Members: Cllr A Berry (Chairman) (P) Cllr D Crichton (P)
Cllr A Carden (P) Cllr L Price (P)
Also present Karen Seear, Clerk to the Council.
040/22A Apologies: All Councillors were present.
041/22A Declarations of Interest: No declarations were made.
042/22A Minutes: The minutes from the Highways and General Purpose Meeting held on 7th
October 2021 were received. It was UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the minutes
of the Council meeting be accepted as an accurate record and were duly signed by
the Chairman. The Chairman wished to thank Councillors for keeping the meetings
going in his absence. NOTED.
043/22A Public Session: There was no requirement for a public session.
044/22A Outstanding Matters and Matters Arising: The Chairman mentioned he had recently
checked on the matters that require action within the development. He could see that
some of the issues had been dealt with, but some were still outstanding. It was
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to ask the Clerk to chase this.
045/22A Correspondence: An email had been received which concerned motorcycle noise on the
B2150. There is to be a meeting of the Southern Parishes which will discuss this.
Newlands Parish Council have been invited along. The Chairman and Cllr Crichton –
Chairman of the Council agreed to attend the meeting. It was agreed to hi-light the current
problems regarding E-scooters at the meeting. The Chairman felt it may also be worth
mentioning this issue to both Taylor Wimpey and Grainger. He also thought that
Winchester City Council could be made aware of the fact the scooters are being used on
the greenway, they could potentially enforce the law to scooters users here. It was asked
to also write a courtesy letter to Havant Borough Council informing them of the issue.
046/22A Highways and General Purposes budget forecast: The Finance and Personnel Committee
had asked the Committee to consider a future budget. In order to do this there are several
aspects which will require clarification in terms of ownership/responsibility upon
adoption. Items such as bus shelters were queried, who would become responsible for
maintenance etc.. The Chairman went on to list the items which he believes will become
the Council’s responsibility. Cllr Crichton suggested including in the budget, signs within
the development which will show both entering and leaving the Parish boundaries. The
Chairman suggested complying a list which would list everything the Council require
budget consideration for the next 3 to 5 years. These items will need to be clarified with
Grainger and Taylor Wimpey. The Chairman mentioned that the Council has a duty of
care to keep to the current standard of maintenance. The schedule of works should be
passed on to the Council to ensure this standard is kept with whichever contractors the
Council chooses to use. NOTED. The Chairman also suggested changing some of the
grass verges to wildflower areas this would encourage wildlife. Bulbs/seeds would
require purchasing NOTED. The Chairman suggested budgeting for any potential
flooding problems. NOTED. He asked committee members to consider which items
should be included for the budget and to bring their suggestions back to the next
committee meeting. NOTED.
047/22A Highways Adoption: Cllr Crichton gave a verbal update. An issue had held matters up
concerning the road which leads to the recycling centre, an update was awaited. Cllr
Crichton is hoping to receive an estimate regarding timescales for adoption of the spine
road. He also mentioned that he had been made aware of an issue which Dicentra would
potentially like to avoid concerning details of the land transfer. If the land transfer
agreement is to happen before the section 106 agreement, Newlands Parish Council will
also become a party and will have to sign the agreement. It is hoped this can be avoided
by timing the Council’s land transfer with WCC to be after the 106 transfer has happened.
NOTED. Cllr Crichton had also spoke with Taylor Wimpey’s representative who told
him that the stream bed will be cleared. Cllr Crichton advised that the bottleneck needs
to be moved further round as there currently is an issue which exacerbates the flooding
problem. The stream bed will later be transferred to the environment agency. NOTED.
The Chairman mentioned that he had received reports that residents had not been finding
Winchester City Council very helpful as they had had concerns regarding flooding in the
development. They are expecting the Parish Council to do more to help. Currently the
Parish Council does not have responsibility for the effected areas. The Chairman told
residents to contact either WCC or Havant Borough Council and to inform them that they
had notified the Parish Council.
Cllr Crichton mentioned the ongoing issues with Trinity, a management within the
development. Responsibility of the areas they manage still requires clarification.
Obtaining maps to show responsibility had previously been suggested, they had not yet
been obtained, the Clerk was asked to chase this. Cllr Crichton stated he would get in
touch with a representative he had been in contact with. The Chairman suggested that
maps be sourced showing areas of responsibility with all management companies in the
development, this will help the Highways Committee determine responsibility should any
issues arise. NOTED.
Cllr Crichton mentioned that a meeting with Grainger had taken place which started the
ball rolling for the adoption of the Town Park. Responsibility of a large amount of land
within the Town Park is owned by Havant Borough Council. Grainger will be arranging
a future meeting with all parties involved to determine a course of action. NOTED.
048/22A Other Reports: A discussion took place regarding maintenance and ownership of land
outside of the Parish. Cllr Carden stated that the Parish Council could take on ownership
of parts of external land if is of benefit to parishioners. Questions were raised regarding
the knock on effect of this which may mean increasing the charge of precept etc.. The
question of maintenance and ownership requires more consideration, the matter will be
discussed further at future meetings. NOTED.
Cllr Crichton also mentioned management of allotments. This should be considered
shortly. Management could either be passed on to an allotment organization or it could
be managed in house. The Chairman felt that the Warden could assist with this work.
Cllr Crichton felt it may be too much work for one person and extra staff may be required
in the future. NOTED. Future considerations regarding cemeteries were discussed.
Havant Borough Council are yet to decide whether to use a parcel of land within the
development for a cemetery. Havant Borough Council is currently short on space. If a
cemetery in the development does go ahead, considerations regarding the management
will also be required. NOTED.
The Chairman stated that there are many considerations required under this committee.
He wished to ensure that the Council are clear on what is required as the Clerk will have
a lot of work to carry out in the future. The Parish Council should be able to justify this
work and ensure that any work is transparent and available to residents. NOTED.
The Chairman ended the meeting. He wished thank committee members and the Clerk
for their work keeping the committee going in his absence. NOTED.
The meeting closed at 8:58pm.
The next meeting of the Highways and General purpose Committee is scheduled for Thursday 17
February 2022 starting at 7.30pm.