
Extraordinary Planning Committee Meeting Minutes 06.05.21

Minutes Uploaded on November 25, 2021

7.00 pm
Members: Cllr O Barneveld (Chair) (P) Cllr A Berry (P)
Cllr A Carden (P) Cllr D Crichton (P)
Cllr A Kirby Cllr J Parry (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr F Tingle (P)
Cllr A Carden was acting Chair at the meeting. Also present Karen Seear, Clerk to the Council and two
members of the public.
009/22P Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr A Kirby.
010/22P Declarations of Interest
Cllr F Tingle wished to declare that she is a resident directly effected by the applications.
011/22P Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes from the Planning Committee Meeting dated 22 April 2021 were received. It was
RESOLVED by a majority that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting be accepted
as an accurate record and will be duly signed by the Chairman at a later date.
012/22P Public Participation: There were two members of the public present. Each gave their views on the
planning applications. These are appended to the minutes.
013/22P Planning Applications:
(3) Newlands
Ref No: 21/00768/DIC Press advert date: Thu 18 Mar 2021
Case No: PP-09645821 Comments by:
Date Valid: Decision due: Unknown
Team: Case Officer:
Proposal: Discharge of conditions 3, 4, 6 (ii) (d), (e), (f), 7, 10, 11 and 18 of planning application 10/02862/OUT
Location: Berewood Phase 1 Hambledon Road Denmead Hampshire.
Comment: The Parish Council of Newlands, by a unanimous decision, raised NO OBJECTION to
this proposal.
(1) Newlands
Ref No: 21/01005/FUL Press advert date: Tue 13 Apr 2021
Case No: PP-09519389 Comments by: 20th May 2021
Date Valid: Decision due: Unknown
Team: Case Officer:
Proposal: South Plot – Erection of 3no. buildings (comprising: building S1 comprising up to 2no. units and
710 sqm GIA; building S2 comprising up to 6no. units and 930 sqm GIA; and building S3
comprising up to 4no. units and 884 sqm GIA (including mezzanines)) for flexible Class E(d)(e)(g),
B2 and / or B8 uses plus associated access, parking, servicing and landscaping.
Location: Land East Of Darnel Road Waterlooville Hampshire.
Comment: Cllr F Tingle made the following remarks. Having read the planning documents in detail she makes
particular reference to the planning statement. Within section 2.1, the applicant states there are no
habitual rooms overlooking the site. She argues this statement. Pictures included in the statement
show the back of coach houses. She believes at least one bedroom or kitchen overlooks the site. A
coach house facing inwards to Beulah Court, also has a view from their living room overlooking
the site. Cllr F Tingle’ own property also overlooks the site. The hours of operation stated in the
application do not follow the hours of operation for the household waste and recycling centre. The
hours of operation for the HWRC were set to minimize the impact on local residents. The hours of
operation the business park proposes are 7am to 9pm throughout the week, closing at 12pm on a
Saturday. The impact of these operational times will severely impact the lives of those residents
living in proximity to the business park. The character of the local area. She feel it will look out
of character and almost form a barrier between the existing properties and the entrance to Urban
park. The proposed units are tall and overbearing, Cllr F Tingle feels they will not fit in. They are
just as tall as the residential properties, if built the development would have a direct view of
residential gardens, bedrooms, living rooms (in the case of coach houses) meaning a loss of privacy.
The loss of light will also impact these properties/residents as the evening sun sets at the area of the
proposed site. After reading the noise reports, the developers state there will be minimal noise, Cllr
F Tingle disagrees with this statement as the amount of predicted vehicles to the site will have an
impact. The movement of vehicles within the development is also a concern, there will be at least
200 cars coming in and leaving every day, these vehicles will create noise and pollution in the
residential area. The loading bays created for each of the plots have loading bays adjacent to the
bund. Lorries using these bays have reversing signal alarms on them, residents will be effected by
the noise emitted from the reversing signals. Lights will be required on site, this is also a concern
as the lights will disrupt residents sleep and wind-down relaxation time. Cllr F Tingle mentioned
that there may be problems with drainage. She made reference to the recent blockage of drains at
Tamworth and Ayrshire Road, this was due to a pump station failure. Taylor Wimpey confirmed
this was due to excess water, if the proposal goes ahead, further waste water will be produced and
it is felt the drainage/pump system may not be able to cope. She went on to echo the thoughts of
the members of the public, that being the fact that within Waterlooville many empty
industrial/business units are vacant (for example Proxima Park and the former BAE site at close
by) could be used for the same purposes. The only benefit of the proposal she stated, is the potential
to use some of the space for community orientated activities such as a climbing wall for children
or pottery classes. However she believes, if there was demand for these activities they could be
taken up in areas already in existence.
