
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 11.07.19

Minutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021

Members: Cllr F Tingle (Chairperson) (P) Cllr O Barneveld
Cllr A Berry (P) Cllr A Carden
Cllr D Crichton (P) Cllr J Parry (P)
Cllr L Price (P)
Also present D/Cllr Caroline Brook, one member of the public and Tony Daniells, Clerk to the Council..
001/20F Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllrs Barneveld and Carden
002/20F Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest made at this time.
003/20F Election of Vice-Chairman
The Chairman invited nominations for the Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee.
Cllr Price was proposed and seconded.
It was unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr Price be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Finance
Committee for the municipal year 2019/2020.
004/20F Public Participation: The meeting was adjourned at 7.34 pm to allow comments from the public.
The meeting reconvened at 7.48 pm.
005/20F Roles and Responsibilities
a) The Terms of reference for the Finance Committee had been previously circulated. In the discussion
on this item, it was agreed that the Finance Committee should also manage and report on the finances
for the Community Facility. With this one addition, it was unanimously RESOLVED to adopt
the Terms of reference
b) The responsibilities of the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) had been previously circulated. It was
questioned if reporting should be weekly or monthly and it was agreed that at present, monthly
reporting was sufficient. It was unanimously RESOLVED to adopt these as documented.
c) There were no roles for an Internal Auditor presented and it was AGREED to defer this item
until the next meeting to allow the Clerk to investigate further.
006/20F Appointment of an Internal Auditor: It was unanimously RESOLVED to use the services of a
resident with an accounting background, to carry out the duties of the Internal Auditor, and
the Clerk would define responsibilities
007/20F Review of Policies: There were no amendment deemed necessary to the Financial Regulations which
had been previously adopted by Council. NOTED.
008/20F Budget Review
a) The Committee reviewed items in the 2019/20 budget. In the discussion that followed, the Committee
i. Agreed to expand the reporting spreadsheet to show separate columns for income streams
and to add a column to show future spend
ii. Any surplus funds at year end would be added to a Reserve fund
iii. The need for CCTV at the Community Facility and if this was the responsibility of the
building owner or lease. This was to be discussed at a meeting arranged to progress bringing
the Facility into operation.
iv. WCC had asked that funds held by Denmead Parish Council and Southwick and Widley
Parish Council to equip the Community Facility were now transferred to Newlands Parish
Council. These were additional funds to those already included in the budget.
v. Remaining items in the budget were reviewed line by line.
a. WCC had yet to confirm any costs associated with the uncontested election
b. Any insurance claims would require NPC to pay any excess and this should be
allowed for
vi. It was unknown if NPC was classed as a rural or urban parish. This would be added to the
next Council agenda for discussion
vii. The Committee requested an explanation of how the budget and precept were set and how
this resulted in the charge to residents. The Clerk would investigate
viii. Staff salary was in abeyance until the Contract of employment was agreed.
The discussions were NOTED.
b) The Committee considered additional items of spend if funds were available from the existing budget.
The following items were identified
i. Funding for a Christmas Tree, possibly located at the Community Facility. The Clerk would
obtain a price for a 25 feet tree. Costs for transportation and installation may also be incurred.
A second tree was also suggested for elsewhere on the development.
ii. The Community Officer should be asked for any events planned by her
iii. Community Facility income would come to NPC
iv. Benches for outside the Community Facility and other open space. Four or five benches were
v. Additional litter bins for areas identified as needing them. The ongoing cost to empty would
also need to be factored in. Whilst WCC could be asked to provide bins, it may prove quicker
for NPC to fund. It was suggested the businesses moving onto the development should be
asked for a contribution
vi. Ragwort was being cleared by Taylor Wimpey
vii. Ownership of the pond on the boundary between the Granger and Taylor Wimpey
developments was considered to be owned by Grainger. There was a need to clear the pond.
With funding, it could become an attractive area
The above items were NOTED.
009/20F Financial Reporting: It was unanimously RESOLVED that as previously discussed, financial
reporting would be made monthly to each Council meeting. Addition columns would be added
to show income streams and future spend/forecasting
010/20F Parish & Town Council Investment Fund: At present there were no parish projects identified
requiring the need to call on this fund. The Clerk would provide more information on the fund as to
whether it was a one off fund or annual. NOTED
011/20F The Clerk advised that there were retailers in the Parish who may provide help with refreshments for
community events if asked. The Parish Council Chairman would establish contact.
The meeting closed at 8.52 pm. The next meeting will be held on 7 November 2019
Finance Committee meeting – 11 July 2019
Public Sessions
A resident of the parish had posted an idea for a community event to bring residents together. A
bouncy castle or b-b-q were suggested.
Councillors replied that
• A community event has been planned for 20 July, although some residents were unaware of
• A number of events had been planned by Community Officers. Formal evens needed risk
assessments and insurance cover. Informal events did not require this. The resident had
insurance cover and was familiar with risk assessing events
• D/C Brook proposed that when the Community Facility was opened then an event should be
organized then. This was accepted as a good idea but an opening date was yet to be decided.
• Events in Denmead were planned and budgeted for 12 months in advance. Council should
factor this into the budget for 2020/21 and beyond.
• Council could contribute to community events under legislation or Section 137 of the Local
Government Act 1972
• Can NPC budget for a Christmas Tree and ask Grainger for a contribution