were D/Cllrs, N Cutler, A Clear, J Clementson, T Evans and M Read. Also presents were
Katie Bone HBC Community Officer, Karen Seear Clerk to the Council and Tony Daniells.
124/21C Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Fiona Tingle.
125/21C Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was the Ward Councillor for
Winchester City Council.
126/21C Minutes
The minutes from the Council Meeting held on 21 January 2021 were received. It was
unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the council meeting be accepted as an accurate
record and were duly signed by the Chairman.
127/21C Matters arising and outstanding matters from Previous Minutes.
a) Vandalism at Auger Way: The Chairman gave an update. Keys had not yet been sourced
for keys to the bollards. There are no padlocks on the bollards at Tamworth Way. Another
bollard will be installed at Radnor Way closing the gap. The Clerk was asked to contact
Taylor Wimpey and point out these issues. NOTED.
128/21C Public Participation: There was no requirement for a public session.
129/21C County and District Councillors Reports
a) C/Cllr P Stallard had submitted a written report which had been previously circulated and is
appended to these minutes.
b) D/Cllr A Clear gave a verbal report. She mentioned the local plan, WCC is inviting feedback from
all members of the public on all potential strategic issues and priorities for the new local plan 2038.
She mentioned the website your place your plan and encouraged all to give views and feedback via
the site. Biffa waste collections in the Winchester district will now collect residents waste batteries
and small waste electrical items, kettles, toasters etc. The items should be bagged, and left out for
collection every week. There have been several cases of fly-tipping reported. WCC have now
introduced a new on-site sticker system which will alert the public that the Council is aware of
incidents, if anyone notices a case of fly-tipping without a sticker, please could they inform WCC.
There has been a request for residents and local businesses to share details of their broadband and
mobile service experiences, with particular emphasis on how well performance has been. Especially
as this now has become a vital service.
A discussion took place regarding an enforcement case, concerning a breach of planning permission.
The property in question lies in phase 10 of the development. Council had received an update
explaining that the resident had acted within their rights and the extension to the property was
allowed. The Chairman questioned whether or not the MDA should be following the same planning
regulations. He asked the Clerk to make Grainger aware of the situation.
Cllr M Read gave a verbal report. There has been an issue with the Winchester green waste
collections. Green sacks have not been collected, due to a change of contracts, lorries are now
requiring residents to use brown bins for garden waste. These bins are currently being delivered to
residents. The Chairman suggested, that the Council inform parish residents via Facebook that if
they had a green sack of garden waste it will be collected up until they receive a brown bin, these
should be delivered shortly. The issue will be bought back to the next meeting of full Council to
see it had been resolved. NOTED.
130/21C Parish Matters:
i) Development and adoptions: Council had previously received a report from Jenni Upstill from
Grainger. The work on the trees at the boundary line had been carried out and was complete.
Opening celebrations of both the river restoration project and the new playground area at Elm Green
are still planned to go ahead in the summer. An invitation will be sent out to ask both Mayors from
the development to the celebrations. Extensive repair work is required to the roof at the temporary
community hall building. This work well may go on longer than Council would like, and is expected
to be carried out during the summer. The hall is due to be used as a polling station in May, the
Chairman asked that reassurance be sought from Grainger with regards to this matter, ensuring there
will be no risk to the public. Cllr M Read assured Council that this matter is in hand and WCC are
aware of issues. NOTED.
There are several on-going matters in Wellington Park. The section 104 agreement awaits signing
with Southern Water. This is due to difficulties finding someone in the local office to sign. There
continues to be a problem regarding the pumping station adjacent to the HWRC.
Work on the cycle lane in Darnel Road is going well and tarmac is due to be laid shortly. The
Chairman hopes that the work and adoption will be complete by the middle of the year, enabling
other planned work to follow after it. The section 106 adoption of open space in the Havant part is
still outstanding. The Chairman has been chasing this issue, and will mention it at the next West of
Waterlooville forum, management of the area is sought after as currently it is being managed by
Taylor Wimpey. Work is going ahead for the adoption of the Spine Road.
ii) Community Plan: Katie Bone gave a verbal report. The team are coming up with ideas to engage
the community when current restrictions are lifted. The Winchester Sports department are arranging
football sessions and other similar sessions to engage with both children and parents. It is hoped
these activities will take place over Easter.
