Members: Cllr D Crichton (Chairman) (P) Cllr O Barneveld (P)
Cllr A Berry (P) Cllr A Carden
Cllr J Parry (P) Cllr L Price (P)
Cllr M Read (P) Cllr F Tingle
Also present C/Cllr P Stallard, D/Cllrs C Brook, J Clementson, N Cutler and M Read, Tony Daniells, Clerk
to the Council and two members of the public.
037/20C Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllrs Carden and Tingle.
038/20C Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest made at this time.
039/20C Minutes
The minutes from the Council Meeting dated 20 June 2019 were received. It was
unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the council meeting be accepted as an
accurate record and were duly signed by the Chairman.
040/20C Public Participation
The meeting was adjourned at 7.32 pm to allow comments from the public. The meeting
reconvened at 7.52 pm.
041/20C County and District Councillors Reports
a) C/Cllr P Stallard gave a verbal report. She reported that Hampshire Children’s Services had
recently been declared outstanding in all areas following an Ofsted inspection. This was
only 1 of 2 authorities in the UK to receive this. As a result, Hampshire had been
commissioned to take over 3 failing authorities. In answer to questions she replied that
• there would be no cost to Hampshire tax payers
• Portsmouth and Winchester Universities ran courses for social workers and this was a
supply feed for Hampshire.
• Key stage 2 results were above the national average.
Hampshire was also having a new flag as agreed by the Lord-Lieutenant.
The Chairman congratulated Hampshire on its achievements with Children’s Services.
b) Apologies were received from D/Cllrs A Clear and T Evans.
D/Cllr N Cutler spoke of activity at Winchester City Council. The new administration was
undertaking a review of the three major projects at WCC. These being the new Leisure
complex, a new office block and central Winchester regeneration. He now had a key role
in the finances at WCC. The long term financial support from Central Government was yet
to be agreed. He was also determined to get senior officers at WCC to visit the Southern
D/Cllr C Brook spoke of a public consultation recently held to consolidate four surgeries of
the Vine Group into one and located in Newlands Parish. She was to call a meeting to discuss
transport links to the new surgery. She was also following up play area inspections and
maintenance as the contractors were not completing all work that WCC were paying for.
Grass cutting was also being discussed with that contractor.
D/Cllr M Read advised of the closures of Jubilee and Edinburgh Houses as it was not viable
to maintain the buildings. He spoke of his concern at the cancellation of the West of
Waterlooville Forum as there was outstanding business to conclude. He agreed that liaison
with Havant Borough Council was essential. D/Cllr Cutler added that the Forum meetings
would continue but that the Terms of Reference needed to be reviewed.
D/Cllr J Clementson was conscious that Waterlooville was becoming fragmented and cited
the duplication of Community Centres as an example.
042/20C Vacancies on the Parish Council
Mr Mike Read introduced himself and summarised his working background and his
achievements as a District Councillor and former Parish Councillor. The Chairman
welcomed his experience.
It was unanimously RESOLVED that Mr Mike Read be co-opted onto the Parish
Council to fill one of the vacancies remaining after the May elections. He would be a
member of the Finance Committee but not serve on the Planning Committee.
Cllr M Read Signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the Council table.
043/20C Council Meetings for 2019
WCC Planning Development Committee were to meet on a Thursday evening which
coincided with meetings of the Parish Council and its Planning Committee It was suggested
that Parish Council meetings dates were changed to avoid this clash.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to bring Council meetings and those of its Planning
Committee forward by one week and the Clerk would prepare a new meeting schedule
to reflect this.
044/20C Council Policy
Cllr A Berry had amended the Health & Safety Policy and the Home Working Policy and
these had been previously circulated. Cllr M Read abstained from voting as he had not had
sight of the documents. It was RESOLVED by a majority to adopt both Policies.
The Health & Safety Policy referred to a H & S Officer and the Chairman asked if Cllr Berry
was prepared to take on this role. He agreed that he was willing to do this if Council agreed.
It was unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr A Berry was appointed as the Council’s
Health & Safety Officer.
045/20C Parish Matters
a) Implementation Officer’s Report
A report had been received and the Chairman verbally summarised the content. The three
main areas covered by the report were
• finishing off at the Taylor Wimpy site where there are a number of issues such as
replacement bollards, finishing fencing, replacing shrubs
• strategic issues including the future use of the TW employment land
• adoption issues such as open spaces, roads and lighting.
