
Agenda – Full Council Meeting 21.01.21

Agendas Uploaded on December 7, 2021

Newlands Parish Council Agenda Page 1
Tel: 02393 092357 email: Date: 15 January 2021
Clerk to the Council: Karen Seear
You are summoned to attend the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING
of NEWLANDS PARISH COUNCIL as detailed below:
Karen Seear
Clerk to the Council
7.30 pm THURSDAY 21 January 2021 via a Zoom conference
To join the meeting, use the following details: Meeting ID: 576 123 0357
Password: 278588
MEMBERS: Cllrs David Crichton (Chair), Olivia Barneveld, Tony Berry, Adam Carden,
Andy Kirby, Jason Parry, Lewes Price, Mike Read and Fiona Tingle
1 Apologies: To receive any apologies for absence
2 Declarations of Interest: Arising from this Agenda, Members and Officers are invited to declare any
relevant interests. Notwithstanding this item, Members may subsequently declare an interest at any point
during the meeting.
3 Minutes: To receive and agree the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 17th December 2020 and sign
or agree signature at a later date.
4 Matters arising and outstanding matters from Previous Minutes
Vandalism at Auger Way: A reply from Taylor Wimpey on keys to bollards is awaited.
5 Public Participation
The meeting will recess for not more than 15 minutes so as to allow any members of the public to
address the meeting.
6 County and District Councillors Reports
a) To receive a report and any apologies from the County Councillor
b) To receive a report and any apologies from the District Councillors
7 Parish Matters
i. Development and Adoptions: To receive any update on building progress and road adoptions. To
consider and agree any action.
ii. Community Plan: To receive any update. To consider and agree any action.
iii. HBC Land. To receive a verbal update on Havant BC land in Wellington Park. To consider and
agree any action.
iv. Removal and replacement of trees: To consider and discuss trees, ensuring replacement trees
are mature enough to provide adequate screening from noise and views as this may have been
part of the planning permission when granted.
8 Communications
a) Website: To receive any update on changes and management of the Council’s website. To note.
b) WCC: To receive correspondence from Mark Maitland concerning a request for funding for
sports activities. To consider any action.
c) Mayor of Winchester Community Awards: To receive correspondence regarding nominations.
To note.
Newlands Parish Council Agenda Page 2
9 Outside Bodies: To receive any reports following meetings/communications with outside bodies
a) Southern Parishes: The meeting was held on 11 January 2021. To receive the notes from this
meeting and to consider any matters arising.
b) Aquind: To receive an update from the Chairman. To note.
10 Annual Parish Assembly Meeting 2021: To consider and determine action with regards to how this
meeting can take place due to current restrictions.
11 Parish Office Opening Hours: To consider the opening hours of the Parish office, once current
lockdown restrictions are lifted.
12 Finance:
Orders for Payment: To consider and approve the Orders for Payment (List 13 previously circulated) and
sign or agree signature at a later date.
13 Any other report which the Chairman deems urgent or for inclusion on the next agenda – NO
DECISIONS can be made.