Newlands Parish Council Finance Committee Agenda Page 1
Tel: 02393 092357 email: Date: 23 June 2021
Clerk to the Council: Karen Seear
of NEWLANDS PARISH COUNCIL as detailed below:
Karen Seear
Clerk to the Council
7.30 pm THURSDAY 29 JULY 2021
Newlands Community Hall, Newlands Avenue, Waterlooville,
Hampshire, PO7 3BX
MEMBERS: Cllrs Lewes Price (Chair), Olivia Barneveld, Adam Carden and Andy Kirby.
1 Apologies: To receive any apologies for absence.
2 Declarations of Interest: Arising from this Agenda, Members and Officers are invited to declare any relevant
interests. Notwithstanding this item, Members may subsequently declare an interest at any point during the
3 Minutes: To receive and agree the Minutes of the Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting held on 17
June 2021.
4 Public Participation: The meeting will recess for not more than 15 minutes so as to allow any members of
the public to address the meeting.
5 Correspondence: None
6 Management and conduct of the committee meetings: To discuss and agree action.
7 Review of Budget: To consider and agree action.
8 Financial Management of asset replacements: To consider and determine action.
9 Funding for replacement of assets required April 2022, the proposed costs and specifications of the
replacements: To receive any update. To consider and agree action.
10 Notification of the legal obligations to fund H&S and welfare requirements, for staff: To consider and
determine action.
11 Additional funding to Clerk for use of personal equipment for parish work and travel: To consider and
determine action.
12 Additional Travel costs for Chair, due to the Council’s duty to adhere to the Equality Act 2010: To
consider and determine action.
13 Forward planning of next year’s budget, new and amended budget items and financial forecasts. To
consider and determine action.
14 Increased expenditure for Youth Shelter: To consider and determine action.
15 Review and amendment of reserves, including creation of additional: To consider and determine action.
16 Financial management of open spaces: To discuss and agree action.
17 Financial Management of public areas of flats: To discuss and agree action.
18 Financial Management of resident’s shared parking areas: To discuss and agree action.
19 Financial Management of Community Hall: To discuss and agree action.
20 Award of grant to Citizen’s Advice Bureau: To consider action.
21 Finance:
a) Orders for Payment: To consider and approve the Orders for Payment (List 05 previously circulated).
b) Bank Statement: To receive and agree the bank balances (previously circulated) as at 30 June 2021. To
confirm the Balances and for the Chairman to sign the statement
c) Accounts: To receive the Accounts for June 2021. (previously circulated) To consider and determine
any action.
Newlands Parish Council Finance Committee Agenda Page 2
22 Parish and Community Hall current funds: To consider any action.
23 Discuss and agree standing orders and other policies for personnel matters: To consider action.
24 Clerk Training: To receive an update of costs and to reconsider whether membership of the SLCC is
required. To consider action.
25 Any other report which the Chairman deems urgent or for inclusion on the next agenda – NO
DECISIONS can be made.