
Full Council Meeting Minutes 20.06.19

Minutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021

Members: Cllr D Crichton (Chairman) (P) Cllr O Barneveld (until 9.20pm) (P)
Cllr A Berry (P) Cllr A Carden
Cllr J Parry (P) Cllr L Price (P)
Cllr F Tingle (P)
Also present D/Cllr C Brook, Tony Daniells, Clerk to the Council and 1 member of the public.
023/20C Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Carden.
024/20C Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest made at this time.
025/20C Minutes
The minutes from the Annual Council Meeting dated 16 May 2019 were received. It
was unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the council meeting be accepted
as an accurate record and were duly signed by the Chairman.
026/20C Public Participation
The meeting was adjourned at 7.35 pm to allow comments from the public. The meeting
reconvened at 7.50 pm.
027/20C County and District Councillors Reports
a) Apologies were received from C/Cllr P Stallard. There was no report to receive.
b) Apologies were received from D/Cllrs T Evans, A Clear and J Clementson.
D/Cllr C Brook was in attendance and gave a verbal report. In her report she referred to
• The change of control of the Council
• The recent recommendation on nitrate levels and the effect on planning. WCC
had not clarified its position on this
• Planning Development Control meetings would be held in the evenings on a
trial basis
• There was now a renewed focus by both WCC and HCC following the Climate
Emergency Declaration
The Chairman thanked D/C Brook for her lead on providing a logo for Newlands Parish
Council (NPC)
028/20C Schedule of Council Meetings for 2019
A schedule of meeting dates for 2019 had been previously circulated. This proposed
monthly meetings for Council and its Planning Committee. Dates for meetings of the
Finance Committee were amended to Thursday 11 July and 7 November. Planning
Committee meetings would continue to be held before Council meetings until such times
as the business of the meeting required a separate meeting.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the schedule of meetings for the
remainder of 2019.
Parish Matters
029/20C Community Facility
a) Council considered what was required to bring the Community Facility into use. In the
discussion, the following points were raised:
• The need for a Health and Safety audit of the Facility and a business plan to
identify its use, who would manage the Facility and insurance were some of the
considerations identified.
• WCC were of the opinion that it would be possible for the Parish Council to
now sign the lease for the Facility.
• Advice should be sought from HALC
• If NPC signed the lease and there were issues, would the Council be liable for
any costs that may arise later.
• A meeting with WCC Community Planning Manager, HBC Community
Officers and Grainger should be organized.
• A H&S audit would only be made on the NPC area of use and not the shared
areas. If any issues with the shared area were identified, at the same time then
these would need to be discussed with Grainger. Grainger would be advised that
a H&S audit was to be made.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to carry out a H&S audit in the next 14 days with
Cllr Berry taking the lead. The report would be considered at the July meeting of
this Council
b) Until the Community Facility was brought into use or other amenity responsibilities
were taken on by the Council, there was no immediate requirement to set up an
Amenities Committee. This matter would be considered at the July meeting when the
report for the H&S audit was available.
The recent vandalism to picnic tables in open spaces was raised. D/C Brook was to set
up a multi-agency meeting to consider vandalism. It was AGREED that Cllrs Price,
Berry and Parry would also attend, with other Councillors attending if they were
030/20C Council Policy
The Chairman acknowledged the work of Cllr Carden in preparing Policy documents
for consideration. Cllr Price abstained from voting as he had not considered the
documents. The following Policy documents were considered
a) Co-option Policy: It was RESOLVED by a majority to adopt this Policy
b) Complaints Policy: It was RESOLVED by a majority to adopt this Policy
c) Health and Safety Policy: Cllr Berry had a number of objections to the content of this
Policy paper. At the request of the Chairman, he would document his concerns for
consideration at the July meeting of Council
d) Social Media Policy: It was RESOLVED by a majority to adopt this Policy
e) Home Working Policy: Cllr Berry had objections to the content of the Policy document.
At the request of the Chairman, he would document his concerns for consideration at
the July meeting of Council
031/20C Communications
a) Two points were raised
i. A communication had been issued by Chamonix advising that Taylor Wimpey
would be ready to put roads up for adoption in 6 months time. Council
questioned the timeframe as much work was outstanding
ii. Council were asked to consider a means for Councillors to communicate
internally. The use of Whatsapp was proposed. It was unanimously
RESOLVED to setup a Whatsapp group for internal communications with
Cllr Tingle taking the lead.
b) Use of the website was reported as being slow. Two alternative suppliers had been
contacted to get an estimate of costs for hosting by them
Cllrs Crichton and Parry declared a personal interest as they had previously been
customers of VOXIT, one of the hosting companies being considered.
In the discussion, it was considered that the website examples from of VOXIT were
superior to those of e-mango. Costs were also examined and whilst e-mango may be
lower in the initial setup, a three year projection showed that VOXIT was likely to be at
a lower cost. The technical assessment of the two were accepted in that VOXIT was a
better option.
It was AGREED that more detail would be asked for from VOXIT and that Cllr
Parry would give his input to asking the right questions of VOXIT. If their
response was acceptable, then VOXIT would be the preferred supplier.
c) The use of Social Media by the Council was discussed. The Chairman had setup a FB
page and he would confirm this. Cllr Parry would be able to setup an API so that the FB
page could be added to the Council’s website. Cllr Parry would be added as an
administrator of the FB page.