The Chairman asked if there were any further comments from the Committee. Cllr D Crichton
mentioned that from a planning perspective the sites in question are classed as an industrial area.
When phase 5 was agreed it was acknowledged that these were still designated. Cllr J Parry
mentioned that a meeting had taken place with the applicant. During the meeting, it was proposed
that the spine road could carry the scope and width of two HGV vehicles. He questioned whether
this had been answered and whether the spine road will be able to accommodate HGV vehicles.
Yellow lines are due to be painted along the road, with the potential of all the extra traffic, he feels
this will push more vehicles into the development which is already heavily populated. Cllr F Tingle
wished to comment on the original phase 5 plans. There was an indication of the plans for the
industrial unit, this being one long building, adjacent to Darnel Road. Had this been the same
proposal, buildings would have been less overbearing for neighbouring properties.
The Chairman summarized the case. On the basis of the discussion he recommended that the Parish
Council object to the proposal. Cllr F Tingle seconded. The Parish Council of Newlands, by a
unanimous decision, raised an OBJECTION to this proposal. There are concerns around
vehicle movements, intrusion into neighbouring properties and to some extent incorrect
information on the application.
(2) Newlands
Ref No: 21/00570/OUT Press advert date: Tue 02 Mar 2021
Case No: PP-09510811 Comments by: 20th May 2021
Date Valid: Tue 02 Mar 2021 Decision due: Unknown
Team: Case Officer:
Proposal: North Plot – Erection of 2no. buildings (Building N1 comprising up to 3no. units and 3,513 sqm of
GIA (including mezzanines) and Building N2 comprising up to 2no. units and 808 sqm of GIA
(including mezzanines)) for flexible Class E(g), B2 and / or B8 uses plus associated vehicular,
pedestrian and cycle access, parking, servicing and landscaping (detailed access, building layouts
and building scale not reserved).
Location: Land West Of Darnel Road Waterlooville Hampshire.
Comment: Cllr D Crichton wished to point out that the land in question has been confirmed as being designated
for industrial use when phase 5 was built. Cllr F Tingle made the following comments regarding
the outline application, she is a concerned over the use of heavy goods vehicles. Safety reports
have stated that Darnel Road, Tamworth Road and Houghton Avenue are adequate to cope with
HGV vehicles. In the absence of yellow lines, she feels this is not possible and once yellow lines
are present, this will push vehicles further into the development. The development is already under
strain with the number of parked vehicles. In the original planning application, all of phase 5 was
industrial, a separate entrance for the industrial estate was planned, meaning that HGV vehicles
would have avoided residential housing. Plans now show that these vehicles will have to drive
through residential areas where children are out at play. These HGV vehicles will also have to
drive through the main route used by families taking their children to and from school. Cllr F
Tingle stated that this is a risk to children, and that children should feel safe when travelling to and
from school. At present, Darnel Road is missing a pedestrian crossing. There is a potential safety
risk for children wishing to cross this road to the play park and football field which could also be
used by the HGV vehicles. She went on to mention concerns regarding visibility, as the nature of
the road blocks visibility in some areas. She feels there is also a potential issue meaning cars and
HGV vehicles may not safely pass each other, which is a cause for concern as there are many
cyclists in the area. The noise and disruption will impact residents in their homes as well as the
residents in the care home. The planned opening hours of this site are 24 hours a day. Deliveries
occurring between 7am and 9pm. Reversing signals, security lighting, noise of doors shutting,
workers chatting on their breaks throughout the day are all likely to disturb residents. Cllr D
Crichton reiterated the fact that this area has been designated for industrial use, such an objection
is unlikely to change that, Cllr F Tingle went on to say that WCC themselves have stated that the
outline planning and design code has expired. Cllr D Crichton says that WCC see no reason for a
change of use. The land would have to be reclassified. Cllr F Tingle questioned whether the
ecology report carried out in 2019 is up to date. Wildlife numbers may well have increased
overtime, the population of slow worm, determined as already present in the area could have
increased. The Chairman then summarized the case, taking into account both Cllr D Crichton’s
and Cllr F Tingle’s views. Cllr F Tingle referred to original plans meaning the whole area was
designated for industrial use, some areas of this land did not sell and residential homes were built
in the parts of the phase. Consideration now needs to be taken so as to reflect the fact that homes
now exist in phase 5 she proposed that the Parish Council object based on this. Cllr J Parry
seconded. There was one vote against and one vote to abstain. Newlands Parish Council by a
majority OBJECTS to the proposal based on the impact to residents and the fact that the use
of phase 5 has changed quite significantly since outline planning permission was granted
years ago.
