
Full Council Meeting Minutes 17.09.20

Minutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021

Members: Cllr D Crichton (Chair) (P) Cllr O Barneveld (P)
Cllr A Berry (P) Cllr A Carden (P)
Cllr A Kirby (P) Cllr J Parry (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr M Read (P)
Cllr F Tingle
Also on the call were C/Cllr P Stallard and D/Cllr M Read, Katie Bone, HBC Community Officer, Jenni Upstill
of Grainger Trust and Tony Daniells, Clerk to the Council.
052/21C Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr F Tingle.
053/21C Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was the Ward Councillor for
Winchester City Council.
054/21C Minutes
The minutes from the Council Meeting held on 20 August 2020 were received. It was RESOLVED
by a majority that the minutes of the council meeting be accepted as an accurate record and
were duly signed by the Chairman.
055/21C Public Participation: There were no members of the public present.
056/21C County and District Councillors Reports
a) C/Cllr P Stallard provided a written report which had previously been circulated and is appended
to these minutes. She added to her report with
• A reference to the school bus crash in Winchester
• Return to school had resulted in 91% attendance which was above the national average.
Swanmore School had one year in isolation
• Covid will result ina budget deficit of £100M.
• Work to J10 of the M27 would cost £87M but had yet to be funded.
b) Cllr M Read spoke about
• WCC budget deficit of £10.7M had been identified. £5.6M had been funded from Central
Government and Council would meet the following week to set a revised budget.
• He urged Councillors to attend the briefing from WCC on proposed changes to the planning
057/21C Parish Matters
a) Implementation Officer’s Report: These was no report to receive It was unanimously RESOLVED
that the Clerk would write to WCC to remind them that an Implementation Officer was
funded and that a report should be produced each month for Council.
Community Hall
Hiring of the Community Hall: Community Hall available for hire and some bookings made.
Council to decide if it is safe to do so and to advise WACA accordingly.
In the discussions on this matter, Council covered the following points
• Cllr Berry visited the Hall and witnessed hirers infringing current guidelines on use of
community halls. As this was an unmanned hall, there was a risk.
• The Hall was cleaned by WACA after each hiring.
• There was a requirement to have a Covid specific first aid box and Cllr Berry had provided
details of the content. There was a debate as to who was responsible for providing this.
• WACA had asked for a risk assessment for use of the Hall and Cllr Berry could provide this.
• There was concern over the shared space and the flaunting of the guidelines when using this
• If all hirers should provide a risk assessment and agree to follow guidelines
• As the Hall was unmanned, it was not possible to monitor usage and compliance.
• WACA managed the Hall on behalf of the Parish Council and they should be asked if they could
manage the Hall safely and until this was assured, then no further hiring should be allowed.
• Track and Trace should be managed
• If WACA can provide an assurance that the Hall can be hired in a Covid safe way, then the
Parish Council should provide a risk assessment. Other Halls did not allow use of shared areas.
• Cllr Berry read out the mandatory requirements for use of a Hall
• It was agreed that the responsibility of allowing use of the Hall rested with the Parish Council.
• The Hall was not being used in a way that met current legislation and WACA should provide a
plan to show how the Hall could be used safely.
• Cllr Read would provide a risk assessment for use of the Hall for the monthly Councillor
• No time limit would be set but WACA could inform the Parish Council if legislation changed
and they were then in a position to hire out the Hall is a safe way
• If the Hall was no longer to be hired, then Grainger should be informed and that they were not
managing the building and cleaning of the shared areas would again revert to their control.
It was RESOLVED by a majority that WACA should not hire out the Hall until WACA could
provide a plan to show that the Hall and shared areas could be used safely and meet current
legislation. If WACA could provide this plan, then Councillor Berry should be asked for a risk
assessment which would be agreed at an extraordinary Council meeting on 1 October.
Cllr Berry abstained from voting
ii Hall Security: Cllr Berry had supplied hand sanitizer and wipes. The sanitizer could not be found.
It was AGREED that the Clerk would write to WACA and Grainger to ask if the sanitizer had
been stored elsewhere. It was further AGREED that Cllr Berry should reimbursed the cost of
the wipes and sanitizer.
iii It was AGREED that allocating Hall keys to regular hirers would be held over until use of the
Hall was resolved.
c) Community Plan: The Chairman spoke of a meeting held recently with Community Officers to
progress the Plan. The Plan would encompass the whole development. To start the Plan and raise
awareness, production of a Calendar was suggested using photos taken by residents. Production of
a calendar could become an annual event. A postcard would be delivered to all residents to promote
this. A Parish Profile document had been drafted containing much information related to Newlands.
