Members: Cllr M Read (Chairman) (P) Cllr A Kirby (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr F Tingle
Also present Cllr D Crichton and Tony Daniells, Clerk to the Council.
018/21A Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr F Tingle.
019/21A Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was a Ward Member for
Winchester City Council.
020/21A Minutes: The minutes from the Amenities Committee Meeting held on 30 July 2020 were
received. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the Amenities
Committee meeting be accepted as an accurate record and would be signed at a later
date by the Chairman.
021/21A Public Session: The meeting was adjourned at 7.32 pm to allow comments from
Councillors in the Public Session. The meeting reconvened at 7.35 pm.
022/21A Adoption of Open Space: The Clerk gave an update on outstanding matters. WCC now
owned the open space at Wellington Park and had received the commuted sums. He also
gave a figure from WCC for maintenance of these spaces. In the following discussion, the
Committee considered that
• Open spaces at Wellington Park could be adopted at the start of the new municipal
year in April using the current contractor subject to Full Council agreement. This
would allow the Council time to go out to tender for a new maintenance contract.
• There would be a need to tender for maintenance in the following year
• Take on open spaces sooner that later so that the Parish Council had control over
maintenance of the land and spend of the commuted sums
• Dual use bins were installed for litter and dog fouling. The Committee discussed
enforcement of fouling and whether a bye-law would be needed or if this came under
newer legislation.
• Costs for vandalism should be factored in to budget considerations such as
replacement benches or maintenance to the play area.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council that the open spaces
at Wellington Park were adopted at the start of the 2021/22 Municipal Year using
the current maintenance contractor until a new tender is published and accepted.
023/21A Youth Shelter: Members of the Amenities Committee had visited possible locations for a
youth shelter with the Police. A location on Newlands Walk close to the stile on the B2150
Hambledon Road was agreed. It should be close to the road so that it could be viewed
from the road. The type of shelter had still to be agreed and the Clerk would ask Grainger
for details of the shelter installed by them at the Town Park. The cost of the shelter would
be included in the 2021/22 budget. The shelter should be covered by CCTV and the Care
Home would be asked if the CCTV could be fixed to the corner of their building. This
would be a longer term requirement when recording of footage could be from a Parish
Council office.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council that a youth shelter
was installed at Newlands Walk in 2021/22 at the location previously identified.
024/21A 2021/22 Budget: The Committee considered sums to be included in the 2012/22 budget.
a) The costs to maintain open space land once adopted would be covered initially from
the commuted sums.
b) A Ranger should be employed to manage open space when adopted, and other works
to be identified. The role would be part time for some 16 hours a week, but would
increase as the workload increased. The salary would be in the range of £16,300 –
£16,800 pro rata.
c) A second goal post had been asked for by the youth on the development. Cllr Crichton
would enquire of D/Cllr C Brook the cost and supplier of the one goalpost already
d) Costs to manage the allotment would need to be factored into a budget when they
became available. The Clerk would ask of Grainger when the allotment might be
available and how many were in the plans. Cllr M Read would ask Denmead PC for
details of their allotment policy. It was also suggested that the Ranger could manage
e) The Sports Pavilion was some 2 years away and would be included in the 2022/23
budget. The Clerk would ask if commuted sums came with the Sports Pavilion.
It was AGREED that the items identified would be taken to the budget setting
025/20A Other reports: The Clerk referred to a request to install some protection around the Green
on Landrace Square to protect it from vehicle damage. WCC had declined to action this
but it may be raised with the Parish Council once the land was adopted. Cllrs M Read and
D Crichton would visit the location to assess it.
The Chairman referred to a visit by the Mayors of both Winchester and Havant. They
were both impressed with what they saw and would like to continue to promote the
development as a joint area.
The meeting closed at 8.10pm
The next meeting of the Amenities Committee is scheduled for Thursday 3 November starting at 7.30pm
Amenities Committee Meeting – Thursday 1 October 2020
Public Session
Cllr Crichton, speaking during the public sessions raised the following point
i. The Community Hall could be used as an extension of the Parish Office during the Covid-19
period so that office regulations could apply. Meetings would only be for Council or
Councillor meetings. Cllr L Price would verify that the legislation allowed for this.