Members: Cllr F Tingle (Chair) (P) Cllr O Barneveld (P)
Cllr A Berry Cllr A Carden
Cllr D Crichton (P) Cllr A Kirby (P)
Cllr J Parry (P) Cllr L Price (P)
Cllr M Read (P)
Also present was Tony Daniells, Clerk to the Council..
001/21F Apologies: No apologies were received.
002/21F Declarations of Interest: There were no Declarations of Interest made at this time.
003/21F Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting dated 9 January 2020 were received. It was
unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting be accepted as
an accurate record and were duly signed by the Chair.
004/21F Public Participation: There was no requirement for a public session.
005/21F Correspondence
a) Hall Business Rate: WCC had confirmed an exemption to the business rate for the community part
of Newlands Hall for 2020/21. NOTED.
b) Zurich Insurance: A Schedule and renewal premium had been received and previously circulated.
The Clerk advised that insured sums had been increased in line with the Asset Register at no
additional cost. It was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the schedule and premium and the
Clerk was authorised to pay the insurance premium for 2020/21.
006/21F Finance
a) Orders for Payment: It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payments detailed on the Orders
for Payment (list 01) should be APPROVED in the sum of £115.40 including VAT and that
receipts of £16.042.00 are noted. Further payments of £467.69 (including VAT) made since the
last orders of payment were RATIFIED.
b) Bank Statements: The April bank statements had been previously circulated. The statements were
reviewed and the balances as at 30 April 2020 were agreed. The statements were signed at the
meeting by the Chairman. NOTED. It was also RESOLVED that the Clerk would pursue a claim
for loss of income from the Community Hall via a grant from WCC.
c) Accounts: The accounts to 30 April 2020 had been previously circulated. NOTED.
007/21F Account Review 2019/2020
a) Review of the 2019/20 Statement of Account. The draft Accounts to 30 March 2020 were presented.
These showed an income of £47,516.86 and a spend of £15,719.32. It was unanimously
RESOLVED that this represented an accurate statement of account and that the surplus of
£31,797.54 would be ring fenced in the General account for future use.
The meeting was adjourned at 7.56pm to allow members to clap for the NHS. The meeting
reconvened at 8.05pm.
b) Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR): A revised timetable for submission of the
Annual Return had been received. The Internal Auditor would first have to complete her review prior
to submission. If a visit could not be arranged prior to the deadline, then the Clerk would make
records available to her electronically or in hardcopy. NOTED.
c) Internal Audit: The Internal Auditor would carry out a review when allowed. NOTED.
d) Internal Audit: It was unanimously AGREED to release the Statement of Accounts for 2019/20
and supporting papers to the Internal Auditor.
e) 2019/20 Surplus: As previously agreed in minute 036/20F a) surplus funds from 2019/20 would be
ring fenced for future spend in the General account. NOTED.
f) Audit Report & Risk Assessment: A report on the financial systems’ internal controls of
Newlands Parish Council for 2019/20 prepared by the RFO had been previously circulated. There
were no questions relating to the report. In was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the report as
g) Asset Register. The asset register for 2019/20 had been previously circulated showing assets to the
value of £6,332. The content was agreed and unanimously ACCEPTED.
008/21F Financial Regulations: The Regulations are reviewed annually in May. No changes were required.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the Regulations as circulated.
009/21F Other reports:
i. Cllr Tingle requested that a review of the Clerks salary was included in the agenda for the
next meeting.
ii. Cllr Read advised that WCC were to replace their ipad’s and move to MS Teams for virtual
iii. Cllr Crichton reported on emails to Kevin Mitchell of Taylor Wimpey relating to outstanding
works prior to adoption of roads.
The meeting closed at 8.30 pm. The next Finance Committee meeting will be held on Thursday 2 July