A Steering Group should be formed which involved residents. NOTED.
058/21C Communications
a) Correspondence: None
b) Website: The Clerk was making slow progress on amending the website content to meet legislation.
c) Newsletter: Production of a second newsletter had been overtaken by production of a newsletter to
promote the Community Plan.
059/21C Outside Bodies
a) Aquind: The Chairman advised that this application was now entering the Examination Phase. It
was noted that the French Government had yet to approve the project. NOTED.
b) West of Waterlooville Arts Advisory Panel: The Chairman reported that funding of Arts projects
had now been transferred to WCC. The Grow Your Boat project was currently on hold. NOTED.
c) Mayoral Visit: The Mayors of both Winchester and Havant would visit the development on 28
September. NOTED.
060/21C Finance
a) Orders for Payment: It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payments detailed on the Orders
for Payment (list 07) should be APPROVED in the sum of £14.39 including VAT and that
further payments of £747.30 were ratified and that receipts of £16,053.98 are noted.
b) Bank Statement: The August bank statements had been previously circulated. The statements were
reviewed and the balances as at 30 August 2020 were agreed. The statement would be signed at a
later date by the Chairman. NOTED.
c) Accounts: The accounts for August had been prepared and circulated. NOTED.
d) Annual Return – 2019/2020 Accounts:
i The Council NOTED that the Internal Auditor had completed her review of the accounts and
completed her audit report.
ii The Chairman read out the Annual Governance Statement. The statement was unanimously
APPROVED by Council.
iii Council unanimously APPROVED the Chairman to sign Section 1 of the Annual Return, and
the Chairman and Clerk to sign Section 2 and these were duly signed.
iv The Annual Internal Audit report Section 4 on page 5 was received and the Risk Assessment on the
Financial Systems Internal Controls prepared by the RFO has been signed off by the Internal Auditor
and the RFO. NOTED.
v The Period for the Exercise of Public Rights – Accounts for the Year ended 31st March 2020
commences on 21 September 2020 and ends on 12 November 2020. NOTED.
061/21C It was unanimously RESOLVED to receive the Minutes, Reports, Recommendations and
Resolutions of the following committee meetings: –
Finance Committee 2 July 2020
Planning Committee 20 August 2020
062/21C Other Reports:
i. Cllr Read advised that members of the Amenities Committee would meet with the Police to
get their view on the possible location of a Youth Shelter.
ii. Cllr Berry has concerns with vandalism to a Youth Shelter, and to thank the Clerk for writing
to those with management responsibility for areas within the development.
iii. A resident had asked if he could fund two benches along the greenway in memory of his
late Mother.
063/21C It was RESOLVED that in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act
1960 to exclude the public and press for discussions regarding personnel matters where
publicity might be prejudicial to the special nature of the business.
The meeting closed at 9.43pm
The next meeting will be held on 15 October 2020
Please note minutes of meetings are published as soon as possible on the website to help residents. However,
they do not become the formal record of the meeting until agreed or otherwise at the next meeting. Therefore,
you should always check to see whether any amendments have been made.
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL report to Newlands Parish Council – 17th September 2020
County Councillor Grants
A reminder to community centres, churches, schools, parish councils and community groups such as
playgroups, scouts, parent/teacher associations, social clubs, lunch clubs, church groups etc that you are all
entitled to apply for a small grant from me. The group must have a named Treasurer and a separate bank
account, I cannot give funds to individuals. In the past I have funded bench seats, club outings, defibrillators,
new equipment for clubs and much more. The project must be discussed with me before an application is
submitted. Visit
Hampshire Perspectives
The County Council has started recruiting a diverse group of local people aged 18 years and over to participate
in its new residents’ forum. The forum, called Hampshire Perspectives, will give residents the opportunity to
regularly share their views on a wide range of topics including social care, climate change and economic
prosperity to help shape the delivery of essential services. The initial focus will be to gather insight to support
the county’s recovery from Covid-19. More information about the Forum is available on the County
Council’s website.
Have a Cuppa with a Carer
The County Council is inviting anyone interested in fostering to “grab a cuppa” and sit down with the experts
to find out what it is really like. Throughout September and October experienced foster carers will be hosting
virtual question and answer sessions where they share their experiences with anyone wanting to know more.