The Chairman mentioned the community plan that the Council has put together. He has passed it
on to several individuals, the site office and estate agents. It is proving to be a useful, helpful
document, especially for individuals planning to move to the area.
iii) HBC land: This item was covered earlier in the meeting.
iv) Trinity: Cllr L Price had passed on correspondence from Trinity management company. There are
planning to set up a resident’s association. Cllr A Carden commented that reason behind this could
be to have some engagement with their residents and it may be in residents’ interest to set this up as
they may be able to input into matters such as service charges. The Chairman explained that there
have been disputes running between Trinity and residents for many years. There are hopes that this
may reduce some of the issues.
131/21C Communications
a) Website: There were no updates to report regarding the website. The Chairman asked if there had
been any more updates to add to Parish Online. Tony Daniells stated that he was still waiting for
maps from both Taylor Wimpey and WCC. It was asked that D/Cllrs chase this matter up. NOTED.
b) Newsletter: Katie Bone stated that another newsletter will be circulated at the end of March,
Councillors input is welcome. Parish newsletters will start to go out again to residents in the future.
c) Winchester City Council: The precept appendix was received and had been previously circulated.
Cllr A Carden noted that there had been a reduction in the amount of council tax Parish residents
d) Chamonix estates: A letter had been sent to residents regarding the company merging with another
housing management company. Cllr J Parry stated that the letter was vague and did not fully explain
what was happening. It was felt that the letter was unclear in communicating exactly what was
happening. NOTED. The Chairman mentioned with relation to Chamonix, as part of the adoption
process, Moorit Place will remain a private street. Questions will need to be asked as to how the
housing company plan to manage this.
132/21C Outside Bodies
a) AQUIND: D/Cllr J Clementson reported that she had attended several meetings. She was pleased
to report that Steve Cornwell of WCC had been doing a great job ensuring that all matters regarding
AQUIND were being taken care of and encouraged all Councillors to congratulate him on the work
he had done. Various details are in the planning phase, the colour of the site buildings etc. The
route AQUIND are now planning to take for the work will affect residents. Plans are now to avoid
the Denmead area and direct cables via Soake Road. The Chairman spoke about the jointing bay
plans, which have been discussed for building on land at Forest End. After speaking with a
representative of the Grainger Trust, it was confirmed was that Grainger had been contacted by
AQUIND with regards to this matter. The representative stated that the land in question was always
going to be left as open space. The Chairman has asked Steve Cornwell for details and clarity
regarding how they plan to install fibre optic cables, with particular reference to whereabouts these
will connect. Response from AQUIND is that this had not been planned for. Jointing bays are
require running every 600 – 2000 metres. This will cause major problems along main roads through
Purbrook and Widley as due to the size of these bays, property would have to be purchased in order
for installation. D/Cllr J Clementson stated that with there is not enough awareness of the upset and
chaos this project could cause should the project go ahead. The Chairman mentioned several other
issues regarding the project, in Normandy permission has not been granted for the connection, due
to ownerships issues. There are currently no regulations over matters of energy supply due to Brexit.
West of Waterlooville forum: The Chairman stated that there is a meeting planned for the 9th March
2021. Agenda items for this meeting were discussed with D/Cllr A Clear. D/Cllr A Clear agreed
that all items the Chairman had spoken about will be covered at the meeting.
133/21C Finance
Orders for Payment: It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payments detailed on the Orders
for Payment (list 14) should be APPROVED in the sum of £1,250.86 including VAT and that
further payments of £455.71 including VAT were RAFIFIED and that NIL receipts are noted.
Bank Statements: The January bank statements had been previously circulated. The statements
were reviewed and the balances as at 31 January were agreed. The statement would be signed at a
later date by the Chairman. NOTED.
Accounts: The accounts for January had been prepared and circulated. NOTED.
Amenities Budget: The budget for the spend within the Amenities Committee had previously been
determined. There were no comments or queries regarding this. NOTED.
