Members: Cllr D Crichton (Chair) (P) Cllr O Barneveld
Cllr A Berry (P) Cllr A Carden
Cllr A Kirby (P) Cllr J Parry (from 7.55pm) (P)
Cllr L Price (from 7.35pm) (P) Cllr M Read (P)
Cllr F Tingle (P)
Also on the call were D/Cllrs A Clear, J Clementson and M Read, Katie Bone and Carole Samuda, HBC
Community Officers and Tony Daniells, Clerk to the Council.
038/21C Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllrs O Barneveld and A Carden.
039/21C Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was the Ward Councillor for
Winchester City Council.
040/21C Minutes
The minutes from the Council Meeting held on 16 July 2020 were received. It was unanimously
RESOLVED that the minutes of the council meeting be accepted as an accurate record and
were duly signed by the Chairman.
041/21C Public Participation: There were no members of the public present.
042/21C County and District Councillors Reports
a) C/Cllr P Stallard apologized for absence and had provided a written report which had previously
been circulated and is appended to these minutes. The Chairman thanked her for her report which
was NOTED.
b) Apologies were received from D/Cllr T Evans.
D/Cllr A Clear spoke on a number of points including
• The new Planning White Paper. There would be no CIL or S106 payments but an infrastructure
payment was proposed. It was unclear if Neighbourhood Plans would be retained.
• She was pleased to report that Communities had come together during lockdown.
In answer to a question, it was unclear how National Parks would be affected by the Planning White
Paper but she hoped they would contribute more to new builds.
Cllr M Read spoke about
• WCC would continue to use MS Teams for virtual meeting until into the Autumn.
• There would be a virtual meeting on 21 September to try an evaluate the changes proposed to
the planning system. All parishes would be invited.
• The Mayor of Winchester wished to visit parishes and he would arrange a half day visit to
Newlands. It was also suggested that the Mayor of Havant could also be invited.
Cllr L Price joined the meeting during the above item.
043/21C Parish Matters
a) Implementation Officer’s Report: These was no report to receive
b) Development and Adoptions: An update had been received from the Taylor Wimpey Adoptions
Manager and this had been previously circulated. Southern Water were now ready to sign the S104
agreement for adoption of sewers.
Concerns from residents about works to the Gateway were answered. These were works necessary
prior to getting the road adopted. No new planning applications were expected soon NOTED.
c) Complaints from Residents: Cllr Berry spoke of complaints from residents about rubbish, weeds
and general untidiness. Areas of concerns had been reported and some had been addressed. Pressure
should be put on those who had responsibility for maintaining their areas.
There were also issues with drug use on the development. The area was policed by Bishops
Waltham. He suggested that the Sergeant attend a site meeting to discuss.
Residents should also be notified that the Parish Council were actively following up on complaints
rather than just seeing a mention in meeting minutes.
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to all those with maintenance responsibilities
and also to invite the Police from Bishops Waltham to attend onsite.
d) Community Plan: The Chairman spoke of a meeting held recently to look at a way forward. The
Plan would be developed by Community Officers and encompass the whole development.
Documents had been produced by the Community Officers which were a good starting point.
Cllr J Parry joined the meeting during this item.
044/21C Communications
a) Grant request from Citizens Advice. A letter had been received asking for a grant of £150 to support
their work in the parish. It was unanimously RESOLVED to support Citizens Advice with a
grant of £150 funded from underspend in 2019/20.
b) Website: The Clerk advised that he had been made aware of a tool to identify needed changes to the
website. He would continue to work through these. NOTED.
045/21C Outside Bodies
a) Southern Parishes: A meeting was held on 3 August and notes from this meeting had been circulated.
Southwick and Widley PC had now joined as a member of the Group. NOTED.
b) Aquind: A virtual meeting would be held on 21 August and address some of the many questions
raised by this project. An article had also appeared in The News. Aquind had still not replied to a
suggestion of an alternate route. NOTED.
c) The HALC AGM would be held as a virtual meeting on 24 September. NOTED.