• Another area covered was foul water drainage and the camera survey that was to
be undertaken.
There was no update on the employment land although there had been interest previously
and HBC have yet to decide a location for a cemetery. The Chairman proposed to D/Cllr
Cutler that WCC purchase the small strip of employment land for additional car parking.
D/Cllr agreed to discuss this with the WCC Estates Team.
The Clerk would circulate the report to all Councillors.
b) The Chairman asked if there was agreement from Council to write a letter to Haven
Healthcare in support of their proposal to build a Health Centre in Newlands. No planning
application had yet been received for this.
As there was not unanimous agreement for this, no letter would be sent.
046/20C Communications
a) An email had been received from the WCC Open Space and Projects Officer asking if the
Parish Council were prepared to take on the maintenance of the play area at the Western
Open Space. Councillors were made aware that commuted funds would be available to cover
costs. A course was also available to train a person to carry out daily inspections. It was
suggested that maintenance could be considered when open space areas were adopted. It
was AGREED that this matter would be discussed at the next meeting of the Finance
b) Website: Cllr J Parry tabled a list of questions that should be put to the preferred supplier of
website services. It was AGREED that Councillors should feedback and replies to Cllr
Parry and these would be reviewed at the next meeting.
c) The use of Social Media by the Council required further work. The Chairman would discuss
this with Cllr Parry. NOTED.
d) The use of a ‘virtual landline’ was considered and this would allow residents to call a
landline number that would be diverted to a mobile at no additional cost to them. The
Chairman would obtain more information for discussion at the next meeting.
047/20C Community Facility
The Chairman gave thanks to Cllr Berry for attending a meeting to discuss the Community
Facility. He considered it to be a productive meeting.
Matters discussed at this meeting would be taken under Exempt Business as they were
confidential between the Council and Grainger.
048/20C Southern Parishes
a) The next meeting of the Southern Parishes Group would be on 22 July at Bishops
Waltham. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the Chairman and Clerk attend as
an approved duty.
049/20C Parish Status
It had been confirmed by WCC Housing Business Services team that there are no restrictions
on Right to Buy (RtB) in the Winchester District. This was a universal decision and not
specific to either rural or urban parishes. NOTED.
050/20C Liaison with Outside Bodies
The Chairman had asked that he be authorized to liaise with the Army for service personnel
who were to move onto the development and with HBC for matters that needed to be
addressed in between meetings of the WoW Forum. Cllr Read asked that this did not
undermine the Forum. It was AGREED that Cllr Crichton undertake the liaison
between the Army and HBC.
051/20C Financial Matters
a) Orders for Payment: It was unanimously RESOLVED that further payments made
since the last orders of payment and detailed on the Orders for Payment (list 03) should
be RATIFIED. There were no other payments to approve and no receipts had been
b) Bank Statement: The June bank statement had been previously circulated. The statement
was reviewed and the balance as at 30
th June 2019 was agreed. The statement was signed
at the meeting by Cllr Crichton. NOTED.
c) Accounts: The accounts to 30 June 2019 had been previously circulated. NOTED.
d) Payroll Services: A quote for payroll services had been received from James Todd & Co.
Use of this company was supported by the Chairman of the Finance Committee. It was
unanimously RESOLVED in principle to use the payroll services from James Todd &
Co when needed.
052/20C Other Reports
There were no other reports.
053/20C Exempt Business
It was RESOLVED that in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings)
Act 1960 to exclude the public and press for discussions regarding personnel matters
where publicity might be prejudicial to the special nature of the business.
The meeting closed at 9.52 pm
The next meeting will be held on 8 August 2019
Parish Council of Newlands
Parish Council Meeting held on 18 July 2019
A resident of the development asked questions regarding
• Recording the comments made during the public session at Council meetings
• Financial regulation 14.4 required a business plan prior to any acquisition of buildings.
• Her survey to residents has received 39 replies so far. Many of these offered practical and
achievable suggestions for the development.
D/Cllr Clementson referred to comments on FB relating to a smell around the development. She had
visited the area but could not confirm the origin of the smell. Some considered the smell to originate from
the Denmead area and Cllr Read reminded the Council of previous problems with the pumping station on
the B2150.
A newsletter from the MCS Group had been distributed to the development advising of concrete laying
and pile driving over the next 10 days. Many residents had not seen the newsletter.