
Full Council Meeting Minutes 15.10.20

Minutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021

Members: Cllr D Crichton (Chair) (P) Cllr O Barneveld (P)
Cllr A Berry (P) Cllr A Carden (P)
Cllr A Kirby Cllr J Parry (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr M Read (P)
Cllr F Tingle (P)
Also on the call were C/Cllr P Stallard and D/Cllrs A Clear, T Evans, N Cutler, J Clementson and M Read. Also
presents were Katie Bone, HBC Community Officer, Jenni Upstill of Grainger Trust and Tony Daniells, Clerk
to the Council.
065/21C Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr A Kirby.
066/21C Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was the Ward Councillor for
Winchester City Council.
067/21C Minutes
The minutes from the Council Meeting held on 17 September 2020 were received. It was
RESOLVED by a majority that the minutes of the council meeting be accepted as an accurate
record and were duly signed by the Chairman.
068/21C Public Participation: There was no requirement for a public session.
069/21C County and District Councillors Reports
a) C/Cllr P Stallard gave a verbal report. She spoke about the number of reported cases of Covid in
Hampshire, including those in schools. School attendance remained high. A temporary mortuary
had been set up in Basingstoke. Five testing centres were in Hampshire with the nearest being in
Havant. She referred to the impact that Covid had on HCC’s budget.
b) D/Cllr Cutler spoke of test and Trace support payments from WCC. Winchester Guildhall had been
shut but had now been let to the Courts Service . WCC were continuing to roll out electric car
charging points.
D/Cllr M Read spoke about
• The number of Covid cases in the Denmead and Southern parishes.
• Funding for food banks was available from WCC (Steve Lincoln)
• He had attended a virtual meeting which covered a number of subjects from Covid to Brexit,
and climate change to house prices. House prices were predicted to fall in 2021 but then recover.
D/Cllr A Clear reminded Council of the changes to the garden waste collection service which would
soon become chargeable. A new method of assessing local housing needs was to be introduced. She
congratulated the Council on a successful joint visit of the Mayors of Winchester and Havant.
D/Cllr T Evans spoke of the issues with providing an access to the west of J10 of the M27. This was
a prerequisite for Wellborne. Funding from the Government for this work had now times out.
Winchester’s Christmas Market had been cancelled. WCC were to reply tio the White Paper on
Planning reforms from Government.
D/Cllr J Clementson spoke of protests to the Aquind application from allotment holders in Milton,
Portsmouth. They now had a FB page to voice their objections. She urged people to share the link
to raise awareness of the Aquind proposal. The electricity cables would go via a bore hole to run
under Hilsea moat and the M27.
070/21C Parish Matters
a) Implementation Officer’s Report: These was no report to receive..
b) Development and adoptions: Grainger’s Development Manager and Taylor Wimpey’s Adoption
Manager had both submitted written update reports which had been previously circulated. The map
supplied by TW of managed land showed the areas of Angus Green and Radnor Green still to be
adopted. The Clerk would contact WCC to confirm the status of these areas.
Jenni Upstill added to her report by advising that the number of occupations was now 867 but this
did not trigger any payments. She asked Council to approve the name of Berewood Nature Reserve
such that a little bit of legacy would remain. There was no objection to use of this name. Other
development phases would be linked to the wooded nature of the area with names such as Larkfield
and Woodland Edge.
The pond near Proxima Park was being reviewed and a suggestion was that it could become a
community fishing pond. Access to the pond may need to be improved.
c) Halloween Event: The Community Officer was organising a best pumpkin event for residents of the
development. Grainger had agreed to donate £70 for prize money for their development and the
Parish Council were asked to match that for the Wellington Park development. It was unanimously
RESOLVED to donate £70 from the Community Event budget for prize money for the
Halloween event.
d) Community Plan: The Community Officers preparing the Community Plan were organizing a photo
contest to raise awareness of the Plan. This asked residents to submit photo’s in two categories.
WCC had given a grant of £500 towards the cost of producing the Plan and the Parish Council were
asked to match this. It was unanimously RESOLVED to award a grant of £500 towards the
costs of producing the Plan.
e) Covid-19 Emergency Plan: Cllr L Price had suggested a Covid Emergency Plan. This could be to
coordinate local support to residents. There had been a good community response so far. It was
AGREED that Cllr Price would draft a Covid Emergency Plan for review.
C/Cllr P Stallard advised that Central Government had devolved responsibility for Covid then HCC.
They were attempting to get clarity of what communities could do as there were lots of mixed
messages coming out.
071/21C Communications
a) Newsletter: The HBC Community Officer had printed a newsletter and this was being distributed
across the development. The Chairman apologised that his article referred to adoption of open spaces
which had yet to be agreed. It was suggested that future newsletters from the Community Officer
and the Parish Council were combined to save on printing and delivery costs.
b) Website: The website had been updated with a Community Plan page. This included the Parish
Profile and a link to further information on Community Plans from the WCC website.
c) Correspondence: HALC had circulated details of their virtual conference. This was at a cost of £40
per attendee. It was unanimously RESOLVED to fund attendance by the Chairman as an
approved duty and fund the costs of the conference from the Training budget.
