
Full Council Meeting Minutes 08.08.19

Minutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021

Members: Cllr D Crichton (Chairman) (P) Cllr O Barneveld (P)
Cllr A Berry Cllr A Carden (P)
Cllr J Parry (P) Cllr L Price (P)
Cllr M Read (P) Cllr F Tingle
Also present C/Cllr P Stallard, D/Cllrs J Clementson, N Cutler and M Read, Tony Daniells, Clerk to the
Council, Katie Bone, HBC Community Officer and one member of the public.
057/20C Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllrs Berry and Tingle.
058/20C Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest made at this time.
059/20C Minutes
The minutes from the Council Meeting dated 18 July 2019 were received. It was
unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the council meeting be accepted as an
accurate record and were duly signed by the Chairman.
060/20C Public Participation
The meeting was adjourned at 7.33 pm to allow comments from the public. The meeting
reconvened at 7.50 pm.
061/20C County and District Councillors Reports
a) C/Cllr P Stallard gave a verbal report. She spoke of the outstanding results of Hampshire
schools in key stage 2 for Year 6 children. This was above the national average in reading,
writing and maths. She congratulated children and staff on these results
She also advised that serving and retired members of the Armed Forced could receive
substantial discounts on many attractions in Hampshire. They could also use a camping site
for holidays.
b) Apologies were received from D/Cllrs A Clear and T Evans.
D/Cllr N Cutler spoke of recent problems with bin collections. This was due to lorries
breaking down as they are getting older towards the end of the contract.
He also spoke of comments he had made to the Returning Officer following the May
elections with the location of Polling Stations and the accuracy of the Electoral Register.
He was seeking a meeting with Acquind to discuss funding of community projects. He also
advised of the cutoff date for the next round of funding for community projects.
He concluded by speaking of the need to balance the budget at WCC and there would be a
need to prioritise spend. A consultation, expected to start in September for a month, would
seek views on priorities.
D/Cllr J Clementson had nothing further to add to that previously covered.
Cllr Read confirmed that the glass collection bins did not have lids and some residents would
not use them as a result. D/Cllr Cutler believed that the glass collection banks would remain.

