
Agenda – Amenities Committee Meeting 08.07.21

Agendas Uploaded on December 7, 2021

Members: Cllr M Read (Chairman) (P) Cllr A Kirby (P)
Cllr L Price (P) Cllr J Parry (P)
Also present Cllr D Crichton – Chairman of the Council and Karen Seear, Clerk to the Council.
019/22A Apologies: All Councillors were present.
020/22A Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Read declared an interest as he was a Ward Member for
Winchester City Council.
021/22A Minutes: The minutes from the Amenities Committee Meeting’s held on 27 May 2021
were received. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting be
accepted as an accurate record and were signed by the Chairman.
022/22A Public Session: There was one member of the public present.
023/22A Adoption of Open Space: A list of outstanding matters has been drafted and passed onto
Winchester City Council. It is anticipated that the date for taking on this land will be
around September/October this year. Cllr A Berry queried whether the emergency work
had been completed with regards to the fencing? He pointed out that this work was urgent.
The Chairman stated that Winchester City Council are working their way through the list,
the grass had been cut shortly after this was pointed out by Council. Cllr L Price
mentioned that it had been quite a task for the grounds men as the grass had become so
long. NOTED.
024/22A Youth Shelter Report: The Clerk had drafted a report. The Committee was happy with
the report. The Chairman thanked the Clerk for the report. NOTED.
025/22A Youth Shelter Installation: At Full Council it was asked that the youth shelter matter be
returned to as Cllr A Berry had concerns regarding it being a facility within the Parish.
Cllr A Berry asked to see the risk assessment for the shelter. At present the council has
not drafted a risk assessment. He stated that the Parish Council has a duty of care to
residents to provide a risk assessment. Cllr D Crichton felt this may have already been
covered as there had been a consultation with Police. Cllr A Berry felt this was not
adequate enough and legally there should be a written risk assessment. Cllr A Berry had
been out of action at the time of the decision making process regarding the shelter. He
felt he had not been kept informed with regards to how the matter was progressing. As
the Council’s health and safety officer he had been unable to pass comment on the correct
process. The Chairman asked Cllr A Berry to write a full report on the matter and to take
the matter back to Full Council for discussion. Cllr A Kirby mentioned that with regards
to installation of the shelter it could be asked that the manufacturers contractors could
provide their own risk assessment to cover their work. He then asked Cllr A Berry to
explain what the risk assessment should cover? Cllr A Berry stated that the risk
assessment should cover what is likely to happen once the shelter is in place, this measure
needs to be taken for insurance purposes. Cllr D Crichton queried whether a similar risk
assessment had been carried out for the youth shelter at the Town Park. The shelter is in
the Havant area of the development and Cllr A Berry had asked for the risk assessment to
be made available to him, but so far he had not yet had a response. Cllr A Berry will carry
out a risk assessment and bring it back to Full Council. NOTED. Cllr D Crichton then
asked Cllr A Berry whether risk assessments will be required for every item of Parish
owned equipment? He asked the Chairman to confirm with Winchester City Council’s
legal department as to whether this is required. NOTED.
The Chairman queried whether the requirement for the health and safety representative is
currently suitable? He suggested using a individual outside of the Committee, as there
may be a conflict of interest. Cllr A Kirby stated that at present there is no member of
staff performing risk assessments. He suggested that a member of staff be trained on such
matters and carry out risk assessments accordingly. An outside body could also be
contacted to assist Council. This matter will be discussed further at Full Council. The
Chairman will also get advice as to what is required. NOTED.
026/22A Requirement for a Solicitor: As part of the adoption process a solicitor will be required.
The need for this had previously been determined. The Chairman suggested that a local
company be used as had been the case in previous years. Cllr D Crichton asked to see
who would be available for this, he also thought it may be worth asking WCC for
suggestions. The Clerk mentioned she sought several quotes and had received one quote.
Other quotes will be gained and then bought back to Full Council. NOTED. It was also
suggested that a solicitor be made available for use by the Council should anything further
arise. The Clerk was asked to make enquiries regarding this. NOTED.
027/22A Other reports: Council had received an application for the position of Parish warden. The
Chairman asked if the Committee was willing to consider the application. The application
will be passed on to the interview panel for consideration. If the panel is satisfied with
the application then the applicant will be invited for an interview. NOTED.
The meeting closed at 8.23pm.
The next meeting of the Amenities Committee is scheduled for Thursday 8
th July 2021 starting at
Public Participation:
A member of the public in attendance wished to express her concerns over the on-going drainage health
and safety issue that has arisen at the play area within the Wellington Park development. At present the
drainage issue has meant that the play area is off limits to everyone as there has been a leak into the
area. Youths had been playing at the area and sewerage had come to the surface. The Chairman and
Cllr D Crichton appreciated the matter being hi-lighted but wished to point out that this land does not
belong to Newlands Parish Council and is a matter for Havant Borough Council. The resident wished
to point out that is effecting resident. Newlands Parish Council will raise concerns regarding the issue.
The second matter the resident wished to hi-light was that she feels the capacity for drainage in the
development is not adequate so as to ensure the area does not flood. The Chairman asked whether the
resident had contacted local Councillors with regards to the issue. He suggested also copying in the
Chief Executive Officer at Havant Borough Council and in complying the correspondence to copy in
Newlands Parish Council. The resident queried whether the Parish Council has access to the drainage
report? Cllr D Crichton stated that with limited powers the Council is limited as to what it can do. The
resident was also asked to document her concerns and pass this on to the Clerk for discussion at Full
Council or the Highways and General Purpose Committee. Cllr A Berry stated that he would be able
to write up a report on the issue at the play area and bring it to the attention of the Clerk who can then
pass it on to the relevant bodies. NOTED.
The resident has a great concerns regarding the proposed youth shelter, she had been speaking to fellow
residents and they have expressed concerns regarding female safety when out walking dogs alone and
restricted visibility in the area. She believes the shelter will attract certain types of usage. It was at the
point that the Chairman asked the resident to put her concerns in writing to the Clerk, as committee was
having a great deal of trouble understanding what she was saying, as her facemask muffled her voice.
Cllr D Crichton pointed out that the youth shelter has the full backing of a the police, a report has been
drafted which is available from the Clerk. The resident queried whether residents had been asked for
their opinions regarding the matter? Residents have access to minutes of council meetings and the
youth shelter has been minuted in at least 3 separate Council meetings. The police would like Council
to place a youth shelter in the area as they believe it will reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour.
Police and Councillors have been out to the area and have determined an ideal area to situate the shelter.
The shelter will be visible from the main road and this will also help to deter crime.