046/21C Matters Referred by other Committees
a) Adoption of Open Spaces: The Chairman opened this item. The Clerk reminded Council of a number
of questions raised during the meeting with WCC Officers which were outstanding due to holidays.
It was AGREED to defer this matter and refer it back to the next meeting of the Amenities
Committee for them to make a recommendation to Council.
b) Cllr M Read declared an interest in the following matter and would not vote on this.
Councillor Surgery: It had been requested that the Hall could be used for a Ward Councillor Surgery.
Provided that H&S concerns with cleaning would be addressed, then the use should be allowed. Cllr
A Berry would work with Cllr M Read to advise on this. Southwick and Wickham Ward Councillors
were also invited to use the Hall. It was AGREED that the Community Hall could be used for a
monthly Councillor Surgery on the first Saturday of each month at no charge.
047/21C Finance
a) Orders for Payment: The Clerk advised that invoice 21 should be payable to The Clerk. Debit cards
for the account had now been received. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payments
detailed on the Orders for Payment (list 06) should be APPROVED in the sum of £26.37
including VAT and that further payments of £597.11 were ratified and nil receipts are noted.
b) Bank Statement: The July bank statements had been previously circulated. The statements were
reviewed and the balances as at 31 July 2020 were agreed. The statement would be signed at a later
date by the Chairman. NOTED.
c) Accounts: The accounts for July had been prepared and circulated. NOTED.
048/21C It was unanimously RESOLVED to receive the Minutes, Reports, Recommendations and
Resolutions of the following committee meetings: –
a) Amenities Committee 4 June 2020
b) Planning Committee 18 June 2020
049/21C Other Reports: There were no other reports tabled.
050/21C It was RESOLVED that in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act
1960 to exclude the public and press for discussions regarding personnel matters where
publicity might be prejudicial to the special nature of the business.
The meeting closed at 8.54pm
The next meeting will be held on 17 September 2020
Please note minutes of meetings are published as soon as possible on the website to help residents. However,
they do not become the formal record of the meeting until agreed or otherwise at the next meeting. Therefore,
you should always check to see whether any amendments have been made.
HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL report to Newlands Parish Council – 20th August 2020
Keeping Hampshire Safe
A new information and communications campaign for the public – Keep Hampshire Safe – to support the
delivery of Hampshire’s Local Outbreak Control Plan has been launched. The aim of the campaign is to
continue to promote important public health messaging designed to support the population to keep well, and
reduce transmission of coronavirus, as well as ensuring that messaging relating to local outbreaks will reach
communities across the county in a timely way. To ensure the public can keep up to date with what is
happening across the county, a new webpage has been created which includes a
number of resources and assets, and contains links to a new COVID-19 dashboard, providing helpful ‘at-aglance’ data on infection rates in Hampshire. District information is also available on this page.
Independent National Survey on Highways and Transport
Hampshire residents are being asked for their views on Hampshire County Council’s range of highways and
transport services – from the condition of roads, provision for cyclists and how residents feel the County
Council manages utilities’ works on the road network. Answers provided will be compared with the views of
other members of the public across England and Scotland – through the National Highways and Transport
Public Satisfaction survey.
Hampshire County Council has taken part in the national survey since it began in 2008, one of only 26
highways authorities to do so. In past years, the survey has been carried out by paper surveys sent to a number
of randomly selected addresses. This is the first year the survey is also being made available online to ensure
that all Hampshire residents have the opportunity to provide their views. The online survey runs until 30th
September 2020. People can take part in the online survey by visiting Further information about the survey and past results is available at:
Bid to support Hampshire’s Green Recovery
A bid to Government for a further £3.45 million has been submitted by Hampshire County Council to deliver a
range of schemes to help redesign some of our roads and high streets to support social distancing, assist
economic recovery and support people who want to continue walking and cycling.
