
Agenda – Finance Committee Meeting 09.01.20

Agendas Uploaded on December 7, 2021

7.30 pm THURSDAY 9 JANUARY 2020
Community Hall, Newlands Avenue, Waterlooville
MEMBERS: Cllrs Fiona Tingle (Chair), Olivia Barneveld, Tony Berry, Adam Carden, David
Crichton, Andy Kirby, Jason Parry, Lewes Price and Mike Read
1 Apologies: To receive any apologies for absence
2 Declarations of Interest: Arising from this Agenda, Members and Officers are invited to declare any
relevant interests. Notwithstanding this item, Members may subsequently declare an interest at any
point during the meeting.
3 Minutes: To receive and agree the Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on 7 November
4 Public Participation: The meeting will recess for not more than 15 minutes so as to allow any members
of the public to address the meeting.
5 Hall Business Rate: WCC have approved an exemption to the business rate for the community part of
Newlands Hall. To note.
6 Finance
a) Orders for Payment: To consider and approve the Orders for Payment (List 10 previously circulated).
b) Bank Statement: To receive and agree the bank balances (previously circulated) as at 31 December
2019 noting the refund of VAT claimed so far. To confirm the Balances and for the Chairman to
sign the statement
c) Accounts: To receive the Accounts for December 2019. (previously circulated) To consider and
determine any action.
7 Budget Review 2019/2020
a) To review the 2019/20 budget items and timing of spend
b) To consider any additional spend in 2019/20 and how to fund this.
i. Blinds for the Hall
ii. Mugs for the kitchen with NPC logo
c) Capital Reserve: To receive a proposal from Cllr Price that a sum should be earmarked in a Capital
Reserve account. To consider and agree action.
8 Budget 2020/21
a) To consider and determine the budget for the year 2020/21.
b) To consider and agree the Precept figure for 2020/21. This figure will be communicated to WCC on 10
January and confirmed by Full Council on 16 January 2020.
9 Any other report which the Chairman deems urgent or for inclusion on the next agenda – NO
DECISIONS can be made