Members: Cllr L Price (Chair) (P) Cllr O Barneveld (P)
Cllr A Carden Cllr A Kirby (P)
Also present was Cllr D Crichton and Karen Seear, Clerk to the Council.
037/22F Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr A Carden.
038/22F Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest made.
039/22F Minutes of the previous meeting: The minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting dated 17 June
2021 were received. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the Finance
Committee meeting be accepted as an accurate record and were duly signed by the Chair.
040/22F Public participation: There was no requirement for a public session.
041/22F Correspondence:
042/22F Management and conduct of the committee meetings: The Chairman wished to discuss conduct
issues regarding resolutions at meetings. He suggested that queried items should be deferred to the
next meeting until more information gained. Cllr A Kirby pointed out that the Council must follow
standing orders and if a proposal is raised Councillors are required to vote on it. NOTED.
043/22F Review of Budget: The Chairman suggested that this item be made a standing item at each meeting.
After reviewing the budget he noted that the grant money given to help fund the skate park event
needs moving to the grant section of the budget. NOTED.
044/22F Financial Management of asset replacements: The Chairman ran through some points regarding
asset replacement. Cllr D Crichton suggested that a useful lifespan be added to each item the Council
purchase. He also pointed out that there should a disposal procedure regarding items no longer
required. NOTED. Cllr A Kirby wished to point out that raising precept costs to cover another
budget would look un-favourable to residents. Currently the Council has sufficient funds to cover
additional items required. He suggested going forward that the funds be transferred from the general
reserve to the asset re-fresh reserve for at least the next couple of years. It was suggested that advice
be sought on the way assets should be replaced. The Chairman mentioned that both himself and the
Clerk will be attending a course on council financial management. It was then suggested a policy
may need drafting and the matter returned to at the next meeting. NOTED.
045/22F Funding for replacement of assets required April 2022: The Chairman suggested that a proposed
costs from each Committee must be provided to the Finance and Personnel Committee for funding.
046/22F Notification of the legal obligations to fund H&S and welfare requirements, for staff: The
Chairman summarized the need to provide funding to ensure the safe working environment of staff.
A health and safety report had been carried out on the parish office, several items were identified as
being required. Cllr A Kirby suggested that at present reserve money should be used and a budget
drawn up. Cllr D Crichton suggested that a list of items should be made available and their purpose
identified. NOTED. It was suggested an upper limit budget of £5,000 to spend on rectifying health
and safety issues and for the additional items required for use by the second member of staff. A
discussion took place over where DSE assessments are required as the Clerk also works from home.
Cllr A Kirby suggested that all that is required at present is to set the budget. It was
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to set the budget at £5,000 to purchase additional items for
047/22F Additional funding to Clerk for use of personal equipment for parish work and travel: Cllr D
Crichton stated that this has already been accounted for and accepted as required. The Clerk will
continue to charge back expenses to the Council. A travel form expenses claim also exists. NOTED.
048/22F Additional Travel costs for Chair, due to the Council’s duty to adhere to the Equality Act 2010:
(This item has been removed, as it has already been managed.)
049/22F Forward planning of next year’s budget, new and amended budget items and financial
forecasts: It was acknowledged that when considering next years budget, input will be required from
each committee with regards to expenditure and items required. Cllr A Kirby suggested that the
budget be looked at during the October meeting of this committee. He would ask the Amenities
Committee for a figure prior to this meeting. The same should be carried out for the Highways and
general Purpose Committee and Full Council. NOTED. It was also acknowledged that the Council
will be applying for Councillor grant to cover costs of Christmas events. NOTED.
050/22F Increased expenditure for Youth Shelter: The Chairman wished to ensure that all costs involved
in the work surrounding the installation of the second youth shelter would be clear and the cost is
made available up front. NOTED. The cost has previously been agreed. Additional work
expenditure now needs an agreement. A discussion took place regarding CCTV at Wellesley Court.
The Amenities Committee will look into the feasibility of installing this. Cllr D Crichton also
suggested that the Police be contacted with regards to their thoughts on installing CCTV. NOTED.
It was UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that this Committee agree the additional spend required
once it has been identified by the Amenities Committee.
051/22F Review and amendment of reserves, including creation of additional: This item had previously
been covered. NOTED.
052/22F Financial management of open spaces: This item will be covered and discussed at future meetings
as and when the need arises. NOTED.
053/22F Financial Management of public areas of flats: This item will be covered and discussed at future
meetings as and when the need arises. NOTED.
054/22F Financial Management of resident’s shared parking areas: This item will be covered and
discussed at future meetings as and when the need arises. NOTED.
055/22F Financial Management of Community Hall: Cllr D Crichton mentioned that the only
change that requires noting is that the second smaller meeting room, currently the Parish
Office will now not be available for hire. The agreement continues that WACA manage the
Hall bookings. Cllr A Kirby continues to be a member of the board of trustees. NOTED.
056/22F Award of grant to Citizen’s Advice Bureau: Winchester Citizens Advice had asked the Council
for a grant of £150. It was UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to pay the requested grant money.
057/22F Finance:
a) Orders for payment It was unanimously RESOLVED that the payments detailed on the
Orders for Payment (list 05) should be APPROVED in the sum of £596.19
including VAT and that receipts of £0.00 are noted. Further payments of £949.91
(including VAT) made since the last orders of payment were RATIFIED.
b) Bank Statements: The June bank statements had been previously circulated. The statements
were reviewed and the balances as at 30 June 2021 were agreed. The statements were signed
by the Chairman. NOTED.
c) Accounts: The accounts to 30 June 2021 had been previously circulated. NOTED.
058/22F Parish and Community Hall current funds: This item had previously been covered. NOTED.
059/22F Discuss and agree standing orders and other policies for personnel matters: The Chairman
requested an agreement to ask Cllr A Carden to draft the relevant standing orders and policies for
presentation to this committee. The Chairman will then post his evaluation to ensure it complies with
current law. Councillor will be required to see the standing orders once it had been drafted before
agreeing. NOTED.
060/22F Clerk Training: The Clerk had a query regarding costs involved in CiLCA training, she queried
whether Council deem it necessary to become members of the SLCC. It was confirmed that the
Clerk should join the SLCC at the cost previously identified. NOTED.
061/22F Any other report which the Chairman deems urgent or for inclusion on the next agenda – NO
DECISIONS can be made:
The meeting closed at 9:32 pm. The next Finance Committee meeting will be held on Thursday 9
September 2021.