It was AGREED to gather more information and to defer further discussion until
the July meeting
d) The use of a ‘virtual landline’ was considered and this would allow residents to call a
landline number that would be diverted to a mobile at no additional cost to them. The
Chairman would obtain more information for discussion and decision at the July
meeting of Council
032/20C Southern Parishes
a) Notes from the meeting of the Southern Parishes Group were received. The Chairman
summarised the discussions at this meeting. The speaker at the meeting was the Fly
Tipping Partnership and Project Officer from HCC. Also discussed was the intent to
hold a training session from HALC for new Councillors with costs shared by attending
Councils. Training was available from HALC, and the Clerk suggested waiting to see
if the local training was to be held before booking Councillors onto scheduled HALC
b) Southern Parishes Constitution. The Constitution was received and NOTED.
c) Parish Charter: It has been proposed by another parish council to have a Charter between
parishes and the Winchester City Council. The Council NOTED the proposal and would
await further correspondence on this matter.
033/20C Meetings to Outside Bodies
a) Cllrs Crichton and Price had attended a meeting held by Winchester City Council for its
parishes. Both considered the meeting to be of value. The Chairman summarised the
content of the meeting and had prepared a report which is appended to these minutes.
The relevant information to come from the meeting was WCC had committed to be
carbon neutral, some maintenance would be delegated to the parish level, a residents
survey had indicated satisfaction with services from WCC, parishes should have an
Emergency Plan and WCC would start kerbside collection of glass in October. NOTED.
b) The July meeting of the West of Waterlooville Forum had been cancelled because there
was no new business to discuss. Council supported the Chairman’s suggestion that he
writes to both WCC and HBC to remind them of the purpose of the Forum meetings and
to request that the meetings be held to resolve outstanding issues. This was the only
means to address cross boundary issues between the two authorities.
034/20C Financial Matters
a) Bank Account: The account was now operational and funds held by WCC had been
transferred to the account. There remained some funds to transfer from the two Parish
Councils. NOTED.
b) Parish Council’s Insurance: Council consider the two quotes received for insurance. It
was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the quote from Zurich Insurance and to
enter into a three year agreement.
Cllr Barneveld left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.
It was RESOLVED to extend the meeting by a further 10 minutes to complete
essential business and to defer exempt matters.
c) Orders for payment: There were no payments to approved and the receipts of
£16,526.00 were NOTED
The Clerk had received an invoice for registration of the domain name. Denmead
Parish Council would fund this but could bot pay the invoice as it was in Newlands
Parish Council’s name. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payment of
£130.80 (inc VAT) should be made and the funds, less the VAT, would be
reimbursed by Denmead Parish Council
d) Bank Statement: The May bank statement had been previously circulated. The statement
was reviewed and the balance as at 31st May 2019 was agreed. The statement was signed
at the meeting by Cllr Crichton. NOTED.
e) Internal Audit: The Clerk reported on the need for an audit of the effectiveness of
financial controls of the Council. He suggested contacting two residents with a financial
background to ask them to conduct the internal audit. He was asked to contact them and
if their qualifications were acceptable, to ask if they would assist the Council with their
f) Payroll Services: A quote for payroll services had been received from James Todd &
Co. Use of this company was supported by the Chairman of the Finance Committee.
The decision was deferred until other matters were agreed that would require this
service. NOTED.
035/20C Other Reports
Parish Flag: Discussions on having a parish flag were deferred
036/20C Exempt Business
It was unanimously RESOLVED that exempt business was deferred to the July
The meeting closed at 9.40 pm
The next meeting will be held on 18 July 2019
Parish Council of Newlands
Local Council Update Meeting
Winchester Guildhall – 18th June 2019
Attendees: Councillors Crichton and Price
Key Topics
• Winchester to become Carbon Neutral o Hampshire County Council has also taken this decision
• Electric Charging Points for new homes as part of above policy
• Devolution of Maintenance Service to Parish level
• Residents’ Survey indicate general satisfaction
• Presentation by Hampshire Emergency Planning Officer o Need to develop Parish Emergency Plan
when appropriate
o Advise residents to create Personal Emergency Plans
• Kerbside Glass Recycling Collection soon o Each household to be given container
o Additional containers to be available
• Waste Food collection to be introduced when possible o Hampshire to set up Anaerobic Digester
o Benefit to Eastleigh whose current collection is shipped to Dorset
• Residential Development Planning to continue but with different tests o Nitrate outflow level
Parish Council of Newlands
Parish Council Meeting held on 20 June 2019
A resident of the development asked questions regarding
• Councillor contact details on the website. In reply, she was advised that if she wished to
contact a Councillor, she could use the generic email address and this would be received by
the Clerk who would forward it to the relevant Councillor
• Questioned items in the 2019/20 budget referring to the sums allocated for business rates and
other item allocations, as she perceived there was little benefit to residents. In reply she was
advised that WCC had set the initial budget based on items that may require funding. Any
unspent allocations would be carried forward to the next financial year to offset the precept.
The resident was proposing to setup a Residents Association across the development.
D/Cllr Brook congratulated the Council on its logo, referred to the successful event at the skatepark
and advised that Chamonix would provide litter bins in green areas.