062/20C Council Policy
In answer to a question, Cllr Parry advised that the role of the Data Officer would be similar
to that of a GDPR Data Protection Officer. The role of Data Officer also encompassed the
use of social media. He would define the role.
It was unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr J Parry be appointed as the Data Officer
for Newlands Parish Council.
063/20C Parish Matters
a) There was no report to receive from the WCC Implementation Officer. The Chairman had
drawn up a list of outstanding items to be addressed prior to any adoption being considered.
Council discussed the proposed double yellow lines outside of Berewood School by
Grainger. As this was private land, Grainger could enforce any parking restrictions but
would need to display these. Cllr Read would discuss this with the WCC Parking Officer.
Council also considered the need for light controls at the gateway roundabout especially
once further development of a Health Centre and School were completed. The bus company
would also welcome some control if they were to be able to continue to run a service to the
development. The Chairman was aware that this was being discussed.
064/20C Communications
a) i. A grant request had been received from Citizens Advice to help support the service.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to make a grant of £100 funded from
ii. Haven Properties had asked for support from the Parish Council to the principle of
development of a new Health Centre on the development. This was separate to a
planning application, which would follow if the NHS agreed to fund the proposal.
Council were made aware of the reviews of the Vine Group who would occupy the
new Centre. It was unanimously RESOLVED to write a letter from the Parish
Council in support of the principle of development of a new Health Centre.
iii. The Clerk advised of a meeting of the Winchester District Association of Local
Councils in Whiteley on 19 September 2019. It was unanimously RESOLVED to
approve attendance by the Chairman as an approved duty.
b) Website: Cllr J Parry had previously circulated a list of questions that should be put to the
preferred supplier of website services. There were no comments on this. It was AGREED
that Cllr Parry should contact the supplier to get answers to these questions and these
would be reviewed at the next meeting.
c) Cllr Parry had tabled a list of considerations on the use of social media. His
recommendations were accepted. The names of Newlands Parish Council for a FaceBook
page and #newlandspc for Twitter were agreed providing they were available. Roles for FB
such as admin, editor had to be agreed. Any communications received from social media
would be directed to the Clerk’s email address. A name would also be reserved on
Instagram. Council would use their own photographs on social media. It was unanimously
AGREED that Cllr Parry, as the Data Officer, progress the setting up of social media.
d) Information on the use of a virtual landline had been previously circulated. The service
offered by Tamar Telecommunications was considered to meet the need. 2500 inclusive
minutes would also be adequate. Cllr Parry would agree a virtual landline telephone number.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to take the services of a virtual landline from Tamar
Telecommunications and the cost to be funded from Telephone budget.
065/20C Southern Parishes
a) The notes from the meeting of the Southern Parishes Group held on 22 July had been
circulated. The meeting received a presentation from their Lengthsman on his work at
Bishops Waltham. Also discussed were ACSO sharing, pothole repairs and grass verge
maintenance. The Clerk also advised that he had been contacted regarding the benefits of
the services of a Warden. NOTED.
066/20C Liaison with Outside Bodies
The Chairman advised that the first Servicemen had yet to move into the development. He
also referred to correspondence with WCC relating to taking over maintenance of open
space and with HBC about maintenance of open space that would be adopted by them but
was adjacent to NPC areas. He reiterated that NPC were not yet ready to adopt and manage
open spaces. NOTED.
067/20C Financial Matters
a) Orders for Payment: There were no Orders to approve as no funds had been received nor
any payments made since the last Orders for Payment. The Clerk advised that the ‘divorce’
payment from Denmead Parish Council had since been received. NOTED.
b) Bank Statement: The July bank statement had been previously circulated. The statement
was reviewed and the balance as at 31
st July 2019 was agreed. The statement was signed at
the meeting by Cllr Crichton. NOTED.
c) Accounts: The accounts to 31 July 2019 had been previously circulated. NOTED.
d) Christmas Tree: The Chairman introduced this item. The location of a tree had to be
considered. It would also have to be secured as a tree of this size would be heavy. The Clerk
gave a cost for a 20 feet tree as £250 plus delivery if required. Council also considered a
modern tree as used by Denmead Parish Council. It was AGREED that the Clerk would
get information on a modern tree for consideration at the next meeting.
e) VAT: Council considered registering for VAT and were advised that as a local authority
they did not need to register but could reclaim back VAT up to a certain limit. Cllrs Carden
and Price would investigate further and draft a paper for consideration at the next meeting.
068/20C Other Reports
There were no other reports.
069/20C Exempt Business
It was RESOLVED that in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings)
Act 1960 to exclude the public and press for discussions regarding personnel matters
where publicity might be prejudicial to the special nature of the business.
The meeting closed at 9.30 pm
The next meeting will be held on 12 September 2019
Parish Council of Newlands
Parish Council Meeting held on 8 August 2019
Cllr Price, speaking as a member of the public referred to a Government consultation on recycling. The
Government wanted to get to zero waste and to encourage local authorities to find more ways to recycle
more. Failure to do so would result in grants being reduced.
Cllr Cutler responded by summarising the roles of HCC and WCC in collection and disposal of waste.
These were coordinated through Project Integra. It would be for that project to decide where to invest to
increase recycling rates. Doorstep glass recycling was in progress and food waste may be next. C/Cllr
Stallard advised that HCC struggled to find funds to keep HWRCs open. Other points raised was how
HCC compared in its recycling to other authorities and what was the benchmark figure. Very little
recycling was sent to landfill. HCC had been one of the first to recycle but their facilities needed to keep
up with what could now be recycled.
A resident stated that the bins in the Town Park did not separate recyclable waste. D/Cllr Cutler advised
that contamination of recyclable waste was an issue but noted the need for better bins on the development.