The meeting closed at 9.11pm. The next meeting will be held on 20th May 2021.
014/22P Outstanding Matters and Matters Arising
015/22P Correspondence: None.

016/22P Decisions Received: There were no decisions to receive. NOTED.
PUBLIC SESSION~Planning Committee 6th May 2021
(3) Newlands
Ref No: 21/00768/DIC Press advert date: Thu 18 Mar 2021
Case No: PP-09645821 Comments by:
Date Valid: Decision due: Unknown
Team: Case Officer:
Proposal: Discharge of conditions 3, 4, 6 (ii) (d), (e), (f), 7, 10, 11 and 18 of planning application
Location: Berewood Phase 1 Hambledon Road Denmead Hampshire.
Comment: The Parish Council of Newlands, by a unanimous decision, raised NO OBJECTION to this
A member of the public commented that she was unable to open some associated documents on the
Winchester City Council website. The Clerk was asked to contact WCC with regards to this issue.
The question was asked whether the infrastructure includes drainage. The member of the public
stated that she would access the documents via the WCC website and if she had any comment to make
she would copy in Newlands Parish Council.
Ref No: 21/01005/FUL Press advert date: Tue 13 Apr 2021
Case No: PP-09519389 Comments by: 20th May 2021
Date Valid: Decision due: Unknown
Team: Case Officer:
Proposal: South Plot – Erection of 3no. buildings (comprising: building S1 comprising up to 2no.
units and 710 sqm GIA; building S2 comprising up to 6no. units and 930 sqm GIA; and
building S3 comprising up to 4no. units and 884 sqm GIA (including mezzanines)) for
flexible Class E(d)(e)(g), B2 and / or B8 uses plus associated access, parking, servicing
and landscaping.
Location: Land East Of Darnel Road Waterlooville Hampshire.
A member of the public wished to comment that she strongly objects to any more industrial units
within Wellington Park. Stating that, several existing units are currently empty, other existing sites in
area are derelict or empty she asked, why build more? She went on to mention that there will be a
reduction in the value of residents properties and air quality is already currently affected. She noted
since the construction of Proxima Park she is cleaning more dust from her home. She also has
concerns that there will be more vehicles on roads which already are unable to cope with the volume
of traffic and she is also concerned for the welfare of the residents in the care home, which she feels
will also be affected by the building of industrial units.
Cllr D Crichton explained that this area has always been designated for industrial use. WCC will not
consider any alternative use, this however does not stop the member of the public making her point.
A member of the public will be submitting her comments and recommendations to WCC planning
department and will copy in Newlands Parish Council. She had a query regarding timing of
completion of the applications and whether AQUIND would have any bearing on the matter.
The Chairman Cllr A Carden stated that the two planning applications will be considered separately
and are considered as different types of applications.
The member of the public wished to remark that the two applications combined make a different
situation. To deal with the matters separately, would be a mistake as this will impact, traffic
management, health of residents and for drainage aspects which are currently under strain.
Cllr D Crichton explained that the AQUIND application has not been decided and a decision will not
be made until the end of the year. He stated that the resident can make comments to WCC, but he
assures her that WCC will not consider the impact of the AQUIND application. A document has been
added to the proposal from Southern water, stating that they see no problem with the drainage
proposal. The resident went on to mention issues current issues surrounding drainage problems which
are still awaiting completion. She states that WCC and Southern water are aware of the issues with
capacity of drainage in the development. She would like clarification as how that is being managed.
The Chairman thanked the resident for her comments and asked her to pass on her concerns to
Winchester City Council planning department.
A resident expressed strong feelings towards being heard and listened to with regards to these matters.
The Chairman assured the resident that all councillors were listening to her concerns.
A resident asked for clarification on how recent the ecological report is. Cllr F Tingle stated that the
report in question was the report from 2019 when the shadow parish council was formed. It was
clarified that all documents concerned have been seen by WCC and are available on the planning