
Full Council Meeting Minutes 10.10.19

Minutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021

Members: Cllr D Crichton (Chair ) (P) Cllr O Barneveld (P)
Cllr A Berry (P) Cllr A Carden (P)
Cllr A Kirby (P) Cllr J Parry (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr M Read (until 10.00pm) (P)
Cllr F Tingle (P)
Also present D/Cllrs N Cutler, A Clear, C Brook , J Clementson and M Read, Katie Bone, HBC
Community Officer, Tony Daniells Clerk to the Council, and four members of the public.
086/20C Apologies: There were no apologies for absence.
087/20C Declarations of Interest: There were no Declarations of Interest made at this time.
088/20C Minutes
The minutes from the Council Meeting dated 12 September 2019 were received. It was
unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the council meeting be accepted as an
accurate record and were duly signed by the Chairman.
089/20C Public Participation
The meeting was adjourned at 7.34 pm to allow comments from the public. The meeting
reconvened at 7.46 pm.
090/20C County and District Councillors Reports
a) Apologies were received from C/Cllr Patricia Stallard. Her written report had been
previously circulated. NOTED
b) D/C Neil Cutler spoke of the refuse collection contract. Recent changes to the contract
had resulted in things going wrong and he apologised for this. Calendars of collection
dates had not been delivered on time. Recovery of the problems was good and due in part
to the cooperation of residents using social media. Lessons had been learnt. Cllr Crichton
asked if the boundary between HBC and WCC had been clarified and he gave Sickle Way
as an example. He also asked that as new houses were occupied, these were added to the
collection round. D/C Neil Cutler reported that 115 residents had completed the budget
simulator and the results would be analysed and factored into budget discussions. WCC
would have additional costs associated with waste recycling as HCC were to reduce their
subsidy and also pass on the costs of spoilt recycling collections.
D/C Caroline Brook spoke of the closure of Foxtail Road with no warning to residents.
She referred to the exhibition and consultation on the Local Centre and emphasised the
importance of local residents attending to say what they wanted from it. She asked the
HBC Community Officer if anti-social behavior of an evening was being monitored and
addressed. The Community Officer replied that it was being addressed by Youth Services.
The Chair added that Grainger were to put in CCTV at the Town Park.
D/C Judy Clementson advised that recycling bins at the Scout Hut in Denmead could take
yogurt pots.
D/C Angela Clear said that members of the public were now able to speak in a public
session of WCC Council/Cabinet meeting provide they gave prior notification.
D/C Mike Read was pleased that two Councillors had attended the recent planning Coach
Tour of the District. He wanted to see examples of planning application that had been
allowed on appeal also included.
091/20C Parish Matters
a) Implementation Officers Report: The Clerk had received a report but too late to circulate
prior to this meeting. He read out the report. Councillors asked that the report was sent in
good time for the meeting. The Chairman summarised discussions with Taylor Wimpey
on road works to finish the road surfaces in preparation for adoption. The Clerk would
circulate the Implementation Officers report and information on road surfacing. NOTED.
b) Road Parking: The Clerk reported that the developers of Proxima Park had responded and
addressed the problem of road parking by providing a temporary on-site car park. Taylor
Wimpey and Grainger had asked for dates and times of when problem occurred. The Clerk
had sent information to Taylor Wimpey but awaited information to send to Grainger. Cllr
Tony Berry was collecting this information together with photographic evidence.
Council then had a general discussion about the use of garages and car ports for parking
and how these were often used for other purposes. D/Cllr Caroline Brook was pressing
WCC Planning Control to amend their policy to allow for wider garages and car ports.
Parking at Berewood School was also discussed. Parking provision was inadequate to
meet the need. Grainger were considering enforcement action to remove the problem of
inconsiderate parking.
Other items raised were that Taylor Wimpey were installing bollards to prevent parking
and there were instances of trucks parking on the bend in the road by the bridge.
c) West of Waterlooville Arts Advisory panel meeting: Minutes from this meeting had been
previously circulated. D/Cllr Neil Cutler advised that WCC were looking to dispose of
the WoWpod. The intention was to proceed with the ‘Grow your boat’ project. D/Cllr
Caroline Brook also advised that a dog agility area and outdoor gym were still in plan.
d) Road Adoptions: The Chairman summarised the actions proposed by Taylor Wimpey to
bring roads to a standard for adoption by HCC. To complete the works would require
some road closures. The intention was to have the main roads adopted by the end of the
year. The Chairman looked ahead to when Sickle Way would be close as a through route.
Cars exiting Sunnymead Drive would need to turn right to access the development and he
proposed a mini roundabout to manage traffic flows.
The road to the HWRC would also need to close once the HWRC shut in the evening.
Taylor Wimpey had suggested road surfacing taking place between the hours of 4.30pm
– 10.30pm but the end time was considered too late in a residential area. Cllr Fiona Tingle
though that a finish time of 8.30pm would be acceptable. It was AGREED that Cllr
Fiona Tingle would communicate this to Taylor Wimpey.
D/Cllr Judy Clementson asked that residents were given the correct information on road
closures and activities.
e) Community Space: Items to make the Community Space usable were on order or had
been delivered and were in use. The costs of this had been provided by Denmead and
Southwick & Widley Parish Councils. NOTED.
092/20C Communications
a) Correspondence: There were no additional items of correspondence to receive.
b) Website: The costs of having a website from Voxit were known. Council considered if a
maintenance contract should also be taken with Voxit but this would exceed budget. Cllr
Jason Parry had sent a summary of the pros and cons of using Voxit compared against the
free website provided by Hugo Fox. It was AGREED by a majority to defer a decision
at this meeting and refer to matter to the next meeting of the Finance Committee.
c) Social Media: Cllr Jason Parry gave an update. Further items to be agreed between the
Clerk and Cllr Parry were an account for the Clerk on FB, an address for the Parish Office
and opening times. This information would be added when agreed. Cllr Mike Read
provided details of VOIP uses but it was not considered to be required at present. It was
AGREED that the Clerk would contact the WCC GIS manager and request the
correct address for the Parish Office and request a post code.
d) Virtual Landline: This landline was now operational. NOTED.
093/20C Southern Parishes
The next meeting would be held on 21 October in Bishops Waltham. The Chairman would
suggest that NPC hosted a future meeting at the Community facility. NOTED.
094/20C Council Structure
Council discussed the future management of the Community Facility. There was now a
need for an Amenities Committee although Cllr Adam Carden challenged this as it had
previously been agreed that a Committee would be set up. In a discussion on who should
be on the Committee, Cllr Mike Read advised that Council should always be able to out
vote a Committee.
It was unanimously RESOLVED that the Amenities Committee be composed of four
Councillors and that Cllr Mike Read was Chairman with Cllr Andy Kirby as ViceChairman. It was AGREED that the meeting frequency was considered at the next
meeting of this Council and that the Terms of Reference for the Committee were
also presented at the next meeting.
095/20C Outside Bodies
a) WoW Forum: The next meeting of the Forum would be held on 5 November. Cllr Mike
Read considered that rather than have more Forum meetings there may be a need to have
sub-groups to look at specific items of business. Cllr Fiona Tingle would attend for Cllr
David Crichton. Cllr Crichton would make Cllr Tingle of any matters that he would like
to raise. NOTED
b) Armed Services: The Chairman reported that no serving members had moved into the
development yet but he would be meeting with a representative from Amey who were
overseeing the moves. NOTED
c) Winchester District Association of Local Councils (WDALC): The Chairman reported
that he attended the last meeting of this Group. The discussions covered local bus services
and early sight of planning applications so that local knowledge could be factored in. The
minutes of the meeting had been previously circulated. NOTED.
096/20C Finance
a) Orders for Payment: It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payments detailed on
the Orders for Payment (list 05) should be APPROVED in the sum of £2,040.94
including VAT and that receipts of £24,480.61 are noted. Further payments of
£461.70 (including VAT) made since the last orders of payment were RATIFIED.
b) Bank Statement: The September bank statement had been previously circulated. The
statement was reviewed and the balance as at 30 September 2019 was agreed. The
statement was signed at the meeting by the Chairman. NOTED.
c) Accounts: The accounts to 30 September 2019 had been previously circulated. NOTED.
d) Christmas Tree: Cllr Tony Berry introduced this item. He had prepared a written report
which had been previously circulated. Sub-Committee members had recommended
having a live tree sited on the green space opposite Wellington Vale. A social event could
be held when the lights were switched on. Further work was needed on this and members
would be taking this away to progress. He has completed a Risk Assessment of erecting
a Christmas Tree on the development. The Committee were also looking to incorporate a
tree on the Berewood side of the development and the Arts panel reported that Grainger
were to site a tree at the Town Park and had installed an electricity connection for this. It
was RESOLVED by a majority to accept the report and agree that the Committee
continue its work.
e) It was unanimously RESOLVED to set up a Direct Debit to pay the monthly costs of
the virtual landline.
097/20C It was RESOLVED to receive the Minutes, Reports, Recommendations and
Resolutions of the following committee meetings: –
Planning Committee – Minutes 20 June 2019
098/20C Other Reports
i. It was suggested that the Parish Council buys its own copy of Local Council
Administration by Charles Arnold Baker. The Clerk would get the cost and bring
this back to the next meeting for consideration.
ii. Councillors should have id badges and the Clerk would obtain costs for these
iii. The Chairman advised that he could produce business cards for any Councillors
wanting them.
iv. Name templates would be updated to reflect the agreed name of Chair
v. It was agreed that a suggestion that Councillor hold surgeries was considered at
the next meeting of this Council. It was also suggested that Ward Councillors
could also hold a surgery on the development.