There are more 1,600 children in care in Hampshire and finding homes for these youngsters has been especially
challenging during the pandemic. Some people think they can’t foster if they are single, but they can. The main
requirements for foster care are being over 21 years and having a spare bedroom. Child professionals support
families at every stage of the fostering journey. To find out more visit or
@HampshireChildren Facebook page or call 01489 587052
Construction Skills Training
A successful Hampshire County Council programme has secured £1 million in European Social Funding for
construction skills training for unemployed adults across Hampshire. 1,450 pre-employment training places will be
available up to October 2023 in several construction disciplines enabling participants to subsequently enter
apprenticeships, work experience or employment.
Free School Lunch
All children in Reception Year, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school lunches under the Government’s
Universal Infant Free School Meal programme, which can save parents over £400 a year while providing peace of
mind that their child is getting a healthy and nutritious meal to boost their learning.
Our award-winning HC3S team delivers high-quality, balanced and tasty school meals, with more than 75% of all
school meals being cooked entirely from scratch. Each meal includes a meat or non-meat main item, vegetables,
potato, pasta or rice, salad and a dessert, and is developed exactly according to School Food Plan guidelines to ensure
they are packed with the right nutritional content. To find out more
visit Older children may be eligible for free
school meals. Visit for more information.
Road space for Hampshire’s Economic, Environmental and Physical Health
Over 40 new temporary footpath and cycleway measures have been installed in Hampshire since June,
providing people with the space to travel by bike or by foot while keeping a safe social distance Hampshire
County Council invited suggestions on where temporary cycling and walking measures might be put in place
from residents, communities and organisations, and over 3,500 suggestions were received. The temporary
walking and cycling schemes to enable social distancing which have been put in place across Hampshire are
funded by the Department for Transport’s Emergency Active Travel Scheme.
A bid to Government for a further £3.45 million has been submitted by Hampshire County Council to deliver a
range of schemes to help redesign roads and high streets to support social distancing, assist economic recovery
and support people who want to continue walking and cycling more. The outcome of this bid is expected in the
£1 million for Rural Broadband Scheme
While superfast broadband is available to more than 96% of premises in Hampshire, those living in remote
locations have often missed out as they are more difficult – and consequently more expensive – to reach. The
Hampshire Top-Up to the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme has been designed to address this
issue by offering additional funding towards the cost of installing gigabit-capable broadband. It will
enable eligible residents to get vouchers worth up to £3,000 per property – double that of the standard voucher.
Gigabit-capable broadband (also known as ultrafast broadband) has speeds of up to 1,000Mbps or 1Gbps. It
means residents will be getting the latest technology, delivered straight to their homes. They will then be able to
choose an internet package from a provider to suit their needs and budget. To qualify for the scheme,
residents must live in a rural area, be unable to get broadband speeds of 100Mbps or more and apply as a
group of two or more premises. The Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme with Hampshire Top-Up will be
allocated on a ‘first-come, first served’ basis. To find out more, go
Young People in Hampshire
Hampshire Futures and the Hampshire Careers Partnership have launched a new website called “Flying Start
Hampshire” to support the county’s young people, especially Year 11 students as they move on from secondary
education to further and higher education, training or employment, having secured their GCSE results. Flying
Start Hampshire – – is a central hub for
a range of information and links to useful online sources of support, guidance and helpful resources for young
people, including new material to support students through the current COVID-19 pandemic. The initiative has
been supported by the Southern Universities Network (SUN)..
Hampshire Futures – is
Hampshire County Council’s Service supporting young people aged 14 – 24 years to make the right choice for
them about their future through careers information, advice and guidance, traineeships and apprenticeship
Want a printout?
Printing a document at your local library is now even easier with Hampshire Libraries’ new email-to-print
service. You don’t need to be a library member or log on to a library computer – simply email your document
from any computer or smartphone and print it off within 72 hours using your unique five-digit code at a
participating library.
To use the service, anyone can email a document they would like to print to to
receive an automated email response with a five-digit code. Printing can be collected at any participating
branch by entering the print job code into a library printer and paying the correct change into the printer’s coin
collector. Printing is available in A3 and A4 formats and charges range from 10p – 80p per sheet depending on
paper size and printing colour. This service is available at most Hampshire Libraries, except for the Blackfield,
Fair Oak, Horndean, Overton and West End branches.
Further information about printing documents at the library from any computer or mobile device is available
at To find your nearest library and check
opening hours, visit
Patricia Stallard
Lead Executive Member for Children’s Services & Young People
Hampshire County Council
Divisional Member for Winchester Southern Parishes