
Amenities Committee Meeting Minutes 08.04.21

Minutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021

Members: Cllr M Read (Chairman) (P) Cllr A Kirby (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr F Tingle (P)
Also present Cllr D Crichton – Chairman of the Council, Cllr J Parry and Karen Seear, Clerk to the
001/22A Apologies: All Councillors were present.
002/22A Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was a Ward Member for
Winchester City Council.
003/22A Minutes and notes: The minutes and notes from the Amenities Committee Meeting’s held
on 4
th February and 11th March were received. It was unanimously RESOLVED that
the minutes of the meeting held on the 11th March and notes of the Amenities
Committee meeting held on the 4th February be accepted as an accurate record and
would be signed at a later date by the Chairman.
004/22A Public Session: There was no requirement for a public session.
005/22A Adoption of Open Space: It was agreed at this stage of the meeting to allow The Chairman
of the Council, Cllr D Crichton to give a verbal update on a meeting which had taken
place earlier that day. He informed the Council that Havant Borough Council had agreed
that they have a legal obligation to adopt the outstanding open space, subject to the
section 106 agreement. A meeting will take place between the new Head of the estates
team and Kevin Mitchell of Taylor Wimpey to arrange details of the handover. The Parish
Council is considering maintenance of this space, on a contractual basis which would
ensure efficiency of works carried out. This is yet is to be determined and will be
discussed at a future date. NOTED.
The Chairman gave an update on adoption of open space with WCC. Due to co-vid this
is currently on hold and no further action may be considered until 21 June 2021. NOTED.
006/22A Youth Shelter: The Clerk ran through two designs which had previously been circulated
to Councillors. A discussion took place regarding specifications required. Cllr F Tingle
queried whether the location of the shelter had been agreed and it was asked whether a
map could be produced showing the location. Cllr F Tingle stated that when the youth
shelter was originally considered, there had been some concern raised by residents. She
thought that it might be an idea to draft a document which will explain the need for the
youth shelter, ensuring the decision to purchase this item and reasons behind it be
transparent to residents. The Chairman stated that this ought to be carried out with liaison
with the Police, as they suggested the location. As the budget for the shelter had
previously been agreed and the costs may exceed this, the Clerk will gain quotes for the
installation work and bring figures back to the next Finance and Personnel Committee
meeting for consideration. It was resolved by a majority to choose the HAGS four
sided youth shelter and to approve the cost at the next Finance and Personnel
007/22A CCTV: The Clerk provided an update. After contacting Wellesley Court, she had yet to
receive a response. It was suggested that the parent company be contacted with regards
to this matter. The Clerk will provide an update at the next Amenities Committee
meeting. NOTED.
008/22A Allotments: The allotments are now expected in 2023. In the meantime Grainger have
provided a Community Planter project. This is proving popular and successful with
residents. There has been a request for some funding for a contribution towards prizes
for a children’s competition that residents wish to hold. It was suggested that the Clerk
ask for clarification on the type of prizes and amount of funding required. This
information will then be bought back to the special Finance Committee meeting due to be
held on 22 April 2021for approval. NOTED.
009/22A Other reports: The Chairman gave an update regarding legislation to extend virtual
Council meetings. There was a discussion regarding the upcoming Annual Council
Meeting. A decision will be made regarding details of this event, once further information
becomes available. NOTED.
The meeting closed at 8.01pm
The next meeting of the Amenities Committee is scheduled for Thursday 27th May starting at 7.30pm
Amenities Committee Meeting – Thursday 1 October 2020
Public Session
Cllr Crichton, speaking during the public sessions raised the following point
i. The Community Hall could be used as an extension of the Parish Office during the Covid-19
period so that office regulations could apply. Meetings would only be for Council or
Councillor meetings. Cllr L Price would verify that the legislation allowed for this.