
Planning Committee Meeting Minutes 12.08.21

Minutes Uploaded on November 25, 2021

Members: Cllr A Carden (Chair) (P) Cllr A Berry (P)
Cllr O Barneveld (P) Cllr D Crichton (P)
Cllr A Kirby (P) Cllr J Parry (P)
Cllr L Price (P)
Also present Karen Seear, Clerk to the Council and two members of the public.
017/22P Apologies
All Councillors were present.
018/22P Declarations of Interest
019/22P Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes from the Planning Committee Meeting dated 6 May 2021 were received. It was
RESOLVED by a majority that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting be accepted
as an accurate record and will be duly signed by the Chairman at a later date.
020/22P Public Participation: There were two members of the public present. Both arrived after the time
allocated for speaking during the public session but were invited to speak during the Full Council
meeting which followed.
021/22P Planning Applications:
(1) Newlands
Ref No: 21/01958/PNHOU Press advert date: Wed 21 Jul 2021
Case No: PP-10058278 Comments by:
Date Valid: Wed 21 Jul 2021 Decision due: Unknown
Team: Case Officer:
Applicant: Mr Bradley Froggart
Proposal: Single-storey rear extension (3.40m depth, 3.20m maximum height, 3.20m eaves height
Location: 3 Poppy Fields Waterlooville Hampshire PO7 5FT
Comment: The Parish Council of Newlands, by a unanimous decision, raised NO OBJECTION to
this proposal.
(2) Newlands
Ref No: 21/02056/REM Press advert date: 2 August 2021
Case No: PP-10087575 Comments by: 26 August 2021
Date Valid: 2 August 2021 Decision due: Unknown
Team: Case Officer: Rose Lister
Applicant: Mrs Bryony Stala
Proposal: This is a reserved matters application for a sub station for Phase 5a in accordance with condition 6
(i – a, b, and c) of planning consent APP/10/00828 & 10/02862/OUT.
Location: Berewood Phase 1 Hambledon Road Denmead Hampshire
Comment: The Chairman stated that he thought the plans were not contentious and a logical extension. Cllr J
Parry wished to raise an issue regarding the sub-station near the Coopers unit. He feels that
visibility is reduced for pedestrians due to the location of the sub-station. It was decided to add
comment to the application regarding reduced visibility. The Parish Council of Newlands, by a
unanimous decision, raised NO OBJECTION to this proposal.
(3) Newlands
Ref No: 21/00570/OUT Press advert date: Tue 02 Mar 2021
Case No: Comments by: 1 September 2021
Date Valid: Tue 02 Mar 2021 Decision due: Unknown
Team: Case Officer: Robert Green
Applicant: Mr Jim Tarzey
Proposal: (AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED) North Plot – Erection of 2no. buildings (Building N1
comprising up to 3no. units and 3,513 sqm of GIA (including mezzanines) and Building N2
comprising up to 2no. units and 808 sqm of GIA (including mezzanines)) for flexible Class E(g),
B2 and / or B8 uses plus associated vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access, parking, servicing and
landscaping (detailed access, building layouts and building scale not reserved).
Location: Land West Of Darnel Road Waterlooville Hampshire.
Comment: The Chairman asked for comments regarding the amended plans. It was felt that the amended
changes are minor and essentially the planning application remains the same. Cllr J Parry is
concerned regarding the 24 hour usage of the site and the fact that HGV lorries will be in operation
throughout this time. This operation will be taking place just metres from residents houses. The
Chairman ran through comments made by the committee from the previous proposal. It was felt
that the issues raised by the Council last time have not been addressed. Cllr D Crichton felt that
the Council should note that the same objections apply. Cllr A Berry felt that the Council should
also be objecting on health and safety grounds. Artic lorries operating and driving through the
development are a cause for concern and there is a major concern regarding children crossing roads
to get to the nearby play area. Cllr L Price mentioned that the Council were not informed at any
stage prior to the application that the operations of the proposed business park would be for 24
hours use. Cllr D Crichton also wished to point out that the application should also be considered
by the joint planning committee. NOTED.
The Parish Council of Newlands wishes to OBJECT by a majority to the amended proposal.
On the same grounds as the last objection with the additional points being added on health
and safety grounds.
(4) Newlands
Ref No: 21/01005/FUL Press advert date: Wed 13 Apr 2021
Case No: PP-10058278 Comments by: 1 September 2021
Date Valid: Tue 13 Apr 2021 Decision due: Unknown
Team: Case Officer: Robert Green
Proposal: AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED) South Plot – Erection of 3no. buildings (comprising: building S1
comprising up to 2no. units and 710 sqm GIA; building S2 comprising up to 6no. units and 930 sqm
GIA; and building S3 comprising up to 4no. units and 884 sqm GIA (including mezzanines)) for
flexible Class E(d)(e)(g), B2 and / or B8 uses plus associated access, parking, servicing and
Location: Land East of Darnel Road Waterlooville Hampshire
Comment: Cllr D Crichton noted that the application has now had the site lines repositioned. Glazing
would be obscured on the amended plans. Cllr J Parry felt that the same objections are still
applicable. There were 8 grounds to the objection. The Chairman read through each
concern. There is a query over who the units will be let to, the usage of the units is not yet
known. It was recommended that the Parish Council re-instate their previous objections to
the amended proposal. Cllr D Crichton recommended that the application also be considered
by the joint planning committee. Cllr J Parry mentioned that they had been told there was
a high demand for the type of units they are planning. Many of the units previously built
still remain empty. The Parish Council of Newlands wishes to OBJECT by a majority
to the amended proposal on the same grounds as previously stated in the original
014/22P Outstanding Matters and Matters Arising
Cllr D Crichton stated that there had been a delay in the information supporting plans for the
Sports Pavilion this is due to the addition of an outdoor gym. A response is awaited from Havant.
The meeting closed at 7.35pm. The next meeting will be held on 16 September 2021.
The application will have to be re-advertised due to the change. The application will be reexamined by the Council when it is re-submitted. NOTED.
The application for the second primary school had now been put forward and is available for view
on Winchester City Council website. NOTED.
015/22P Joint Planning Arrangements: There have been queries raised regarding the frequency and
criteria of the joint planning committee arrangements. Cllr D Crichton has had a response to
queries he had raised from Winchester Councillors. The Chairman asked the Clerk to circulate the
response to committee members. NOTED.

016/22P Hargreaves Application: The Havant application for a food store, KFC and drive through coffee
shop was discussed as it has an impact on the residents of the development. Cllr A Berry is
concerned about the implications of bringing more fast food outlets to the area, obesity is a
concern nationwide and is something the government is tackling. The amount of traffic, carbon
monoxide will also have an effect on the area. Cllr A Berry proposed that the Council object to
the proposal. The motion failed as due to lack of Councillors supporting the proposal. NOTED.
017/22P Decisions Received: There were no decisions to receive. NOTED.