7.30 pm THURSDAY 16 JANUARY 2020
Newlands Community Hall, Newlands Avenue, Waterlooville, PO7 3BX
MEMBERS: Cllrs David Crichton (Chair), Olivia Barneveld, Tony Berry, Adam Carden,
Andy Kirby, Jason Parry, Lewes Price, Mike Read and Fiona Tingle
1 Apologies: To receive any apologies for absence
2 Declarations of Interest: Arising from this Agenda, Members and Officers are invited to declare any
relevant interests. Notwithstanding this item, Members may subsequently declare an interest at any point
during the meeting.
3 Minutes: To receive and agree the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 5 December 2019.
4 Public Participation
The meeting will recess for not more than 15 minutes so as to allow any members of the public to
address the meeting.
5 County and District Councillors Reports
a) To receive a report and any apologies from the County Councillor
b) To receive a report and any apologies from the District Councillors
6 Parish Matters
i. Community Space: To consider any matters related to the hiring of the Community Hall,
including confirmation of fees. To consider and determine action.
ii. To receive any update on an agreement with WACA for temporary management of the
Community Space and to agree signing of the agreement. To consider and agree the proposal.
iii. Implementation Officer’s Report: To receive any report and to consider registrsation of vehicles
to use the HWRC. To consider and determine any action.
iv. Road parking: To receive any update on issues with parking. To consider and determine action
v. Road Adoptions: To receive an update on preparations to make the roads on the development
ready for adoption by HCC Highways. To consider and agree any action.
vi. Christmas Tree: To receive a report following the community event to switch on the Christmas
Tree lights and to learn any lessons for the future. To consider any action.
vii. VE Day Street Parties: To consider any involvement of Newlands Parish Council in street parties
being organised to celebrate VE Day. To consider and determine any action.
7 Communications
a) Correspondence: To receive any correspondence not covered elsewhere in the agenda.
i. Aquind: To receive briefing note no 5 advising of the formal acceptance by the Planning
Inspectorate of the formal planning submission. To consider and determine any action.
b) Website: To receive any update on development of a new website. To consider and determine any
c) Newsletter: To further consider if, when and how a newsletter will be prepared by the Parish Council and
how this will be distributed. To consider and agree any action.
Newlands Parish Council Agenda Page 2
8 Outside Bodies: To receive any reports following meetings/communications with outside bodies.
i. Any update on members of the Armed Services moving into the development. To note.
ii. HCC: To receive any update following attendance by the Chairman at the HCC Local Councils’
Conference on 19 November in Winchester. To consider and agree any matters arising.
9 Finance
a) Orders for Payment: To consider and approve the Orders for Payment (List 10 previously circulated).
b) Precept 2020/21: To formally consider and agree the Budget (previously circulated) and
Precept figure for 2020/21. To agree (i) the Budget and (ii) to confirm the Precept demand
to WCC for 2020/21.
c) Office Door Lock: To receive a price for moving the combination lock to the office door. To
consider and agree moving the lock.
10 To receive the Minutes, Reports, Recommendations and Resolutions from the meetings
listed below
Note: In accordance with S.O.12(c) the only Minutes to be received by Council are those that
have been approved by the appropriate committee.
a) None to receive.
11 Any other report which the Chairman deems urgent or for inclusion on the next agenda – NO
DECISIONS can be made