134/21C Investment Strategy: A copy of the investment strategy had been prepared and previously
circulated. It was unanimously agreed to adopt the investment strategy the Chairman thanked
the previous Clerk for his work on this.
135/21C APA meeting 2021: The meeting is currently planned for the 25th March 2021, this will be a virtual
meeting and members of the public are invited to attend. Items for inclusions at this meeting were
welcomed. Tony Daniells, previous Clerk suggested that the Council reflect over the past year and
sell some of the benefits of being part of the Community such as the upcoming allotments and sports
facilities. He also mentioned it could be a good chance to promote the community plan. The Clerk
was asked to contact Grainger for an update as to when the first phase of allotments (phase 9a) will
be available, as plans need to be made regarding allotment management.
136/21C Deputies: The proposal of having one or possibly two deputies for meetings were discussed as the
requirement for this has become apparent. It was suggested that this matter be returned to as and
when the Council’s Committees are restructured. NOTED.
137/21C Other reports: Cllr A Carden mentioned the Parish Council’s use of social media. He thought it
may be useful to think about strategies going forward related to this. The Chairman thought this
should be considered, especially with regards to the current lockdown restrictions. The matter will
be discussed at the next full Council meeting. NOTED.
138/21C It was RESOLVED that in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act
1960 to exclude the public and press for discussions regarding personnel matters where
publicity might be prejudicial to the special nature of the business.
The meeting closed at 9.17pm
The next meeting will be held on 18 March 2021 at 7.30pm
Please note minutes of meetings are published as soon as possible on the website to help residents. However,
they do not become the formal record of the meeting until agreed or otherwise at the next meeting. Therefore,
you should always check to see whether any amendments have been made.
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL report to Newlands Parish Council – 18th February 2021
Support for Families in Need
Following the receipt of £2.89 million funding from the Department of Work &
Pensions I have been able to authorise the distribution of funding, across all
communities in Hampshire, in order to relieve some of the pressures placed on
families as a result of the covid pandemic, eg job loss and difficulties paying for
basics like food and fuel. Last December I launched a scheme called “connect4communities” which is designed
to enable local organisations to provide practical help in their area.
‘connect4communities’ Community Grants are specifically intended to support vulnerable families and
individuals in need with food, energy and water bills. They can also be used for essential items such as warm
clothing and bedding, as well to supply slow cookers to households who do not have basic cooking facilities.
To learn more about the ‘connect4communities’ projects and to apply for a grant visit
Grants are available for communities; holiday activities and meals; food and fuel vouchers and community
pantries. Community Pantries are being set up all around the county, locally they are in Wickham and
Waterlooville but more are being set up daily. Visit the web site to find out more.
National Apprenticeship Week
As the Cabinet member with responsibility for corporate apprenticeships I recently helped to launch a £3 million
Apprenticeship and Skills Hub. The new Hub, partly funded by a grant from the European Social Fund, is a
central pillar of the County Council’s Employment and Skills Action Plan. Working with the Enterprise M3
Local Enterprise Partnership, the Hub will provide an impartial brokerage service to small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) and will work with businesses to match unemployed people with apprenticeship opportunities
and tackle skill shortages.
I am also happy to report that not only have our school and corporate apprenticeships continued despite the
pandemic, at the end of 2020 we surpassed the milestone of 1000 County Council apprentices funded by the
Apprenticeship Levy. A year ago, most of our apprenticeship training was delivered face to face, but in response
to lockdown, we worked with training providers to change to completely online learning. Since then, we have
welcomed nearly 200 new starts in 37 different apprenticeships – a fantastic turnaround in a very short time,
thanks to the efforts of our staff, managers and services. To learn more about apprenticeship transfer
opportunities for employers, visit Hampshire Futures at
Children’s Mental Health Week
During the first week of February it was Children’s Mental Health week and as the County’s Mental Health
Champion I was pleased to highlight the support available to children, young people, their parents and carers.