Hampshire County Council submitted a successful bid earlier in the year for £863,000 for temporary
pop-up measures to help people socially distance more easily. We have listened to feedback from
residents and worked in partnership with, Town Councils, Parishes, and Borough and District Council
colleagues to develop plans to change our towns and high streets and implement new schemes which
encourage active travel such as walking and cycling. Some funds will be used for a new strategic cycle
corridor to encourage walking and cycling along the A27 corridor between Fareham and Portchester
including raised crossings, to slow traffic down, as the first stage of a more comprehensive package of
improvements on this corridor;
Community Transport Services
Community Transport services commissioned by Hampshire County Council are now beginning to operate
again as the Government lifts more travel restrictions for residents following the Coronavirus outbreak The
first services to resume have been the Dial-a-Ride, Call and Go and Shopper services which operate across
Hampshire. More information community transport services available locally, go
£1 million for Rural Broadband Scheme
While superfast broadband is available to more than 96% of premises in Hampshire, those living in remote
locations have often missed out as they are more difficult – and consequently more expensive – to reach. The
Hampshire Top-Up to the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme has been designed to address this
issue by offering additional funding towards the cost of installing gigabit-capable broadband. It will
enable eligible residents to get vouchers worth up to £3,000 per property – double that of the standard voucher.
Gigabit-capable broadband (also known as ultrafast broadband) has speeds of up to 1,000Mbps or 1Gbps. It
means residents will be getting the latest technology, delivered straight to their homes. They will then be able to
choose an internet package from a provider to suit their needs and budget. To qualify for the scheme,
residents must live in a rural area, be unable to get broadband speeds of 100Mbps or more and apply as a
group of two or more premises. The Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme with Hampshire Top-Up will be
allocated on a ‘first-come, first served’ basis. To find out more, go
Apprenticeships at Hampshire County Council
Your apprenticeship with Hampshire County Council will be for a least 12 months. During that time you will
be fully supported by your Manager. They will ensure that you progress in your studies and develop the skills
necessary for your job. Typically, a starting salary for an apprentice at Hampshire County Council is £15,015
per annum. This varies depending on the role. You also receive a holiday allowance and some expenses.
We provide a number of apprenticeships that could help you work towards a professional and rewarding career.
We offer hands on training, supported learning and at the end of your apprenticeship you will have gained
nationally recognised qualifications. Apprenticeships are available in many different industries. This could lead
you towards:
• a higher level apprenticeship
• higher education
• skilled employment and further training
Apprenticeship levels range from Level 2 (equivalent to five good GCSE’s) to Level 7 (equivalent to a masters
degree). How to apply – visit
Traineeship Plus
Traineeship Plus will improve your chances of getting a job or apprenticeship by helping prepare you for the
world of work. The programme gives you the opportunity to learn English and maths through fun and exciting
tasks like the ones you will experience when working. You will gain skills in employability that will help you
search for jobs and succeed in interviews.
The Traineeship Plus programme
Over 20 weeks you will:
• complete a 2 week induction including: confidence and team building, health and wellbeing,
equality and diversity and health and safety
• learn English and maths through engaging activities relevant to the work place throughout the
• complete a 16 week high quality work placement (2-3 days a week)
All you need to apply
• Motivation to learn and develop your skills in English, maths and employability
• Have a minimum grade 3-9 or A-D GCSE in English and/or maths (non-GCSE qualifications will
be considered on an individual basis)
• To be aged 16-24 years old
What we give you
• Work placements in areas like Health and Social Care, Business Administration, Construction,
Customer Service, Highways, Countryside and Catering
• A weekly bursary is available to those that are eligible and will be discussed on an individual
• Level 1 employability qualification
• English and maths qualifications
• Support for 4 months after the traineeship to help you achieve your goals
Completing the Traineeship Plus programme can open many options to you such as:
• apprenticeships
• full time jobs
• further education
Start dates are in September and March each academic year (other programmes may run at other times of the
year if applications are high). Applications are accepted all year round and will be considered for the next
available start date.To find out more email or phone 01962 846193 or visit
Patricia Stallard
Lead Executive Member for Children’s Services & Young People
Hampshire County Council
Divisional Member for Winchester Southern Parishes / 02392 251484