Members: Cllr M Read (Chairman) (P) Cllr A Kirby (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr J Parry (P)
Also present Cllr D Crichton – Chairman of the Council, Karen Seear, Clerk to the Council and Luke
Hayter, Amenities Parish Warden.
028/22A Apologies: All Councillors were present.
029/22A Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was a Ward Member for
Winchester City Council.
030/22A Minutes: The minutes from the Amenities Committee Meeting’s held on 8
th July 2021
were received. An amendment was required, to add Cllr A Berry as in attendance. It then
was unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting be accepted as an
accurate record and were signed by the Chairman.
031/22A Public Session: There was no requirement for a public session.
032/22A Adoption of Open Space: The Clerk gave an update. She had previously circulated a list
of actions and the answers Winchester’s landscaping team had provided. She had not
heard anything else regarding this matter but asked if there were any questions from
Councillors she would pass them on. Cllr L Price asked if they had given an estimated
time scale, this had not yet been provided. The Chairman stated that he will make contact
with the landscaping team, and there is a need to appoint a solicitor for the process.
033/22A Health and Safety: A risk assessment for the Parish Office/Hall had previously been
circulated. Cllr L Price ran through the assessment noting a few differences from the
original assessment. He mentioned the extra equipment which is required to ensure health
and safety standards are met. Keys to the windows were mentioned. Cllr D Crichton
suggested that Grainger be contacted with regards to this to see if a set of keys can be
obtained for use by Parish staff. Cllr L Price also asked that the contents of the first aid
box are checked to make sure they are in line with current health and safety requirements.
Cllr D Crichton clarified a query regarding hazardous materials/chemicals which had been
mentioned on the report. Cleaning chemicals are locked away in a cupboard and used by
the cleaning staff. Cllr A Kirby stated there should be a COSSH record for the chemicals.
He thought it may be worth checking with Grainger. The Chairman asked whether checks
could also be made with WACA. NOTED.
The Covid-19 risk assessment was also mentioned, it requires reviewing and updating.
Cllr D Crichton then queried what was still outstanding regarding the risk assessment of
the Parish Office. Cllr A Kirby suggested that a DSE assessment be properly carried out.
A budget had already been approved as to what items are required for the office. The
Clerk and the Warden were asked to purchase the required items. NOTED.
The Chairman had drafted a risk assessment policy which will then be circulated to all
Councillors via the Clerk. The written risk assessment will also be incorporated into the
document. NOTED. Cllr A Kirby suggested that training may be required for risk
assessments. It was suggested that the Warden undertake some training. The Clerk had
found a relevant online training course. It was asked that any course become approved at
Full Council meetings. Cllr A Kirby suggested that any relevant training related to the
Warden’s role be looked into. NOTED.
The Chairman asked if there were any of questions regarding health and safety. Cllr L
Price asked what would happen in regards to maintenance checked of the playground and
youth shelter once Newlands Parish Council has received the land after adoption? The
Chairman stated that once a year playground checks will be necessary. There are
independent companies which can carry this out. Cllr A Kirby also suggested ad-hoc
visual inspections are also carried out at regular intervals. NOTED.
034/22A Christmas Event: Thinking ahead to Christmas. The Chairman asked whether a grant
application had been submitted? The Clerk updated mentioning there is an online form
which requires filling in and submitting. NOTED. Christmas trees were discussed. Cllr
A Berry had sourced Christmas trees last year. A tree was placed in the grounds of
Wellington Vale. Cllr D Crichton suggested that the Council write to the care home and
let them know what plans are for Christmas this year and to ask them what involvement
they would like to have. This would cover the Wellington Park area of the development.
NOTED. Grainger will also be erecting Christmas trees, the Council could find out where
they plan to locate them. Cllr D Crichton suggested making sure the three centres of the
development had Christmas trees. The Chairman asked who would be responsible for the
purchase of the trees? Cllr A Kirby mentioned that the trees were donated last year. A
4ft tree had also been planted, it is some way away from maturity. The Chairman
suggested that a tree may well need purchasing by the Council. There had previously
been access problems getting to the Christmas tree at Wellington Vale in order to maintain
the lights and decorations. This could be a consideration for the next Christmas tree. The
Chairman asked the Warden for his thoughts regarding the tree and whether he could offer
his help with it. Cllr D Crichton stated that if the Committee would like he could gain
some advice from the Waterlooville events team. Cllr A Kirby ran through the constraints
of decorating and maintaining a large tree. The Chairman suggested having one feature
tree in the development. The location of the tree could be in the area of open space the
Council will be adopting this year. Cllr D Crichton suggested that the process start by
talking to Grainger to establish their plans. The Council could then work with them. Cllr
D Crichton suggested that the Council could offer a single more substantial tree at
Wellington Vale as Grainger do not cover this area. Cllr A Kirby suggested that the
Warden could look at potential sites for the Christmas tree(s) and speak to Grainger. The
Warden agreed to look at around four suitable sites and bring back his findings to the next
Amenities Committee meeting. NOTED. Cllr A Kirby asked the Council to select a date
for when the Christmas trees should go up in order to give a timescale to work towards.
Saturday 27 November was suggested. A Christmas lights switch on event will be
planned. NOTED. Activities will be planned in conjunction with Grainger and the
Community Officer. Cllr A Kirby mentioned that there had been a grant from Winchester
City Council regarding the VE day event which hadn’t taken place last year due to Covid.
This money could now potentially be used for Christmas events. NOTED. The Chairman
had also previously suggested installing a flag pole which could be a double function item.
Christmas tree shaped lights are available which are hung on the flagpole and are very
effective. Cllr D Crichton stated that it is fair point, the flagpole tree would last. Real
Christmas trees only last the season. The suggested location would be an area by the
community centre. Due to its double purpose usage, flags could also be flown at the
appropriate times of year. The matter will be returned to at the next Amenities meeting.
035/22A Requirement for a solicitor: The Clerk contacted HALC with regards to sourcing a
solicitor for the required work regarding the land transfer. The Chairman suggested using
a firm of solicitors as hopefully they will have expertise across a wide range of subjects.
The Chairman stated he will look into a local firm of solicitors. Cllr A Kirby stated that
he knew a potential contact who may be willing to help. He make will make contact and
will pass details on to the Clerk. NOTED.
036/22A Parish Warden Equipment: The equipment the Parish Warden will require was discussed.
He will require clothing and footwear for year round use. A laptop for work will also
need to be provided as well as a mobile telephone. The budget for the items had already
been agreed. The Clerk was asked to liaise with the Warden to purchase the items
required. Information on costings for both mobile phones and a landline for the Parish
office would be researched. NOTED.
037/22A Other reports: The Warden drew attention to the current situation over at the Town Park
Skate park. Currently there is a vast amount of litter, graffiti etc.. in the area. The Warden
would like to work to try and rectify the situation. It was suggested that both Grainger be
contacted and the Police also become involved.
There are several queries regarding policing that the Council would like to ask. The Clerk
had asked the Police along to a meeting but unfortunately no officers were able to attend.
The matter will be returned to.
The Chairman asked for an update regarding the second youth shelter. The shelter hadn’t
been ordered as yet due to opposition concerns. The Chairman asked if the purchase could
be progressed. NOTED.
The meeting closed at 8.22pm.
The next meeting of the Amenities Committee is scheduled for Thursday 30th September 2021 starting
at 7.30pm