099/20C It was AGREED that the meeting should be extended by a further 30 minutes.
Cllr Mike Read left the meeting prior to Exempt Business
100/20C It was RESOLVED that in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to
meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and press for discussions regarding
personnel matters where publicity might be prejudicial to the special nature of the
The meeting closed at 10.30 pm
The next meeting will be held on 14 November 2019
Please note minutes of meetings are published as soon as possible on the website to help residents.
However, they do not become the formal record of the meeting until agreed or otherwise at the next
meeting. Therefore, you should always check to see whether any amendments have been made.
Parish Council of Newlands
Parish Council Meeting held on 10 October 2019
D/C Judy Clementson spoke of confusion to residents attending Council meeting by allowing Ward
Councillors to speak during the closed session but not allowing residents to speak. The Chair
explained that he could recess the meeting to allow public speaking at his discretion.
A resident of Melick Way asked
i. If the Lease on the community space had been signed? The Chair replied that it would be
signed this evening
ii. Was the H&S Audit Report available? The Chair replied that he hoped Council would agree
to release it into the public domain later in the meeting. He also summarised the findings of
the report.
iii. Who could use the community space? The Chair spoke of the need to develop a fair letting
policy and allow regular bookings but prevent block bookings. This would be discussed later
and he hoped it would be resolved then. He asked for volunteers to help run the facility.
A resident of the development asked if there was a business plan for the community space. The Chair
advised that a Financial Risk Assessment had been prepared. Income should exceed costs based on
interest in hiring the facility.
D/C Judy Clementson said that the Waterlooville Community Centre employed four part time
caretakers and would Newlands Parish Council be interested in sharing these. The Chair said it was
something to consider.