Members: Cllr M Read (Chairman) (P) Cllr A Kirby (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr J Parry (P)
Also present Cllr D Crichton – Chairman of the Council and Karen Seear, Clerk to the Council.
010/22A Apologies: All Councillors were present.
011/22A Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was a Ward Member for
Winchester City Council.
012/22A Minutes: The minutes from the Amenities Committee Meeting’s held on 8
th April 2021
were received. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting be
accepted as an accurate record and were signed by the Chairman.
013/22A Public Session: There was no requirement for a public session.
014/22A Adoption of Open Space: The Chairman had spoken with a representative from
Winchester City Council. She pointed out that the required site meeting could be bought
forward as it will take place outside. The handover process may require more than one
meeting. The Chairman asked for a list of outstanding landscaping work. Cllr D Crichton
will contact Kevin Mitchell with regards to this matter. The Chairman asked what days
and times were suitable for Councillors to attend the meeting, these were noted. He will
report back via the Clerk with some suggested meeting dates and the meeting will be
arranged. NOTED.
015/22A Youth Shelter: The Clerk gave an update. She had gained quotes for installation from
two other contractors and had had a site visit with one of these contractors. The third
quote is awaited. It would be preferrable to install the shelter in the better weather.
Queries were also raised with regards to timescales and delivery of the shelter. The base
of which could be installed in advance, ready for the company to deliver and install the
shelter onto the prepared base. Vehicular access will be required for contractors and the
key to the locks will need to be made available. The Chairman asked whether the third
quote could be circulated once received and a decision made thereafter. The Clerk was
asked to contact the manufacturer to ascertain delivery times. NOTED.
016/22A CCTV: The Clerk provided an update. After contacting Wellesley Court, she had spoken
to a representative of MHA, She informed her that she would contact the estates team
regarding this matter. The Clerk had yet to gain a response and will chase this up.
017/22A Ranger Equipment: A list of suggested equipment had been provided by the Council’s
health and safety representative, Cllr A Berry. It had also been decided that hi-vis vests
with the Council logo were required for site visits etc. These will be stored at the
community building and available for users when required. The Clerk will purchase the
vests ready for the planned walkaround with WCC. The exact equipment required by the
warden will be determined once the successful candidate is appointed. Storage of this
equipment and the tools required need consideration, this will be determined at a later
date. NOTED.
Other reports: It was asked whether the Council’s insurance policy covers works carried
out by the Council. The policy will be checked. NOTED.
Cllr J Parry mentioned he was concerned about damage to the youth shelter due to
previous cases of vandalism in the area. He informed the Council that the implementation
of CCTV at the town park had been successful at the Town Park.
The Chairman of the Council informed the Committee that the current bins will be
replaced at Town Park. It has been determined that the Council will be placing more bins
in the development after adoption. When this happens contracts as to who will be
emptying the bins will require consideration. NOTED.
Cllr A Kirby had previously attended a meeting with WACA. Re-opening of the
community hall was discussed. The hall would remain closed and reviewed after 21st
June 2021. NOTED.
The Chairman suggested that benches be sited along the walk through the development.
Council had previously been approached by a resident asking to place a bench in memory
of his mother. The Clerk will contact the resident with regards to this matter. The type
of benches that the Council wish to use was discussed. It was suggested that they should
be of a standard type throughout the development. The Chairman will bring back
suggestions to the Committee. NOTED.
The meeting closed at 8.10 pm.
The next meeting of the Amenities Committee is scheduled for Thursday 8
th July 2021 starting at