
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 09.01.20

Minutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021

Members: Cllr F Tingle (Chairperson) (P) Cllr O Barneveld (P)
Cllr A Berry (P) Cllr A Carden (P)
Cllr D Crichton (P) Cllr A Kirby (P)
Cllr J Parry (P) Cllr L Price (P)
Cllr M Read (from 8.00pm) (P)
Also present one member of the public and Tony Daniells, Clerk to the Council..
021/20F Apologies: All members were present.
022/20F Declarations of Interest: Cllr A Berry declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item
6a, Orders for Payment, as he would be in receipt of a payment if approved.
023/20F Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting dated 7 November 2019 were received. It was
unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting be accepted as
an accurate record and were duly signed by the Chair.
024/20F Public Participation: The meeting was adjourned at 7.35 pm to allow comments from the public.
The meeting reconvened at 7.50 pm.
025/20F Hall Business Rate
a) The Clerk had applied for Small Business Relief which had been granted in full by Winchester City
Council. Nil rates are payable in 2019/20 on the Community Hall. NOTED.
026/20F Finance
a) Orders for Payment: It was RESOLVED by a majority that the payments detailed on the Orders
for Payment (list 9) should be APPROVED in the sum of £189.53 including VAT and that
receipts of £293.40 are noted. Further payments of £737.71 (including VAT) made since the
last orders of payment were RATIFIED. An unreceipted payment of £11.00 for refreshments
for the Christmas event was NOTED as was a refund of VAT payments.
Cllr Berry took no part in the decision of this item.
b) Bank Statements: The December bank statements had been previously circulated. The statements
were reviewed and the balances as at 31 December 2019 were agreed. The statements were signed
at the meeting by the Chairman. NOTED.
c) Accounts: The accounts to 31 December 2019 had been previously circulated. NOTED.
027/20F Budget Review 2019/2020
The Committee reviewed the accounts as of 31 December 2019 and considered additional income
and spend. In the discussions, the following items were discussed:
i. Additional income of £520 would be received for use of the Hall for the General Election.
ii. Funds will be needed for Amenities when it takes over open space management.
iii. There was an additional £60 expense related to the Christmas event.
iv. Signage for directions to/from the HWRC could be taken from 2019/20 budget. It was
concluded that this was an HCC responsibility and this was in hand.
v. Where was the third triangular notice board? This could be sited at the Hall. It was
considered that a flat faced board would be better and this would be put to Council for
consideration. The Clerk would obtain a quote for a third board.
vi. Signage for the Park to warn of the danger of traffic speeds was considered to the trhe
responsibility of Grainger.
vii. Further spend was identified for
a. moving the combination door lock to the office door at £200
b. cleaning cupboard in the shared services area.
c. Screening from the entrance door to the office door at £500
The above discussions were NOTED.
b) Additional items of spend from 2019/20 budget were submitted. These being
i. Quotes of £914 plus vat and £1081 plus vat for blinds for the Hall. It was not possible to
obtain a third quote and
ii. £160.11 for 72 mugs with the NPC logo
It was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the quote of £914 for the blinds and £160.11 for
mugs and funded from the remaining separation payments.
c) Cllr L Price referred to recent legislative changes that recommended holding a reserve rather than
raising funds through an emergency Precept. This Reserve could not be larger than the Precept. There
was no full year of spend to indicate how much Reserve would be required. Any Reserve should be
invested. It was AGREED to await advice from WCC and carry forward any further
discussions to the March meeting of the Finance Committee.
028/20F Budget 2020/21
In the discussions on the 2020/21 budget, The Committee considered that
i. An allowance of £250 for Travel should be added
ii. The Community Event budget should be increased to £5,000
iii. A sum of £6,000 should be added as contingency if WCC applied a levy for play equipment
maintenance. There was also a need for play equipment for older children and any surplus
could be used to build up a reserve to fund this.
iv. Costs to maintain fire extinguishers would be met by the Landlord. There would not be any
costs to NPC for road adoptions.
v. Legal fees would be left as is to cover any costs associated with open space adoptions.
vi. An income of £520 could be expected for hosting local council elections in May
vii. Additional income from hiring of the Hall for corporate events should be explored.
viii. Any costs associated with a parish office in the Local Centre were unknown at this early
It was unanimously RESOLVED to recommend to Council the amended budget and to request
a Precept of £32,084.
030/20F Other reports:
i. Cllr Read referred to the need for Hampshire residents to register vehicles that wanted to use
the HWRC otherwise a charge could result and
ii. The first Amenities Committee meeting would be deferred by a week to 13 February.
The meeting closed at 9.15 pm. The next Finance Committee meeting will be held on Thursday 5
March 2020
Public Sessions
9 January 2020
A resident of the parish made comments concerning
• Clarification on transfer of open space
• Time between publishing agendas and the date of meetings
• The need for a budget reserve
• Accuracy of comments made during the last public session at the previous Finance
Committee meeting.
• A request for an update to suggestions made to generate income