The County Council’s website includes advice for parents/carers/guardians – – and
our educational psychology team provides expertise, training and support to schools to enable them to help pupils
to maintain good mental health and well-being. The Educational Psychology Team also has a telephone line
which parents and carers, as well as teachers and other professionals working with children, can call for advice:
ring 02392 441497 on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursday between 9.30 am – 11.00 am.
Chathealth is a text messaging support service run to help parents, carers and young people with a wide range
of health and wellbeing worries. ChatHealth is a suite of text support services for parents, carers, families and
young people in Hampshire. There are three ChatHealth services for:
• Parents and carers of children under 5 years
• Parents and carers of children and young people aged 5-19 years
• Young people aged 11-19 years
Visit –
Freephone Crisis Line
A Freephone Crisis Line is also available for children and young people, across Hampshire, aged from 11 to 17
years old. Operated by Havant and East Hampshire MIND, the line provides access to help, support, and advice
for young people experiencing difficulties with their mental health. For more details visit or ring Freephone 0300 303 1590 between 3.00 pm – 8.30 pm on
Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays or email them at
Improving Energy Efficiency
Two decarbonisation programmes have been approved for eligible local schools and County Council corporate
buildings: a £6.7 million programme for the installation of solar panels (solar photo voltaics (PV)) and a £20.2
million window replacement programme to improve buildings’ insulation levels by replacing inefficient single
glazed windows and doors with modern, double glazed units. Across the two programmes, in total around 370
Hampshire schools and several County Council corporate buildings are expected to benefit. The programmes are
being funded through central Government’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, which offers 100% funded
grants for public sector organisations to fund energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation projects across their
Together these programmes are expected to save more than 3,600 tonnes of carbon per year and support local
schools and the County Council to save on energy bills. The work is expected to commence in the spring, subject
to further individual feasibility checks, and be completed in the autumn of 2021.
Find out more about how Hampshire County Council is responding to climate change
Hampshire Local Transport Plan
We are asking residents to take part in our online survey to give us your views on the principles and vision of the
Hampshire Local Transport Plan. We need your thoughts, your expertise and your local knowledge to help us
shape a clean, healthy, fair and sustainable transport future for Hampshire.
The new Local Transport Plan will set the objectives, policies and strategy for transport across the county for the
next 30 years.
Find out more and get involved: Please submit your feedback by 28th February 2021
Hampshire’s Rights of Way
The County Council has adopted a new enforcement policy for Rights of Way in the County. Hampshire County
Council looks after 4,600km of footpaths, bridleways and other rights of way and has a statutory duty to protect
these routes. Although many people support us in this work, by reporting any problems they find on the paths,
so that we can look into them, more than a third of the reports we have received this year describe obstructions
on the path, such as fences, or use of the path for farming crops. We also hear reports of other activities that may
spoil the paths and deter people from using them, such as illegal vehicle use.
The adoption of an Enforcement Policy is designed to support the County Council in taking the appropriate course
of action and to make the process publicly available for reference by residents and landowners. The policy will
be available
at and can be read in full in the decision reports
pack at
Remember, you can report a problem on a right of way at
Major Highways Scheme at M27 Junction 10
Hampshire County Council has recently clarified that it cannot take on the role of Delivery Body [this is normally
the task of Highways England] for the improvement scheme at Junction 10 of the M27, given the current level of
risk carried by that role.
Since the County Council was asked to act as the Scheme Promoter by the Government, we have made excellent
progress on the development and design of Junction 10 of the M27. However, we have had to continually
overcome challenges, including securing funding and approvals which has added time and cost to the
development of the scheme. We have been clear from the start that our involvement can only be on the
understanding that there is no financial risk to Hampshire County Council and therefore council taxpayers across
the County.
As a responsible organisation, we are not in a position to consider taking on delivery of the scheme while all
financial risks are not fully underwritten by other parties. We are committed to further discussion to overcome
these difficulties so that all parties involved can address and explore ways to mitigate the risks, and hope this can
be resolved in good time before current funding expires at end of March. Read the full report considered by the
County Council’s Cabinet and agreed recommendations at
Patricia Stallard
Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services & Young People and Apprenticeships
Mental Health Champion
Hampshire County Council
Divisional Member for Winchester Southern Parishes