Tel: 02393 092357 email: Date: 29th January 2021
Clerk to the Council: Karen Seear
You are summoned to attend the AMENITIES COMMITTEE MEETING
of NEWLANDS PARISH COUNCIL as detailed below:
Karen Seear
Clerk to the Council
7.30 pm THURSDAY 4 FEBRUARY 2021
To join the meeting, use the following details: Meeting ID: 576 123 0357
Password: 278588
MEMBERS: Cllrs Mike Read (Chair), Andy Kirby, Lewes Price and Fiona Tingle
1 Apologies: To receive any apologies for absence
2 Declarations of Interest: Arising from this Agenda, Members and Officers are invited to declare any
relevant interests. Notwithstanding this item, Members may subsequently declare an interest at any point
during the meeting.
3 Minutes: To receive and agree the Minutes of the Amenities Committee Meeting held on 1 October 2020
and sign or agree signature at a later date.
4 Public Participation: The meeting will recess for not more than 15 minutes so as to allow any members
of the public to address the meeting.
5 Adoption of Open Space: This is delayed due to Co-vid. To receive any further update from the
Chairman. To consider and determine any action.
6 Youth Shelter: To further consider the type of shelter to install. To consider and agree any purchase
and recommend this to Council.
7 Allotments: To receive a memo from the clerk regarding allocation and management of allotments.
To consider and determine action.
8 Budget: To consider and agree the Amenities budget for 2021/22.
9 Parish Noticeboards: To consider and determine action regarding the renovation and use of the
Parish noticeboards.
10 Any other report which the Chairman deems urgent or for inclusion on the next agenda – NO
DECISIONS can be made.
11 Exempt Business: To pass a resolution in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings)
Act 1960 to exclude the public and press for discussion of the following personnel or confidential matters
where publicity might be prejudicial to the special nature of the business.
There is one item of exempt business relating to a staffing matter.