072/21C Outside Bodies
a) Southern Parishes: The Chairman and Clerk attended a virtual meeting on 5 October 2020. The
guest speaker was C/Cllr Rob Humby. Test Valley Borough Council had proposed lobbying
Central Government to have unauthorize encampments proscribed through the criminal law, rather
than being a civil matter. The Southern Parishes were asked to support the proposal. NOTED.
b) Aquind: WCC were keeping parishes informed of development with the Aquind application. There
were no other updates to receive. NOTED.
c) West of Waterlooville Forum: the next meeting would be held as a virtual meeting on 3 November
2020. The Chairman referred to a reply from WCC that there was no budget to replace street name
signs with those having the WCC crest. He also referred to the matter of access to the development
via Brambles Farm. He would raise these at the Forum. Cllr Read would ask about the plan for the
ASDA roundabout on the B2150, which had been promised some years ago. NOTED.
073/21C Matters Referred by other Committees
a) Open Space Adoption: Cllr Read, as Chairman of the Amenities Committee advised that the
Committee recommended adopting open spaces in Wellington Park from the start of the new
municipal year. This would allow some time to prepare for the adoptions. It had also been suggested
that a ‘Ranger’ be employed to liaise with the maintenance contractor and oversee the operation.
The costs of managing inhouse was also suggested. The Clerk gave costs supplied by WCC for the
annual maintenance costs incurred although it was recognised that other work would be required in
time such as tree maintenance. It was unanimously RESOLVED to adopt open spaces from 1
April 2021.
b) Youth Shelter: The Chairman of the Amenities Committee had walked the area that could be suitable
for a youth shelter. One possible location had been agreed with other members of the Committee
and the Police. Cllr Berry though th the need for benches for the elderly should take priority. Others
considered the damage and ASB that a youth shelter might attract. No design for a shelter had yet
been agreed but an indicative budget of £5,00 was suggested by the Clerk. It was RESOLVED by
a majority to install a youth shelter on Newlands Walk in the agreed position in the 2021/22
c) Community Hall: The Hall was unused at present as being unsupervised, Council could not
guarantee that hirers were following Covid safety guidelines. Cllr Carden read out the latest
guidance. The Council could use the Hall for meetings so long as they were held in a Covid safe
way, which included wearing face coverings. More than 6 people could attend, provided they stay
in their household groups. Although, the advice was still to hold virtual Council meetings. NOTED.
074/21C Committee Structure: Cllr Carden had circulated a paper proposing that Council set up a Highways
Committee. He also proposed that others committees comprised of 4 members such that Council
could retain a final decision. The proposal was amended to also include a general purposes element
to it to allow capture of matters that were related to highways. It was unanimously RESOLVED
to establish a Highways and General Purposes Committee at the Annual Council meeting in
May 2021. It was further unanimously RESOLVED that Terms of Reference for the
Committee were drafted prior to May and that the membership numbers of other Committees
was considered at the Annual Council meeting in May 2021
075/21C Meeting Schedule 2021:The Clerk asked about meeting frequency for Council and Committees now
that a H&GP Committee had been accepted. He was asked to bring a proposal to the next meeting
of Council but reminded of the time criticality of Planning Committee meetings
076/21C Finance
a) Orders for Payment: It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payments detailed on the Orders
for Payment (list 08) should be APPROVED in the sum of £97.14 including VAT and that
further payments of £597.50 were ratified and that receipts of £500.00 are noted.
b) Bank Statement: The September bank statements had been previously circulated. The statements
were reviewed and the balances as at 30 September 2020 were agreed. The statement would be
signed at a later date by the Chairman. NOTED.
c) Accounts: The accounts for September had been prepared and circulated. NOTED.
d) Local Government Pension Scheme: To allow any member of staff to join the LGPS scheme, HCC,
as administrators of the scheme, required Council to have first resolved to allow this. It was
unanimously RESOLVED to allow members of staff to join the Local Government Pension
077/21C It was unanimously RESOLVED to receive the Minutes, Reports, Recommendations and
Resolutions of the following committee meetings: –
Amenities Committee 30 July 2020
Planning Committee 20 August 2020
078/21C Other Reports:
i. Cllr Read suggested that as 5 Ward Councillors were present at the meeting and all wished
to give a report, that this took too long and speaking should be limited to one Councillor
from each ward. The Clerk would write to the Ward Councillors to propose this to them
ii. Grainger were to organise a drop off point for then local food bank, using the Community
Hall for this.
079/21C As the meeting approached the time limit for Council meetings, it was agreed to extend the meeting
for a further 30 minutes (S.O 3x).
080/21C It was RESOLVED that in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act
1960 to exclude the public and press for discussions regarding personnel matters where
publicity might be prejudicial to the special nature of the business.
The meeting closed at 10.01pm
The next meeting will be held on 19 November 2020
Please note minutes of meetings are published as soon as possible on the website to help residents. However,
they do not become the formal record of the meeting until agreed or otherwise at the next meeting. Therefore,
you should always check to see whether any amendments have been made.