Newlands Parish Council Amenities Committee Agenda Page 1
Tel: 02393 092357 email: Date: 24 September 2021
Clerk to the Council: Karen Seear
You are summoned to attend the AMENITIES COMMITTEE MEETING
of NEWLANDS PARISH COUNCIL as detailed below:
Karen Seear
Clerk to the Council
7.30 pm THURSDAY 30 SEPTEMBER 2021
Newlands Community Hall, Newlands Avenue, Waterlooville,
Hampshire, PO7 3BX
MEMBERS: Cllrs Mike Read (Chair), Andy Kirby, Lewes Price and Jason Parry.
1 Apologies: To receive any apologies for absence.
2 Declarations of Interest: Arising from this Agenda, Members and Officers are invited to declare any
relevant interests. Notwithstanding this item, Members may subsequently declare an interest at any point
during the meeting.
3 Minutes: To receive and agree the Minutes of the Amenities Committee Meeting held on 8 July 2021.
4 Public Participation: The meeting will recess for not more than 15 minutes so as to allow any members
of the public to address the meeting.
5 Correspondence: None
6 Parish Warden Report:
a) To receive a report from the Parish Warden. To consider and determine action.
b) Parish Warden Training: The Clerk has researched training courses relevant to the Parish Warden,
previously circulated. Any course funding will require approval by the Finance and Personnel
Committee and Full Council. To consider and determine action.
7 Adoption of Open Space: To receive any updates on the adoption process.
a) Requirement for Solicitor: A budget for the work required to instruct a solicitor to carry out
work related to the transfer of land was determined at the last meeting of full Council.
The Amenities Committee now needs to consider which Solicitor to use. Quotes have previously
been gained. To consider and determine action.
b) Community Litter Pick. The Warden has been in contact with Trashbusters, a voluntary
group of litter pickers. To receive an update regarding the work they have been carrying out.
To discuss and determine action.
8 Christmas Event: The Council would like to hold Christmas events for the community. An application
for a Councillor Grant is in hand. To discuss ideas and plans relating to events. To discuss and
determine action.
9 Amenities Committee Budget: The Finance and Personnel Committee have asked each Committee for a
budget forecast for next year. To consider what the budget is expected to be. To discuss and determine
10 Land Registry: It has been suggested by Full Council to make use of the services offered by the Land
Registry. To consider and determine action.
11 Other reports: Any other report which the Chairman deems urgent or for inclusion on the next agenda –
NO DECISIONS can be made.