Members: Cllr M Read (Chairman) (P) Cllr A Kirby (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr F Tingle (P)
Also present Cllrs D Crichton and J Parry, Jenni Upstill Grainger Development Manager and Tony
Daniells, Clerk to the Council.
009/21A Apologies: All Councillors were present.
010/21A Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was a Ward Member for
Winchester City Council.
011/21A Minutes: The minutes from the Amenities Committee Meeting held on 4 June 2020 were
received. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the Amenities
Committee meeting be accepted as an accurate record and would be signed at a later
date by the Chairman.
012/21A Public Session: The meeting was adjourned at 7.34 pm to allow comments from
Councillors in the Public Session. The meeting reconvened at 7.36 pm.
013/21A Adoption of Open Space: The Chair referred to a meeting with WCC Officers and the
Clerk had circulated his notes to all Councillors. A presentation was to be given by the
architect for the Pavilion and Nature Reserve when allowed. The Chair was aware that if
the Parish Council did not adopt the open spaces, then WCC could appoint a management
company to manage it and pass on the costs to the Parish without the Parish have any
influence in the matter. The Chair was concerned with finances related to adoption of
open spaces and would like to negotiate a tripartite agreement so that there was no delay
in payment of commuted sums. Any open spaces would need to be to a standard
acceptable to the Parish such that they could undertake maintenance and the commuted
sums should be paid at the same time as adoption.
If open space land was adopted by the Parish, it would require support from WCC
Officers as the Parish Council was new and inexperienced. WCC recognized this and
agree support.
The Clerk also reminded the Committee of outstanding queries raised at the meeting with
WCC Officers.
It was AGREED that the Clerk would contact WCC to confirm if WCC had adopted
the open spaces and received the commuted sums. Cllr Crichton would also ask the
same of Taylor Wimpey. It was further AGREED that subject to clarification on
the current position on adoption, that this Committee recommend to Council that it
agrees to adopt open space land owned by WCC and to progress this.
014/21A Sports Pavilion: Drawings of the proposed Pavilion had been previously circulated. A
question was raised regarding the provision of public toilets at the Pavilion as this was
included in the S106 agreement. Management and maintenance of this facility would need
to be considered. The Chair suggested that the full Council was invited to attend the
presentation by the architect and management of the facility could be considered after that
including potential users of the Pavilion. The use of the car park also needed to be
addressed. It was AGREED that the Clerk would arrange the meeting with the
architect as a first step.
015/21A Youth Shelter: The Committee further considered the location for a second youth shelter.
In the discussion on this item, Councillors considered
• Newlands Walk as a possible location, although it was recognised that this was
close to the Care Home and was also in the Denmead Gap.
• Who would be attracted to the shelter, local youths or those from outside of the
• Asking youth groups for input as to what they might want and use, and to also get
input from the Community Workers.
• The reason for a second shelter
• The condition of other youth shelters in the vicinity
It was AGREED that the Committee would meet to walk a possible location at
10.00am on Saturday 1 August.
016/21A Hire of the Community Hall: The Chair reminded the Committee of the agreement in
principle for a Councillors Surgery on the first Saturday morning of each month. The
Clerk summarised the booking request which was for Friday 1000-1200 and Saturday
1000-1300 for dance classes. The Committee considered the request and how this would
restrict the use of the Hall to other parties. The Chair stated that the Councillor Surgery
could start earlier and be finished by 1100. It was AGREED to respond to the booking
request to check if the dance classes could work with the first Saturday being
available after 1100.
017/20A Other reports: The Chairman asked for a position on allotments. These were in the plan
and would be available at a later date. There was no need for any further consideration at
this time.
Cllr Price asked about renaming areas of open space to names of Councils choosing. Jenni
Upstill asked that any name changes were made sooner rather than later as she was
preparing information boards for these areas.
The meeting closed at 8.39pm
The next meeting of the Amenities Committee is scheduled for Thursday 1 October starting at 7.30pm
Amenities Committee Meeting – Thursday 30 July 2020
Public Session
Jenni Upstill, Grainger’s Development Manager for the development introduced herself and outlined
her role. This was to support the community and make them aware of what was on offer and to market
the development on behalf of Grainger.
Cllr Crichton, speaking during the public sessions raised the following point
i. There would be two areas for allotments on the development. One of these could be a
‘growing space’ for use by the community. There would also be bee hives on the